Topic: Big Dreams
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Tue 06/16/09 03:19 PM
My goals have been getting in the way of love, and it sucks. Here's the story. I want to be a philanthropist. I want to help people. I grew up very poor and know what it's like. I'm still poor. But I'm a musician among other things. So I want to make it at one of these things as a stepping stone. It's more important to me than my next breath. But girls can't understand this. You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard this line: ''I really really honestly hope that you succeed and do what you want to do, but I can't do that''. WTH? Is it greed? They want a mansion and yacht from the fruits of my musical labor? Or is it laziness? Like they don't want to travel the world and help people? A few even said the same twisted crap we've all heard at one time in our lives; ''You'll never do it; get a normal job'' ''one man can not change the world'' ''why bother?''. Grrr.

Anyhow; my grandfather was a preacher and my grandma a missionary in Africa for years back in the day. I'm not into religion anymore; but he really pushed me to be a hero, a ''fisher of men''. And I still believe in that. And that coupled with too many Batman comics makes me a pretty driven person, LOL! It's all I want to do with my life. Nothing else will do, and I'll never give up. I want to feed the starving, and cure diseases, and just help wherever I'm needed on this earth. When I'm older and have more experience and know how; I hope I can give peace talks. The world always needs heroes, and it never has enough.

I know each and every human being has their own goals, and the girls I meet always do. And I respect that. But when their goal is to maybe say; build a daycare center someday. Or start a restaurant. Et Cetera. Well; if the girl works with me; we can build hundreds of those things. They never grasp that argument though.

Here's my thing. I think someone like me with Trump or Oprah money could do HUGE things in this world. So I want to parlay whatever I can succeed at now into a corporation. Maybe real estate and junk like that. Whatever I can do to bring money to the poor; I'll do. And I'm not unrealistic about any of it either. One step at a time. I'm learning to walk right now; so I can run later, and eventually fly. And my dad was a dirty biker (god bless em :P), and made me see the corruption in the system. So a normal job would make me complacent and dependent. So I do odd jobs for cash. My dad owns his own business and I work with him sometimes. BUT; when a girl hears that I have no ''solid'' job; she freaks.

The specific reason I'm writing all of this is my goal. Girls seem to spit on it. Oooh; and here's something I hate: I am a male feminist. I'm not a rarity in that; other men are too. But you say that to a girl and they snort. ''I know men''. Right, I try to live the other way. No conformity. So I'm doomed to sexism because of my gender? Blech. Dumb dumbs. Oh well. Anyhow; anyone have any advice for me? Also; I'm always open for making like minded friends. If you're a dude, or a girl who doesn't want a BF but is into saving the world..... email me. I honestly do believe one person can change the world. But a ''justice league'' is always better :)

Anyway; I think that girls want me to get a day job and revolve around them. I want a soulmate, no mater where the wind takes us; my heart will always revolve around her. BUT; I can't compromise. I can't change. Not when my goal is to help people. So what the crap do I do? Walk the long and lonely road to the end of the line? I'm willing to do that. To never date; just work myself to death to help the world. No biggie. But I would ''like'' someone there with me.

Well; peace out ya'll :P Thanks for reading all this :) ~Carl~

shoesmonkey's photo
Tue 06/16/09 03:22 PM
Stick to your gun's. You will find a woman like yourself.

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 03:23 PM
Thanks :)

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Tue 06/16/09 05:32 PM
i kinda know how you feel. sorta. i 'm afraid to get into a serious relationship because i can't stay in one place and i can't do the same thing every single day. i plan on moving away for college to become a psychologist, i want to study other cultures and how they work and after that i intend on joing the peace corps. i want to help the world and i can't necessarialy get involved with someone and then be like oh i'm leaving the country for four or five years, bye. soo. yeah.

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Wed 06/17/09 03:35 PM
Edited by CarlHofflander on Wed 06/17/09 03:35 PM
Thanks Julesss. That's awesome that you want to join the peace corp :) And I have some advice for you on learning about other cultures; make some penpals. It's more real than anything you'll be taught in a school. And obviously; schools have advantages too.

