Community > Posts By > gilmourgirl

gilmourgirl's photo
Fri 06/15/12 08:59 AM

a nice thread for rumors,,,


who ya gonna believe Caroline or some anonymous 'source'?

The Kennedys are fairly smart and political, IM sure if the OBamas arent able to meet with them EVERY Time they ask, it doesnt feel like a 'snub' family have VERY close friends they cant always hook up with and we are not in the white house

as to Clinton, he released a book this past year that gives his point of view on things,,and what things need to be done,,there is no indication he doesnt 'support' OBama , if anything, he is giving sound advice about what is needed for an OBama win

he is also a part of the group that send emails out to WIN support for the Obama campaign,,,

dont believe the hype and be very weary of 'anonymous' sources,,,

Who cares what Caroline thinks? Who even cares about the Kennedys? They were as hypocritical and corrupt as Obama and his cronies.

Ckinton might be handing out Obama fliers and what not but that's only to stay true to his party. He does not like Obama. Period.

gilmourgirl's photo
Fri 06/15/12 07:24 AM
Clinton has never been crazy about O-blame-a. Who did he tell back in '08 "A few years ago this guy would've been serving us drinks!" Talking about Obama. Lol! No he does not want Obama to win. Good for him. As a lib he wasn't a bad pres.

gilmourgirl's photo
Fri 06/15/12 05:04 AM

This is more "our"problem than Afghanistan or Iraq actually. This will directly impact the the worst way due to the fact that Iran wants Israels *** baaad. Screw the U.N. and the Amnesty fools. Do they really think Iran cares about them? Israel is the size of what...Rhode Island? And they are surrounded by countries who want them wiped out. Damm right they should stop that "aid" to Gaza. They've already proven that weapons are trying to get through.
However Israels military is bad-asss. Only ONE plane hijacking in their history. They don't play and who can blame them?

Screw the U.N. and the Amnesty fools???

I agree with you That Gaza/Palestine is Americas problem or more to the point................

Israel is Americas Problem

Israel has long been our ally. If Iran gets decides to get nastier with us you will want Israel as our ally.

And yes, screw the U.N. and Amnesty Int'l.

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:28 PM

...which is why he's on (P)MSNBC... laugh laugh no one takes Rev Al seriously. They all know he's a windbag. He isn't worth the time it takes to get mad at him. Easier to laugh at him. He's a clown.

I worry that he has the power to cause a race riot. Look what happened to Reginald Denny during the Los Angelos riots???

It was the Simi Valley jurors who caused the LA riots. An all-white jury aquitting the cops who beat King. If anyone has the power to begin a race riot its the New Black Panther party. Race riot is just a way for races to steal and act stupid. They won't riot for civil rights. They could care less about Sharpton and his ilk. They see free stuff. That's all they see in a riot. They don't see the actual cause the way they did in Watts.

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:20 PM
This is more "our"problem than Afghanistan or Iraq actually. This will directly impact the the worst way due to the fact that Iran wants Israels *** baaad. Screw the U.N. and the Amnesty fools. Do they really think Iran cares about them? Israel is the size of what...Rhode Island? And they are surrounded by countries who want them wiped out. Damm right they should stop that "aid" to Gaza. They've already proven that weapons are trying to get through.
However Israels military is bad-asss. Only ONE plane hijacking in their history. They don't play and who can blame them?

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:02 PM
...which is why he's on (P)MSNBC... laugh laugh no one takes Rev Al seriously. They all know he's a windbag. He isn't worth the time it takes to get mad at him. Easier to laugh at him. He's a clown.

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:51 PM
And btw I watch BET. I voted for Lil Wayne as rapper of the year and enjoy their throwback theater movies.

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:48 PM
I wouldn't call the Reverand Al an extreme racist. He just has the "Whitey owes us" mentality. Look back at Tawana Brawley in the 80s when he stood up loud n proud for her only to find out she had lied about being raped by 3 white guys. She was just out past curfew and didn't wanna get in trouble at home. He's an attention whore and will sieze any opportunity to be heard. If he winds up with egg in his face he disappears quickly. He did a few talk spots with Ann Coulter and well he tried lol. He's rather comical. But extreme racist? Naah. Just looking out for the black community but not getting all the facts first. He tends to jump the gun.

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 09:08 AM
Msharmony wasn't talking about race regardng her discrimination claim. She meant the other programs in place, the ones those taxpayers had put money into up until they retired. Why should they be tested for money they are entitled to? It came out of their paychecks. Welfare bums DON'T WORK. Tell me how they are entitled to/put their money into it? How do you put govt money handouts back into a govt program? They don't. They pisss it away.

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:57 AM
That page couldn't be found but that looks like a bs site.

