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Optomistic69's photo
Thu 06/14/12 11:45 AM
In September 2011, the UN released the so-called Palmer Report on Israel’s attack against the Freedom Flotilla in May 2010. The report deemed Israel’s blockade legal, however it was widely considered to be a politicized whitewash and contained the crucial caveat that “its conclusions can not be considered definitive in either fact or law."
Also in September 2011, shortly after the Palmer Report was released, an independent UN panel of experts released a report concluding that Israel’s blockade of Gaza does indeed violate international law, stating that it amounts to collective punishment in “flagrant contravention of international human rights and humanitarian law.” In reference to Palmer, the independent experts wrote:
‘In pronouncing itself on the legality of the naval blockade, the Palmer Report does not recognize the naval blockade as an integral part of Israel's closure policy towards Gaza which has a disproportionate impact on the human rights of civilians.’

Human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and the International Committee of the Red Cross also consider the blockade and siege to be acts of collective punishment that contravene international law.
A 2009 Amnesty International report following Operation Cast Lead, Israel’s devastating military assault on Gaza in the winter of 2008-9, stated:
‘The prolonged blockade of Gaza, which had already been in place for some 18 months before the current fighting began, amounts to collective punishment of its entire population.

‘The Fourth Geneva Convention specifically prohibits collective punishment. Its Article 33 provides: “No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.”’

A June 2010 statement issued by the International Committee of the Red Cross entitled “Gaza closure: not another year!” noted:
‘The whole of Gaza's civilian population is being punished for acts for which they bear no responsibility. The closure therefore constitutes a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of Israel's obligations under international humanitarian law.’

no photo
Thu 06/14/12 11:48 AM
Is it legal to launch rockets and bombs at innocent civilians?

mightymoe's photo
Thu 06/14/12 11:48 AM

Is it legal to launch rockets and bombs at innocent civilians?

only when they do it to Israel, according to some in here

mightymoe's photo
Thu 06/14/12 11:56 AM

Is it legal to launch rockets and bombs at innocent civilians?

only when they do it to Israel, according to some in here

some people seem to think it ok to kill innocent Israeli citizens, but not anyone else. other countries can protect their borders, but not Israel.

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 06/14/12 12:11 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Thu 06/14/12 12:12 PM
‘The whole of Gaza's civilian population is being punished

for acts for which they bear no responsibility.

The closure therefore constitutes a collective punishment

imposed in clear violation of Israel's obligations

under international humanitarian law.’

mightymoe's photo
Thu 06/14/12 12:15 PM

‘The whole of Gaza's civilian population is being punished

for acts for which they bear no responsibility.

The closure therefore constitutes a collective punishment

imposed in clear violation of Israel's obligations

under international humanitarian law.’

then they should stop helping Hamas and lobbing bombs into Israel, killing innocent civilians... don't you think it would stop then?

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 06/14/12 12:23 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Thu 06/14/12 12:24 PM
Also in June 2010, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay,

condemned the blockade as a form of collective punishment against the civilian population of Gaza,

stating: "I have consistently reported to member states that the blockade is illegal and must be lifted."

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 06/14/12 12:37 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Thu 06/14/12 12:38 PM
Three Mile Fishing Limit.

The Norm is 200 Miles

And Israel Claims Good-will by leaving Gaza

Gaza is a Hermetically Sealed entity.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 06/14/12 12:42 PM

Three Mile Fishing Limit.

The Norm is 200 Miles

And Israel Claims Good-will by leaving Gaza

Gaza is a Hermetically Sealed entity.

is that Egypt on their border? not very Hermetically Sealed, is it?
Israel never had to give up Gaza, they did it as a good will faith, and the muslim blew that good will by running arms and bombs through kill innocent Israeli civilians...

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 06/14/12 12:54 PM
is that Egypt on their border? not very Hermetically Sealed, is it?
Israel has a veto over those Egyptian crossings.

Nothing moves in or out of Gaza without Israels permission.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 06/14/12 12:57 PM

is that Egypt on their border? not very Hermetically Sealed, is it?
Israel has a veto over those Egyptian crossings.

Nothing moves in or out of Gaza without Israels permission.

huh... on the map you posted, it says there is only one restricted crossing... but i guess you know best, after all the times you've been there... but even so, if the muslims would at least try to get along with Israel, the problem would be solved...

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 06/14/12 01:00 PM
I have deleted several post within this thread. Please let me remind you if you post within a thread we ask that you keep as close to the subject as possible. Highjacking threads are against the rules. Even though we realize it does happen once in a while that is normal. But to continue to high jack and not keep threads as a debate is against the rules..

Site Mod

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 06/14/12 01:48 PM
huh... on the map you posted, it says there is only one restricted crossing...


Israel has a veto on everything and everybody that goes through that crossing.

It is fairly obvious what Israel is trying to achieve.

They want to separate Gaza from The West Bank.

Chazster's photo
Thu 06/14/12 02:07 PM

huh... on the map you posted, it says there is only one restricted crossing...


Israel has a veto on everything and everybody that goes through that crossing.

It is fairly obvious what Israel is trying to achieve.

They want to separate Gaza from The West Bank.


willing2's photo
Thu 06/14/12 02:11 PM

huh... on the map you posted, it says there is only one restricted crossing...


Israel has a veto on everything and everybody that goes through that crossing.

It is fairly obvious what Israel is trying to achieve.

They want to separate Gaza from The West Bank.


No business of ours.

Maybe France or Ireland will go straighten them out.

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 06/14/12 02:44 PM

huh... on the map you posted, it says there is only one restricted crossing...


Israel has a veto on everything and everybody that goes through that crossing.

It is fairly obvious what Israel is trying to achieve.

They want to separate Gaza from The West Bank.


As if that was OK....

s1owhand's photo
Thu 06/14/12 03:28 PM
There is no blockade of humanitarian goods.
Just weapons and materials used to support terrorist activities.


Chazster's photo
Thu 06/14/12 03:55 PM

huh... on the map you posted, it says there is only one restricted crossing...


Israel has a veto on everything and everybody that goes through that crossing.

It is fairly obvious what Israel is trying to achieve.

They want to separate Gaza from The West Bank.


As if that was OK....

It's their place to blockade. If we want to blockade our borders we can do that too. Anyway I don't think they need weapons. Not our problem anyway.

willing2's photo
Thu 06/14/12 05:11 PM

huh... on the map you posted, it says there is only one restricted crossing...


Israel has a veto on everything and everybody that goes through that crossing.

It is fairly obvious what Israel is trying to achieve.

They want to separate Gaza from The West Bank.


As if that was OK....

It's their place to blockade. If we want to blockade our borders we can do that too. Anyway I don't think they need weapons. Not our problem anyway.

Off Topic.
It would be a great idea for us to block our Southern Border.

I would get reallllly PO'ed if NATO said we couldn't keep Illegals out.

gilmourgirl's photo
Thu 06/14/12 08:20 PM
This is more "our"problem than Afghanistan or Iraq actually. This will directly impact the the worst way due to the fact that Iran wants Israels *** baaad. Screw the U.N. and the Amnesty fools. Do they really think Iran cares about them? Israel is the size of what...Rhode Island? And they are surrounded by countries who want them wiped out. Damm right they should stop that "aid" to Gaza. They've already proven that weapons are trying to get through.
However Israels military is bad-asss. Only ONE plane hijacking in their history. They don't play and who can blame them?

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