Community > Posts By > wraithme66

wraithme66's photo
Sun 11/22/09 03:13 PM

wraithme66's photo
Sun 11/22/09 03:13 PM
Can I has a cheezburger?

wraithme66's photo
Sun 11/22/09 11:55 AM

wraithme66's photo
Sun 11/22/09 09:21 AM
It will be okay... I've met 6 people off of here... I'm nervous every time.

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 09:52 PM
Edited by wraithme66 on Wed 11/18/09 09:52 PM

I'm thinking bars are the place to meet your next girlfriend... Most people are finding bars low on the list to meet people they want to date... The internet has changed where people meet...

I still love you... No matter what

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 09:47 PM

yea thats the thing though im not big on religion its too hypocritical for me.... and i wouldn't say it has nothing to do with sex but its not a huge factor for me. sex isnt that hard to get. now a good relationship, that is hard to get

I like you dude... Now that sounds more like the real deal. Keep down that narrow(very narrow) path, and you will be a jedi in no time Have some respect always... Especially for those things you truly value...

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 09:37 PM

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 09:20 PM
You wanna chat? Try churches... If it has nothing to do with sex? You'll do wonderfully! There are tons of women that would love nothing more than to "CHAT" your A$$ off!

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 09:17 PM
Dude... huh Please for all men I speak for! Please put a hell of a lot more effort into that original statement?

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 09:08 PM
Edited by wraithme66 on Wed 11/18/09 09:12 PM
Okay... The entire lowdown... Rape is one thing... Welfare? I think could be decided by a jury. Illegitimate children? oops! PARENTS! HAVE MORE RESPONSIBILITY! Yeha, it feels good, but feels even better watching those human beings grow up to be wonderful people. What the hell happened to family?! And If you get "blazed, drunk, spliffed, coked, stoopid, Or what the FU$% else! You need a little responsibility forced on your life! Sorry... Honest "personal feelings" toward the subject... But I love all people, and I always believe in, and have hope for all living things... It' just more difficult when the human race is soo complex.

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 09:01 PM
Logout... And login again... Sounds like a glitch?

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:55 PM

Pro Choice

I cant blame a woman or girl for not wanting to go through a pregnancy which was caused by rape or incest.

But I am against it as a form of birth control for those females who failed to use protection while having their fun.

Logical and sincere! drinker

That vaguely makes sense...

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:51 PM
Edited by wraithme66 on Wed 11/18/09 08:53 PM

The funny thing is, if everyone HAD to have the child, these same people b!tching about how they are against it, will just be b!tching about having to support the kids mom on welfare and want to punish the child because of that.laugh

You are very wrong there... I guess there will always be someone that tries to nullify by humor.
]I'm not being funny dude, if you ever read topics in the politics area you would know what I'm talking about. It's talked about almost daily. People do NOT want to help people on welfare. So all I'm saying is that there will always be something for people to be upset about, whether someone has a child or aborts a child. There is not a good scenario for either way. Someone will always be mad about it.

The same people that are against it, are the ones that don't give to sh!ts about these poor children living in the ghetto.

Oh don't get me wrong... I completely understand where you're coming from... And I respect it. But In due respect... You finished your earlier statement with a laughing smiley... Hence why I thought you were joking?

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:46 PM
Edited by wraithme66 on Wed 11/18/09 08:47 PM

The funny thing is, if everyone HAD to have the child, these same people b!tching about how they are against it, will just be b!tching about having to support the kids mom on welfare and want to punish the child because of that.laugh

I have had many opportunities to conceive... But I never had the problem i.e (SAFE SEX) that soo many "irresponsible" types have with illegitimate children. If I'm wrong? Shoot me.

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:38 PM

The funny thing is, if everyone HAD to have the child, these same people b!tching about how they are against it, will just be b!tching about having to support the kids mom on welfare and want to punish the child because of that.laugh

You are very wrong there... I guess there will always be someone that tries to nullify by humor.

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:36 PM

So...just a theoretical question to those who are totally against abortion no matter the circumstance.

What if you were raped by your father or brother? Then would your mind change?

Like I said...I know this is rare circumstance but it is something that does happen.

Okay... Dude Look at animals in the wild... I digress... Certain human beings are no different than animal carnal instinctive garbage. They don't think whatsoever. They only react to animal like behavior... Hence Rape, Incest, Sex any way they can get it. i.e. hormonal drive. But there is still life. They don't have to keep it. Adoption is another choice.

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:24 PM
Whatever floats your boat dude...!

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:16 PM

i think against too.. but there are exeptions. eg. if you were rapped and fell pregnant. other then that type of thing.. against!

How about if she raped me??? Really, could I have her "legally" aborted?

Smartass... ie (educated rectum)

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:14 PM

:heart: I feel I shouldn't say anything in here,,,yet I feel I need to. so,,,,I will have many bad emails,wink

Before being a Christian I felt that every women should have the right to do with her own body and all it encompasses

Do as you da#@ well please... Don't be afraid to be yourself. If you're Christian... Be a Christian in the way you're comfortable. One thing I can tell you from experience... Don't be "The ideal Christian" because someone else idealizes it. But because you're truly Christian (Christlike).

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:05 PM

IndnPrncs!!! How are you?

I'm good sweetie, how are you?

I'm drunk now... Lol my bartender overserved me! B.T.W. I love you! Lol!

laugh laugh laugh that's the booze talking but I am definitely flattered by the booze speaking... :wink: flowerforyou

I thought you would... You know I'll always love you... Lol! I wasn't really overserved. But wow! Did you see the instantaneous reaction to it?