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Topic: Extremist Racist being given a Humanitariam Award.
willing2's photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:03 PM
BET is honoring Rev. Al Sharpton with its Humanitarian Award at their annual BET Awards, according to the New York Daily News. Sharpton has made his mark fighting for social justice. The recent cases of Trayvon Martin and Ramarley Graham are just two examples of the causes that Rev. Sharpton has championed. The New York Daily News has the story:

What insanity.

If Not-so-Sharpton is as much a humanitarian as David Duke is a Civil Rights leader.slaphead

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:08 PM
Edited by Ladylid2012 on Thu 06/14/12 07:08 PM
It's Black Entertainment Network....and THEIR humanitarian award . They can give it to who they want.

Sharpton has done a lot for the civil rights of the black community.

Why do you care, do you watch BET????

willing2's photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:13 PM
He even got paid not to march against the developers who bought up Harlem.

So much for being a humanitarian.

I don't have cable any longer.

I like the messages Tyler Perry's Madea character offers.

Not-so-Sharpton is a media ho scavenger.

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:48 PM
I wouldn't call the Reverand Al an extreme racist. He just has the "Whitey owes us" mentality. Look back at Tawana Brawley in the 80s when he stood up loud n proud for her only to find out she had lied about being raped by 3 white guys. She was just out past curfew and didn't wanna get in trouble at home. He's an attention whore and will sieze any opportunity to be heard. If he winds up with egg in his face he disappears quickly. He did a few talk spots with Ann Coulter and well he tried lol. He's rather comical. But extreme racist? Naah. Just looking out for the black community but not getting all the facts first. He tends to jump the gun.

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:51 PM
And btw I watch BET. I voted for Lil Wayne as rapper of the year and enjoy their throwback theater movies.

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 07:55 PM
Here is a perfect example of Rev Sharpton's intelligence. He thrives on media attention, because he is too stupid to get a real job.
Tawana Brawley rape allegations
The accusations soon earned her notoriety, which was inflamed by Brawley's ... a grand jury concluded in October 1988 that Brawley had not been the victim of a ... Sharpton, Maddox, and Mason generated a national media sensation. ... Dutchess County Assistant District Attorney Steven Pagones" were false and had no ...Where's Sharpton's Apology for Accusing a White Man of Raping a Black Teen? logo
June 14, 2012
Where's Sharpton's Apology for Accusing a White Man of Raping a Black Teen?
By Larry Elder

"Meet the Press" host David Gregory asked his panel "where civility has gone in our public discourse." Incredibly, one panelist urged people to be more "mature" and not "poison the atmosphere."

I say "incredibly" because this panelist was none other than the race-hustling, anti-Semitic "civil rights activist" and MSNBC talk show host, Al Sharpton. For some reason, Sharpton's own struggles with civility never came up. Nor did any panelist behave so rudely as to bring up Sharpton's role in one of the most hideous, disgusting and cynical uses of the race card this side of the O.J. Simpson case. And Sharpton, unlike Rush Limbaugh, refuses to apologize.

While this raises little or no concern to MSNBC or its advertisers, Sharpton became famous by falsely accusing a white man of raping a black teenage girl. Tawana Brawley, then 15, told authorities that white racists abducted, raped and sodomized her -- scrawling the initials "KKK" on her in human feces.

A grand jury later found the entire incident a complete hoax. This did not stop the Rev. Al Sharpton, who had accused Steven Pagones, then an assistant district attorney in Duchess County, N.Y., of the crime. After Sharpton's accusation, Pagones received death threats, and his young daughter was later threatened.

"We stated openly that Steven Pagones did it," said Sharpton. "If we're lying, sue us, so we can go into court with you and prove you did it. Sue us -- sue us right now."

Pagones did sue.

A jury unanimously concluded that Sharpton defamed Pagones, ordering Sharpton to pay him $65,000. The Reverend promptly and publicly said he did not intend to pay. Later, when Sharpton decided to run for president, the outstanding defamation debt became a political problem. So Sharpton's one-percenter buddies passed the hat and paid off his debt, which by then totaled $87,000 with interest and penalties.

Civility, Rev. Al? In 1989, a young white woman, dubbed the "Central Park jogger," was monstrously raped and nearly beaten to death. Sharpton insisted -- despite the defendants' confessions -- that her black attacker-suspects were innocent, modern-day Scottsboro Boys trapped in "a fit of racial hysteria." Sharpton charged that the jogger's boyfriend did it and organized protests outside the courthouse, chanting, "The boyfriend did it!" and denouncing the victim as a "whore!"

