Community > Posts By > KELLYLS30

KELLYLS30's photo
Tue 01/29/08 03:10 PM
i prefer he calls BEFORE he is late!!

KELLYLS30's photo
Tue 01/29/08 03:09 PM
i think it should come up naturally in a conversation. i dont think it hsould be "on the agenda" with a time limit. but personally, if a guy brings it up fairly soon into a conversation, i generally back up and cut off any further conversation.

KELLYLS30's photo
Tue 01/29/08 03:04 PM


KELLYLS30's photo
Mon 01/28/08 08:07 PM
Edited by KELLYLS30 on Mon 01/28/08 08:18 PM

So sad this had to happen

It was an M5..... there's a video of a state trooper talking and the aftermath on bottom of second link. trooper said there was an 80 foot high berm at end of runway they caught 200 feet of air off of, into a big oak tree!

The car flew through the air for 200 feet, he said, and struck an oak tree 15 feet off the ground, splitting the vehicle in two

A 2008 BMW M5....What a sad loss of such a great automobile...

sad sad sad sad sad

your sympathy for the 5 families of these young men is overwhelming......why not show some consideration for the deceased and their families!!!

if any members of JSH are friends or family of these 5 young men, my thoughts and prayers are with you and their families. may God keep them close in His arms.

KELLYLS30's photo
Mon 01/28/08 06:31 PM
at least im not the last one to show up!!

KELLYLS30's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:49 PM

KELLYLS30's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:43 PM

KELLYLS30's photo
Sun 01/27/08 02:57 PM

KELLYLS30's photo
Sun 01/27/08 02:47 PM
i like that one

KELLYLS30's photo
Sun 01/27/08 01:30 PM

a drug dealing prostitute laugh

are there any other kind? haha

KELLYLS30's photo
Sun 01/27/08 01:22 PM

frown i can see them though...i mean on my profile, maybe its becoz av just put them up, so it mite take sum time to show...i hope so anyway!


KELLYLS30's photo
Sun 01/27/08 01:07 PM

KELLYLS30's photo
Sun 01/27/08 10:54 AM
everybody has likes and dislikes.....dont worry about what other people think.

KELLYLS30's photo
Sat 01/26/08 10:27 PM

actually im not doing anything wrong...

I'm not saying you are doing anything wrong - now. But moving down there would be...

im not trying to make the decision to move ...god knows i aint ready for that anyway
im just trying to sort it all out.

KELLYLS30's photo
Sat 01/26/08 10:25 PM

i will tell you like i tell all my girlfriends...what makes you think you are the special chosen one? im not saying that to be mean to you...what i mean is, if hes done it to her, what makes you think he wont do it to you down the road. history repeats careful babe!

im not saying he wont. but who is to say that he will. everybody can change. and i think we have all made mistaes in our lives.
and if it comes to that and he does, then i would pick myself up and go on. im not afraid to leave...i left my ex-husband with the clothes on my back and my 5 months old child(who is no longer with me). i am a brave woman and i have become a lot stronger due to my past. a wild horse can always be broken, just have to find the right trainer.

KELLYLS30's photo
Sat 01/26/08 10:16 PM
Edited by KELLYLS30 on Sat 01/26/08 10:20 PM

In all honesty, it sounds like you are trying to get people here to justify what you really want to do, but you need that justification because in your heart - you know it's the wrong thing to do.

actually im not doing anything wrong...except answering the phone. i have not given him any hope or promise of anything! i keep telling him he needs to be honest with himself as well as both of us women. i have been straight-up with both of them. i refuse to lie to her if she asks me a question.

KELLYLS30's photo
Sat 01/26/08 10:15 PM
Edited by KELLYLS30 on Sat 01/26/08 10:31 PM
ok...i think i got it. i figure he'll call on monday. we'll see. and i have told him before and i will tell again when he calls that i dont want him to leave her for me. if he leaves her i needs to be because he honestly is not happy there. because until then he is not free to get to know me or anyone else . i will tell him not to call me until he has broken all ties with her. i will wait until the end of Feb. to give him time to rent a place and get his own phone. if he has not called by Feb. 29. i refuse to answer any more calls.

does that sound ok?

KELLYLS30's photo
Sat 01/26/08 09:58 PM
Edited by KELLYLS30 on Sat 01/26/08 10:00 PM
it sounds like yur stalling and making excuses and the longer you hold on the more it will hurt and be harder to leave-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

im not making excuses. im just trying to get it all straight in my head before i decide what to do.

KELLYLS30's photo
Sat 01/26/08 09:52 PM
Edited by KELLYLS30 on Sat 01/26/08 09:54 PM

does it not say something on her part that she keeps putting profiles on the internet with his info, and his pic.....she is doing it because they are in english and he dont speak much english at all. i have an inside view and this is all being done while he is at work.

Its sounds like SOMETHING way to out of control to be involved with,,,,,STRANGE and twisted,,,for her to "WANT" to do that for her GUY!!!! No sense to make of it, and he has to have some guy friends who could show him or do a profile for him,,,but THEN AGAIN,,,How the hell does HE TALK in emails then,,,,through HER????? Yuk,,,
A three way that YOU don't even KNOW YOUR HAVING,,,lol,,,lol
Thats all ate up!!!indifferent

actually all the emails to me from HIM were in his language...all the profiles are in english!! she has even put up profiles for his brother who just got here from his home country..speaks no english....and his profiles are in english.

KELLYLS30's photo
Sat 01/26/08 09:50 PM

Looks like he thought it was over and she even helped him set up the online profiles. Like she wanted him to move on. Now she doesn't want to let him go. But he isn't strong enough to stand up to her.

No, I don't think you are being played.

Yes, I do think you should get out. The last thing anyone needs is drama of any sort.

You say she showed up at his house. Then you say he said you two could stay at a hotel until finding a place. Sound like his house wasn't really his house after all. Is it their house? In that case, he has to take control of his life and get out before he can move on. Until that happens, there is no place for in it it.

Tell him if you are still available once he gets his life together, you might consider it, but until then, you can't be in the middle of this drama and that you will continue to look around.

i have told him that and he keeps telling me that he wants us to look for a place together. ha just told me yesterday that they were buying the place. i kinda think he is afraid to let go of what he has paid for (she doesnt work). and wants me to be part of choosing where i would be comfortable living. however, im not saying im willing to move just yet. i have told him he is not free to get to know me until it is over with me!! i have not done anything to make either of them think i am trying to interfere in their lives. i do not call him...he always calls me. and i always tell him, if he wants to be with me, then he has to make the move instead of waiting for her to move out.