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 05:12 AM
Have you hear Obamas new radio ad geared toward the black community? Its horribly insulting towards black people. He feels that the only way to get the black vote is with a Soul Train sounding jingle saying "He's got cho back!" I wonder how many blacks were offended by this.

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 05:00 AM
And here we are with that sad excuse of a leader Obama heading our country down the same path as Europe. He's too ignorant to see it hasn't worked for them yet he and his cronies are taking us down that same path. Thanks to all who voted this dipshiit into office because they were expecting something free.

Leader in German is "Fuhrer". What a coincidence.

gilmourgirl's photo
Wed 06/13/12 08:01 PM
No, its Puffington Post as they are liberal hippies on dope.

gilmourgirl's photo
Wed 06/13/12 06:33 PM

Consider the "source" of this poll..the puffington post. Of COURSE they're gonna say that. No shock here.
The "source" would be the polling firm Powell Tate and KRC Research. The reporting would be the Huffington post and they realy are not that liberal more like middle of the road but yes left of Foxnews.

Personaly I blame fox news for your confussion.

No shiit Sherlock that's what I meant. The Puffington Post will twist every poll or piece of news that shows the Right in a positive light. That was my whole point.

By the way its "confusion".

gilmourgirl's photo
Wed 06/13/12 05:59 PM

Lol Ron Paul..

This is a great way to "weed" out those deserving of a handout as opposed to the other slackers who are even lazier. Great way to keep taxes down as well. Anyone so quick to defend the welfare class should go under the bridge and spend time with them. They sell their EBT for .50 on the dollar, they use their handout for pills and such, they basically don't care about improving themselves as long as the Liberal Government keeps supporting them. That's MY money they're blowing, hell yes test their lazy butts.

You laugh at Paul, I welcome you to mingle anyway, and totally agree with your statement as I have worked with those "under the bridge" people. Many are veterans sadly, unable to cope, allowed to slip thru the cracks of society.

Ron Paul is history Mister. And the bridge dwellers aren't all vets. One can only slip thru societal cracks only if they choose to.

Paul may make history, but not quite current history yet.

I worked with vets for a couple years. Many thru the soup kitchens and shelters. Not all are vets, but many of them.

And you are right, most there by choice or circumstance. Many with what today we call PTSD, and just didn't fit when they came home.

They don't deserve to be looked down on, and they don't want pity or help (Psychiatric), they just want to be left alone... or paid.

I don't look down on them, but I don't pity the homeless either. They have opportunity and options to better themselves through education, job training and such. Ronald Reagan said it best when he said they are homeless by choice. Hmmm maybe I DO look down on them. Why do veterans declare they will die for this country yet return only to live by the bottle? Some, not all, mind you. Why do people say they are poor yet they continue to have kids they can't feed? Why did they drop out of school? Oprah Winfrey was asked why she doesn't help people here like she does in Africa. Her answer? "BECAUSE THERE IS OPPORTUNITY IN AMERICA". Can't argue with that even if she is a Liberal.

gilmourgirl's photo
Wed 06/13/12 05:46 PM
Obama is helping with these leaks. He is very much anti-American. That's been long known.

gilmourgirl's photo
Wed 06/13/12 05:35 PM

Lol Ron Paul..

This is a great way to "weed" out those deserving of a handout as opposed to the other slackers who are even lazier. Great way to keep taxes down as well. Anyone so quick to defend the welfare class should go under the bridge and spend time with them. They sell their EBT for .50 on the dollar, they use their handout for pills and such, they basically don't care about improving themselves as long as the Liberal Government keeps supporting them. That's MY money they're blowing, hell yes test their lazy butts.

You laugh at Paul, I welcome you to mingle anyway, and totally agree with your statement as I have worked with those "under the bridge" people. Many are veterans sadly, unable to cope, allowed to slip thru the cracks of society.

Ron Paul is history Mister. And the bridge dwellers aren't all vets. One can only slip thru societal cracks only if they choose to.

gilmourgirl's photo
Wed 06/13/12 04:58 PM
Lol Ron Paul..

This is a great way to "weed" out those deserving of a handout as opposed to the other slackers who are even lazier. Great way to keep taxes down as well. Anyone so quick to defend the welfare class should go under the bridge and spend time with them. They sell their EBT for .50 on the dollar, they use their handout for pills and such, they basically don't care about improving themselves as long as the Liberal Government keeps supporting them. That's MY money they're blowing, hell yes test their lazy butts.

gilmourgirl's photo
Wed 06/13/12 04:44 PM
Consider the "source" of this poll..the puffington post. Of COURSE they're gonna say that. No shock here.

gilmourgirl's photo
Wed 06/13/12 11:58 AM
Either 20-somethings or older bums. Can't win either way.

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