Sharpton appealed for a psychiatrist to examine the victim, generously saying: "It doesn't even have to be a black psychiatrist. ... We're not endorsing the damage to the girl -- if there was this damage." (The convictions of the accused were eventually vacated, despite their taped confessions, after another man -- whose DNA matched -- confessed to the rape in 2002.)

Civility, Rev. Al? Sharpton once called former Marine, magna cum laude graduate, lawyer, professor and then-Mayor David Dinkins -- New York City's first and only black mayor -- a "n--ger whore turning tricks in City Hall."

Civility, Rev. Al? In 1991, when a 7-year-old black child was accidentally killed in Crown Heights after a car driven by a Hasidic Jew went out of control, Sharpton led 400 protesters through the Jewish neighborhood. There were four nights of rock and bottle throwing. A young Talmudic scholar was surrounded by a mob shouting, "Kill the Jew," and stabbed to death. After deriding Jews as "diamond merchants," Sharpton said, "If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house."

Civility, Rev. Al? The Jewish owner of Freddy's Fashion Mart in Harlem raised the rent on a black sub-tenant. At one of the many rallies designed to frighten the owner, Sharpton called him a "white interloper." Following a demonstration three months later, one of the protestors, a black man, stormed Freddy's Fashion Mart with a pistol, screaming: "It's on now! All blacks out!" In addition to shooting, he set fire to the building, eventually killing himself and seven others.

Initially, Sharpton denied having spoken at any rallies and refused to accept any responsibility for poisoning the atmosphere. When tapes surfaced showing Sharpton speaking, he said, "What's wrong with denouncing white interlopers?" Eventually, he apologized -- for saying "white," but not for saying "interloper."

Sharpton refuses to apologize for Tawana Brawley. He assumes liberal bias will prevent the media from asking him about Brawley. Or, he will accuse them of racism if they do: "I did what I believed. ... They are asking me to grovel. They want black children to say they forced a black man coming out of the hardcore ghetto to his knees. ... Once you begin bending, it's, 'Did you bend today?' or: 'I missed the apology. Say it again.' Once you start compromising, you lose respect for yourself."

In other words, falsely and unapologetically accusing a white man of raping a black teenage girl is no barrier to hosting a talk show on MSNBC or lecturing the nation on civility.

Rush Limbaugh twice apologized to the Georgetown law student for calling her a slut. Sharpton has never apologized for calling Steven Pagones a rapist.

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:02 PM
...which is why he's on (P)MSNBC... laugh laugh no one takes Rev Al seriously. They all know he's a windbag. He isn't worth the time it takes to get mad at him. Easier to laugh at him. He's a clown.

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:08 PM

...which is why he's on (P)MSNBC... laugh laugh no one takes Rev Al seriously. They all know he's a windbag. He isn't worth the time it takes to get mad at him. Easier to laugh at him. He's a clown.

I worry that he has the power to cause a race riot. Look what happened to Reginald Denny during the Los Angelos riots???

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:09 PM

It's Black Entertainment Network....and THEIR humanitarian award . They can give it to who they want.

Sharpton has done a lot for the civil rights of the black community.

Why do you care, do you watch BET????

Al not so Sharpton does nothing for the black community, he does however do quite a lot for Al Sharpton!

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:12 PM

Al Sharpton is nothing more than a dumb version pf Jesse Jackson (another professional race hustler) and Louis Farrakhan (out and out racist)

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:14 PM

It's Black Entertainment Network....and THEIR humanitarian award . They can give it to who they want.

Sharpton has done a lot for the civil rights of the black community.

Why do you care, do you watch BET????

Al not so Sharpton does nothing for the black community, he does however do quite a lot for Al Sharpton!

BET voted him in not me.
I don't really care bored...
not worth putting my energy into.

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:28 PM

...which is why he's on (P)MSNBC... laugh laugh no one takes Rev Al seriously. They all know he's a windbag. He isn't worth the time it takes to get mad at him. Easier to laugh at him. He's a clown.

I worry that he has the power to cause a race riot. Look what happened to Reginald Denny during the Los Angelos riots???

