Community > Posts By > CarlHofflander

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Fri 06/19/09 12:04 PM
Crack? Why not meth? lol pitchfork

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Fri 06/19/09 12:00 PM
I don't mean to be a downer, but I don't like that secular (non-religious) people view the world as good or bad based on religious ideas. So if you smoke, have sex, redline a motorcycle on a back road, etc; you're a ''badboy or badgirl''. I think that's stupid.

Bad or good is how you treat people. Unless you think religiously, in which case; everyone is evil. So if you're a sweetheart that swallows; then you're a very good (and very cool :P) person. Hence; a good girl. Don't let the church give you your ideas if you don't like them. You know?

That being said; here's why nice people finish last. We think everything is a sin. People start to love the idea of being a ''hethen'', and if you treat people good (even if you enjoy all the same outlawed things) you seem weird to them and they'll spit on you. Sad world. Oh well; let's party anyway :)

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Fri 06/19/09 11:48 AM
I loved Jury Duty! Why does everyone ''supposedly'' hate that one? lol. It was pretty good :)

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Fri 06/19/09 11:42 AM
Edited by CarlHofflander on Fri 06/19/09 11:44 AM
Awesome thread guyundisputed. My favorite part is ''Don't tell us we're wrong..... we'll stop trying to convince you''. That's so true.

I have one: Stop judging the existance of soulmates on steriotypical men endorsed by hollywood. But feel free to compare me to the cretins you've dated, I'll be happy to make them look like crap :D

One more: Doing everything for you makes me happy, even if you don't reach the bar I've raised. But if you want a slave, buzz off queen bee :P

You've got me inspired dude, lol: We want to know your friends and make them laugh, and even make fun of them too in hilariously mean ways..... to make them laugh, lol. But if you believe so strongly that your partner can't be your best friend, we won't try at all, and it'll get you depressed eventually.

Don't be so girly to us. There's a reason nature made us men; we're wierd. We like dirt, bugs, muscle cars, grease, Tim Taylor grunting on Tool Time, haha, adrenaline. We like flowers too, but come onnnnn. Baby talk is for babies and rats aren't that scary :P

Don't tell us that we can't save the world....... we can ;) Ever hear of Supergirl or Wonderwoman? You can too.

That is all for now, lol.

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Thu 06/18/09 03:33 PM
Edited by CarlHofflander on Thu 06/18/09 03:34 PM
I was born in Waukegan (near downtown). But we moved around a lot. We lived on the Fox river in Wisconsin for five years and I loved it. The river was our back yard. And most of the trees were very climbable :D Even when I was in Waukegan, I was always over at my cousins in Wadsworth on their huge forested property climbing trees, swing on a rope into the pond, playing king of the hill on piles of logs (my uncle is in tree removal), etc. It was awesome. Needless to say; I hate living in Chicago. I was a little bored in Wisconsin thinking ''I wish their was somewhere to go''. But now that I live in the City; you're SURROUNDED..... by a bunch of nothing :P Clubs and bars aren't my thing, and how many times can you really go to the same little shops? Walking downtown and looking around is fun, but I could just as easily live out in the beautiful nature with trees and lakes and animals, and take a drive out to the city.

Things I do like about Chicago:

1. Everybody's tattooed, even the police :D
2. Tons of diversity.
3. Lots of music and crazy events :P
4. People are cold and distant as strangers, but the friends you DO make are frickin' awesome!
5. Great food all around ya, yum yum ;)

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Thu 06/18/09 03:17 PM
Thanks Fearandloathing, great advice :D

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Wed 06/17/09 03:36 PM
Haha :D

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Wed 06/17/09 03:35 PM
Edited by CarlHofflander on Wed 06/17/09 03:35 PM
Thanks Julesss. That's awesome that you want to join the peace corp :) And I have some advice for you on learning about other cultures; make some penpals. It's more real than anything you'll be taught in a school. And obviously; schools have advantages too.

Anyhow; I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I think a good idea would be to make an extremely long and well thought out about me section, and email a lot of girls that I think are like me. And if it doesn't work out in the course of a few months....... then I'll give up on finding one and be lonely for the rest of my life, but at least I'll have made a difference. I'm not scared of being alone, I would just rather not be.

Doesn't it seem like the majority of girls on dating sites want to go to college? Why aren't normal nine to five girls with no big plans ever on dating sites!?! Maybe because the intellectual ones alienate people too much and the average janes are calmer..... HAHA! Who knows :P

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Tue 06/16/09 03:23 PM
Thanks :)

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Tue 06/16/09 03:19 PM
My goals have been getting in the way of love, and it sucks. Here's the story. I want to be a philanthropist. I want to help people. I grew up very poor and know what it's like. I'm still poor. But I'm a musician among other things. So I want to make it at one of these things as a stepping stone. It's more important to me than my next breath. But girls can't understand this. You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard this line: ''I really really honestly hope that you succeed and do what you want to do, but I can't do that''. WTH? Is it greed? They want a mansion and yacht from the fruits of my musical labor? Or is it laziness? Like they don't want to travel the world and help people? A few even said the same twisted crap we've all heard at one time in our lives; ''You'll never do it; get a normal job'' ''one man can not change the world'' ''why bother?''. Grrr.

