Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 06/13/12 09:35 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 06/13/12 09:36 PM

From Oanda

Due to the extreme volatility some market analysts foresee could result in the coming days, OANDA fxTrade will not accept any trading activity from 6:00 AM EST until approximately 3:00 PM EST, on Sunday, June 17, 2012. OANDA believes the convergence of a major market event during off-market hours represents a potential trading risk and has taken this rare step to protect traders from excessive rate fluctuations.

Please note that during this halt in trading, you can still access your account details but no trading activity will be accepted. For this reason, OANDA strongly recommends that all traders consider minimizing currency exposures prior to the trading halt.

If you do intend to maintain open positions during this period, be aware that OANDA will hold exchange rates steady during the trading halt. However, when trading resumes, rates will immediately adjust to the current market rate and it is possible that the updated rate could result in a margin closeout if the price has moved significantly against your positions.

Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate funds in your account to prevent a margin closeout.

OANDA apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.

For more information, please contact a Customer Service representative.

Best regards,

The OANDA team

What do you get when you mix counterparty and agency risk, and throw in some currency collapse fear for good measure?


no photo
Wed 06/13/12 09:47 PM
I warned our city counsel of the demise of the dollar and how it would happen last Monday, and said, "It's not all bad though. I've got this vertical system that will feed my family and am working towards self-sufficiency for myself and neighbors."

It got a couple chuckles from the counsel and no comment. I'm okay with that. When SHTF, my baby will eat fresh organic, my tobacco expenses will be $0.30/pack, and my own food will be majority grown as well, and our sense of community is at an all time high. Even if the dollar loses 90%+ of its value, I know at least we wont starve.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 06/14/12 12:42 AM

I warned our city counsel of the demise of the dollar and how it would happen last Monday, and said, "It's not all bad though. I've got this vertical system that will feed my family and am working towards self-sufficiency for myself and neighbors."

It got a couple chuckles from the counsel and no comment. I'm okay with that. When SHTF, my baby will eat fresh organic, my tobacco expenses will be $0.30/pack, and my own food will be majority grown as well, and our sense of community is at an all time high. Even if the dollar loses 90%+ of its value, I know at least we wont starve.
hope you'll have plenty Troops an Ammunition!
against Marauders and the Local and Federal Authorities!

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 04:05 AM
I saw this morning that Greece's banks are taking a hit with people withdrawing funds, this is going to hit bad. People around the world are watching as to see what trickle down effects there will be. I am praying they come out of it quickly, is that possible????

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 05:00 AM
And here we are with that sad excuse of a leader Obama heading our country down the same path as Europe. He's too ignorant to see it hasn't worked for them yet he and his cronies are taking us down that same path. Thanks to all who voted this dipshiit into office because they were expecting something free.

Leader in German is "Fuhrer". What a coincidence.

willing2's photo
Thu 06/14/12 06:29 AM

And here we are with that sad excuse of a leader Obama heading our country down the same path as Europe. He's too ignorant to see it hasn't worked for them yet he and his cronies are taking us down that same path. Thanks to all who voted this dipshiit into office because they were expecting something free.

Leader in German is "Fuhrer". What a coincidence.

I would bet, oBlowme knew it going in.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:24 AM

The 1st sign should have been his acceptance of a position at the head of the UN Council...THAT'S TREASON! A leader can NOT serve 2 masters! and we the people are supposed to be his masters....NOT THE UN!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:37 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 06/14/12 09:28 AM
This from another post should be enough to certify our POTUS as an unAmerican usurper!

The US and European economy is about to go into the toilet on a scale MUCH larger than 2008 or the Great Depression of '29.

Hyper-inflation is months, NOT years away!

You've heard of the people in Russia once needing wheelbarrows of money to buy a loaf of bread? WORSE!..... The fiat dollars of the world will buy NOTHING! WORTHLESS the creators and controllers lose the confidence of nations and their people! TOTAL collapse of the banking system as we know it!

Other nations are in a rush to disconnect from the dollar and the euro! Creations of the privately owned central banking cartel without the "actual" resources of gold and silver, or other hard commodities, to cover the losses! OVER $700 TRILLION AT LAST ESTIMATE!

We have no safety net on our dollar since '71 when they removed the last traces of our currency to the gold standard!

NO POTUS will save us! It's TOO late! With the current driver we have at the wheel of our "clown car" full of "leaders", it will happen before most can prepare!

Some have asked why the "new" provisions under the NDAA and Patriot Act for martial law, the end of 1st amendment freedoms (all under Obozos' term of office), why foreign troops are training for riot control in the USA, why drones are now flying Americas skies...

Well.... you have your answer! Are you still laughing at those who warned? I can only hope your incite is better than the evidence shows....

I would love to be proven wrong, embarrassed, and laugh with you!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 06/20/12 09:29 AM

Are you ready?