It was the Simi Valley jurors who caused the LA riots. An all-white jury aquitting the cops who beat King. If anyone has the power to begin a race riot its the New Black Panther party. Race riot is just a way for races to steal and act stupid. They won't riot for civil rights. They could care less about Sharpton and his ilk. They see free stuff. That's all they see in a riot. They don't see the actual cause the way they did in Watts.

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:32 PM

It's Black Entertainment Network....and THEIR humanitarian award . They can give it to who they want.

Sharpton has done a lot for the civil rights of the black community.

Why do you care, do you watch BET????

Al not so Sharpton does nothing for the black community, he does however do quite a lot for Al Sharpton!

BET voted him in not me.
I don't really care bored...
not worth putting my energy into.

I'm just responding to your statement that he has done a lot for the civil rights of the black community.

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:42 PM

It's Black Entertainment Network....and THEIR humanitarian award . They can give it to who they want.

Sharpton has done a lot for the civil rights of the black community.

Why do you care, do you watch BET????

Al not so Sharpton does nothing for the black community, he does however do quite a lot for Al Sharpton!

BET voted him in not me.
I don't really care bored...
not worth putting my energy into.

I'm just responding to your statement that he has done a lot for the civil rights of the black community.

No, your just posting cause your a big deal around here now...


If the black community thinks he's been helpful and they vote for him then..ya know, whatever. I'm not a part of the black community,
not my deal.

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 09:10 PM

...which is why he's on (P)MSNBC... laugh laugh no one takes Rev Al seriously. They all know he's a windbag. He isn't worth the time it takes to get mad at him. Easier to laugh at him. He's a clown.

I worry that he has the power to cause a race riot. Look what happened to Reginald Denny during the Los Angelos riots???

It was the Simi Valley jurors who caused the LA riots. An all-white jury aquitting the cops who beat King. If anyone has the power to begin a race riot its the New Black Panther party. Race riot is just a way for races to steal and act stupid. They won't riot for civil rights. They could care less about Sharpton and his ilk. They see free stuff. That's all they see in a riot. They don't see the actual cause the way they did in Watts.

The more I see of your posts the more I like. Yes you are correct. Oprah Winfrey even made a statement regarding the Looting in Louisiana too, the black community is the only race that destroys it's own neighborhoods, all in the name of a new big screen TV. LOL

Italy0219's photo
Thu 06/14/12 09:15 PM
No one cares about Al...frustrated

USmale47374's photo
Thu 06/14/12 09:55 PM
I rather like Revernd Al, and typically agree with his opinions, but what do I know? I'm just a middle-class white male, a member of the currently targeted class of the Republican Party; just a well-educated, hard-working American who sees the financial disparity between the very wealthy and very poor of this country to be an even greater threat to the survival of the United States than the deficit that frightens such a huge number of my fellow citizens.

Oh, and racism in the United States is still quite evident in most parts of the country. Most poeple who deny that are racists, themselves, even though many may not even be aware that they are.

msharmony's photo
Thu 06/14/12 10:02 PM

I rather like Revernd Al, and typically agree with his opinions, but what do I know? I'm just a middle-class white male, a member of the currently targeted class of the Republican Party; just a well-educated, hard-working American who sees the financial disparity between the very wealthy and very poor of this country to be an even greater threat to the survival of the United States than the deficit that frightens such a huge number of my fellow citizens.

Oh, and racism in the United States is still quite evident in most parts of the country. Most poeple who deny that are racists, themselves, even though many may not even be aware that they are.

I think he is BOTH an opportunist and someone who happens to have done alot in and for the civil rights movement,,,

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 06/14/12 10:25 PM

It's Black Entertainment Network....and THEIR humanitarian award . They can give it to who they want.

Sharpton has done a lot for the civil rights of the black community.

Why do you care, do you watch BET????

Al not so Sharpton does nothing for the black community, he does however do quite a lot for Al Sharpton!

BET voted him in not me.
I don't really care bored...
not worth putting my energy into.

I'm just responding to your statement that he has done a lot for the civil rights of the black community.

No, your just posting cause your a big deal around here now...


If the black community thinks he's been helpful and they vote for him then..ya know, whatever. I'm not a part of the black community,
not my deal.

Hey, I was posting when I was a no deallaugh

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/15/12 02:17 AM
This is a reminder to discuss the topic at hand, not the members. Everyone has their own opinions toward the topic.


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