Anyhow; I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I think a good idea would be to make an extremely long and well thought out about me section, and email a lot of girls that I think are like me. And if it doesn't work out in the course of a few months....... then I'll give up on finding one and be lonely for the rest of my life, but at least I'll have made a difference. I'm not scared of being alone, I would just rather not be.

Doesn't it seem like the majority of girls on dating sites want to go to college? Why aren't normal nine to five girls with no big plans ever on dating sites!?! Maybe because the intellectual ones alienate people too much and the average janes are calmer..... HAHA! Who knows :P

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 06/17/09 03:35 PM
Edited by Riding_Dubz on Wed 06/17/09 03:38 PM
that's very long and one day i intend to read it flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 03:36 PM
Haha :D

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/17/09 03:44 PM
Go do volunteer activities in your do know there are women there and viola you just met someone who also has a similar interest in philanthropy. Or if you wanna meet someone more hardcore about it, go do peace corps.

cityblues21's photo
Wed 06/17/09 03:51 PM
The path you choose and stick to for yourself will cross with other like minded individuals. Good Luck flowerforyou

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 06/17/09 04:20 PM
If you want to do music, get started and pay no attention to anything else. I mix, arrange, and produce my own music, self-taught. And it is a ***** to learn, took me about two years of learning a multitude of different programs on my computer, all of them necessary to mix and master. I also play four instruments, the guitar, bass, keyboard, and viola. As soon as I move out to Colorado I'm going to pursue my musical interest, alone...this leaves me to make the sound I want to create.

If you are serious about music you better start now and leave the other things to the pasture, because they will only slow you down and make learning harder.

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 04:20 PM
synopsis plz

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 06/17/09 04:43 PM

synopsis plz

Pretty much "love" is getting in the way of pursuing his dreams. He wants to be a philanthropist, however you need money to do that and I don't mean to slap the reality stick down here...but if you are wasting money on useless dates that ultimately go nowhere, maybe you should stop?

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 04:45 PM

synopsis plz

Pretty much "love" is getting in the way of pursuing his dreams. He wants to be a philanthropist, however you need money to do that and I don't mean to slap the reality stick down here...but if you are wasting money on useless dates that ultimately go nowhere, maybe you should stop?

thanks fear i'd a feeling it wouldn't be worth my effort! oops

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 04:48 PM
ps fear (not in a pervy way but) everytime i hear a song on eminems new album it makes me think of u!

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 06/17/09 04:49 PM

ps fear (not in a pervy way but) everytime i hear a song on eminems new album it makes me think of u!

Awww, thanks fife.blushing laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 04:50 PM
it's the name every serial killer line. bigsmile

shoesmonkey's photo
Wed 06/17/09 05:45 PM

If you want to do music, get started and pay no attention to anything else. I mix, arrange, and produce my own music, self-taught. And it is a ***** to learn, took me about two years of learning a multitude of different programs on my computer, all of them necessary to mix and master. I also play four instruments, the guitar, bass, keyboard, and viola. As soon as I move out to Colorado I'm going to pursue my musical interest, alone...this leaves me to make the sound I want to create.

If you are serious about music you better start now and leave the other things to the pasture, because they will only slow you down and make learning harder.
Where in Co. are you going? I was in the springs for a couple of year's. It's so gorgeous there.

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 06/17/09 05:49 PM

If you want to do music, get started and pay no attention to anything else. I mix, arrange, and produce my own music, self-taught. And it is a ***** to learn, took me about two years of learning a multitude of different programs on my computer, all of them necessary to mix and master. I also play four instruments, the guitar, bass, keyboard, and viola. As soon as I move out to Colorado I'm going to pursue my musical interest, alone...this leaves me to make the sound I want to create.

If you are serious about music you better start now and leave the other things to the pasture, because they will only slow you down and make learning harder.
Where in Co. are you going? I was in the springs for a couple of year's. It's so gorgeous there.

Denver, going to stay there for awhile then see where I go from there.

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 06/17/09 05:52 PM
Love sucks

no photo
Thu 06/18/09 03:17 PM
Thanks Fearandloathing, great advice :D