Anyhow; my grandfather was a preacher and my grandma a missionary in Africa for years back in the day. I'm not into religion anymore; but he really pushed me to be a hero, a ''fisher of men''. And I still believe in that. And that coupled with too many Batman comics makes me a pretty driven person, LOL! It's all I want to do with my life. Nothing else will do, and I'll never give up. I want to feed the starving, and cure diseases, and just help wherever I'm needed on this earth. When I'm older and have more experience and know how; I hope I can give peace talks. The world always needs heroes, and it never has enough.

I know each and every human being has their own goals, and the girls I meet always do. And I respect that. But when their goal is to maybe say; build a daycare center someday. Or start a restaurant. Et Cetera. Well; if the girl works with me; we can build hundreds of those things. They never grasp that argument though.

Here's my thing. I think someone like me with Trump or Oprah money could do HUGE things in this world. So I want to parlay whatever I can succeed at now into a corporation. Maybe real estate and junk like that. Whatever I can do to bring money to the poor; I'll do. And I'm not unrealistic about any of it either. One step at a time. I'm learning to walk right now; so I can run later, and eventually fly. And my dad was a dirty biker (god bless em :P), and made me see the corruption in the system. So a normal job would make me complacent and dependent. So I do odd jobs for cash. My dad owns his own business and I work with him sometimes. BUT; when a girl hears that I have no ''solid'' job; she freaks.

The specific reason I'm writing all of this is my goal. Girls seem to spit on it. Oooh; and here's something I hate: I am a male feminist. I'm not a rarity in that; other men are too. But you say that to a girl and they snort. ''I know men''. Right, I try to live the other way. No conformity. So I'm doomed to sexism because of my gender? Blech. Dumb dumbs. Oh well. Anyhow; anyone have any advice for me? Also; I'm always open for making like minded friends. If you're a dude, or a girl who doesn't want a BF but is into saving the world..... email me. I honestly do believe one person can change the world. But a ''justice league'' is always better :)

Anyway; I think that girls want me to get a day job and revolve around them. I want a soulmate, no mater where the wind takes us; my heart will always revolve around her. BUT; I can't compromise. I can't change. Not when my goal is to help people. So what the crap do I do? Walk the long and lonely road to the end of the line? I'm willing to do that. To never date; just work myself to death to help the world. No biggie. But I would ''like'' someone there with me.

Well; peace out ya'll :P Thanks for reading all this :) ~Carl~

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Tue 06/16/09 02:43 PM
Edited by CarlHofflander on Tue 06/16/09 02:44 PM
My advice is this; don't talk: do. Be more of a doer than a sayer. Lead by example. More specifically; don't tell anyone anymore that you ''want a soulmate''. Look quietly for one. Don't tell the girl you're dating that you want that. Think about peoples ''conceptions''. Girls believe in ''Soulmates'' and think that guys don't. Hence; if you even use that word; they'll think many things manically (all at once in a female frenzy, lol). She'll think you're a liar, or a dirty no job havin' hippy, etc. They'll probably never think that you mean it.

So; think about what a ''soulmate'' means to you. Then think about what you have to give someone to make them feel those extreme feelings about you. Then give, and you will get (maybe). Either way; good luck.

P.S. It's ''adage'', not ''additive'', LOL! :D

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Tue 06/16/09 02:25 PM
How can you ''take their word for it'' in terms of the men that wrote the bible. You never met them. They were all alcoholics. And two thousand years later; you still believe them. Who were they? What made them special? How can you trust any of them?

Aside from these books; what would make you believe in a ''god''? Let's say you're a thinker. No supernatural being comes to you in a dream or in the day. You just like to look and think. Would you come up with the idea of a God? The big bang and evolution are both implausible bull crap IMO, but aren't all definitions of a God just as insane? I know we ''adapt''; but morph physically from an ape? Riiiiiight. And there was nothing......... then: BANG! You don't get something from nothing. You need catalysts. And think about the concept of forever. If you don't believe in the bang, you'd have to believe in forever. When does forever start? It doesn't. What was the first moment, first movement, first anything? There was no first. That is ''forever''. And it's impossible to grasp.

I believe that maybe there are bigger more powerful beings (plural) than us, and they probably know things our minds can never comprehend with even the most thoughtful explanation. Do I trust two thousand year old drunkards? Not at all.

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Sat 05/09/09 12:31 PM
Feel free to laugh at me for this one, but: Aubrey O'Day :) :) :)

I'm never into the over publisized fake-o Cali girls, but she's just too hot :P And a philanthroper, which is the only reason I allow myself to like her, lol. She seems like a nice gal.

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Sat 05/09/09 12:25 PM
Edited by CarlHofflander on Sat 05/09/09 12:26 PM
You all rock. Great posts. And good topic Phuque. As for those weirdo religious zealots that never read the texts they pimp so hard, who like to tell you what you are and are not; don't lose too much sleep about what they think. In fact; hock a nice one in their eye for me the next time they try to say you aren't a real women, okay?

If a wolf survived it's whole life on berries and seeds; would these morons say ''Then it wasn't a REAL wolf!'', or if a man believed in abstinence and didn't spread his stupid seed everywhere he could; would they say he isn't a real man? The opinions of numb nutz shouldn't bother an intelligent person like you Phuque. Stand Strong <3

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Mon 05/04/09 09:38 PM
Thanks Phuque :) I didn't take it out of context, I knew what she meant. I think if you say it right after ''Hello'', then the girl should be very suspicious. Think about this though; a lot of tough guy bikers meet a new friend, have some beers, laugh a lot, and before the day is over, in the midst of laughter; they go ''Man; I love this guy!''. And nobody gets weirded out. And it's not just a figure of speech either, they love the guy. Love in our society needs defining. I'd say it's the opposite of Hate. It's a notch above Like and two above indifference. Romantic love needs a slang. This may sound super lame and un-thought out (and that it is!); but let's say ''I heart you'', HAHA. People in love are generally corny enough for that to work. Tell whoever you want that you love them, but when the time comes with a special person, say something like ''You know what, I heart you!''. That's stupid and someone could do better at slangerizin' the emotion of being ''In love'', but at least I'm trying so lay off! HAHAHA :P :P :P

We need to establish a difference between the two ideas, of opening ones heart to another human being, and wanting to spend your life with them in a romantic way, or bromantic, whatever, HAHA.

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Mon 05/04/09 06:00 PM

women acoss the board are different. hense we all want different things. I don't think that geographic location really stipulates what a woman looks for in a man.

Geographic locations definitely make a difference in a conformist world. For instance; in Chicago a lot of girls like skinny guys with full sleeve tattoos and thick black glasses. In California the majority would want a buff beach bod with long hair. In New York; money, period.

The social norm that people feel pressured to conform to differs between regions. I'm sure in the south; if you like Chicago music and not country; you'd be an outcast. You can take the person out of highschool, but you can't take the highschool out of the person. The world is cliquey.

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Mon 05/04/09 01:32 PM

"No you don' don't even know me" yea...the word LOVE is way overused...

People don't love enough because they think love needs to be exlusive. Exlusivity is the problem in our world. Like love needs to just be for romance, certain neighborhoods have to be for certain people, etc. When you become a stickler for what something HAS to be, especially love, you weaken it. If I have a lot of money, and I want to help people; I would give to many people. But you would say; find someone and give it all to them. There is a difference between ''love'' and ''in love''. Nobody says ''I am soooo in love with this pepperoni pizza right now''. As for what I quoted earlier, if your gf/bf says ''I love you''; smile and be happy, maybe say it back. If they say ''I'm in love with you''; then you can get all neurotic about what society as a whole accepts for your life in terms of WHEN it's right to say that.

Our world is not a peaceful place at all. People are cold, hungry, getting blown up and shot, there's all kinds of prejudice; and you all think Love is overused? Fine; keep ''in love'' to yourself and only use it sparingly, but spreading around general love from an open heart is exactly what our world needs.

In conclusion; I love the Simpsons, I love Metallica, I love sunlight, and I LOOOOVVVVEEEE all of you! I'm not in love with any of that, but so what. So there you go. Just my opinion.

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Sat 03/28/09 01:33 PM
And do what with it?

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Sat 03/28/09 01:30 PM
Great quote Atlantis75 :) I think that that kindof IS the case though; we progress, we learn, we grow. ''However''; there could have been a very intelligent culture a while ago that got destroyed. Think about this; if something bad happened to earth right now, not even a meteor or nuclear war, maybe just a technological breakdown; we would be set back soooo far. We would still have a lot down on paper; and a lot in our minds. But; during a war a lot of books, art, et cetera are burned out of spite. And if the war lasts a while; these experts knowledge in their minds will be lost when they die. We would be thrown back into, well not the stone age as people always say, but the pioneer cowboy age probably.

Who's to say that didn't happen before. This might be a little off topic, but it fits the convo: I think that Dragons and ''mythical'' things like that may have been murdered by swordman and cannons and whatnot the same way that so many of our species are going extinct now. Look at the dodo. Wolves are almost gone. Hunting and poaching and junk suck monkey butt, but when people want to wipe something out; they're good at doing so it seems. I doubt they killed dragons for their skin or anything; it was probably fear and prejudice. Look at all the fear and prejudice associated with wolves! Anyhow; it's just something to think about.

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Fri 03/27/09 10:57 PM
What would you like to hear, touch, taste, and smell?