Community > Posts By > wraithme66

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 07:51 PM

IndnPrncs!!! How are you?

I'm good sweetie, how are you?

I'm drunk now... Lol my bartender overserved me! B.T.W. I love you! Lol!

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 07:38 PM
IndnPrncs!!! How are you?

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 07:17 PM
Completely AGAINST! If you can't do the time... Don't do the crime! Seriously! The greatest thing any living thing can do is create another life, or at least take part in it. I don't have any kids of my own yet... But I can't wait! Really! What's more amazing than creating something as complete, and complex as a human being? Far too many people take life(their own and all others) for granted.

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 05:09 PM
I completely agree... Look up the story of Cassinova. IKt explains it in thorough detail.

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 04:48 PM

like this

Dude! I want one! Where did you get that?

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 04:46 PM

now THAT's the way to suck up

It's not sucking up... It's honesty. Quietman... You're not very quiet, are you? Lol!

laugh just kidding

Totally cool bro.

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 04:38 PM

now THAT's the way to suck up

It's not sucking up... It's honesty. Quietman... You're not very quiet, are you? Lol!

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 04:34 PM

B.T.W. Anyone that cheats on you? Is F-ing nuts! I've seen your profile. I would never leave you. OR CHEAT!

well thank you :) :)

You're very welcome!love

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 04:29 PM
B.T.W. Anyone that cheats on you? Is F-ing nuts! I've seen your profile. I would never leave you. OR CHEAT!

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/18/09 04:21 PM

I need to know whats the point? Why do guys and girls do it? Does it make them feel powerful? Or do their mates think they are cool? Personally, i have never cheated, and proud about that. But every single relationship i've been in, i've been cheated on - and i dont see the point, yet it happens so much!

Also, 70% of my friends have been cheated on (or cheated but thats beside the point..) and still want to go back to their boyfriend or girlfriend. I know i've done this once, but dont know why i wanted them so bad - and i need another answer then just plain old inlove!

I too have never cheated... But I researched this subject quite a bit. Most of the cheating people I asked, Said they did it because "she would do things that his girlfriend wouldn't", and or "carefree sex without the emotional hangups of a relationship like resentment from arguments". Or my favorite... "trying to punish him because he was an a-hole to her" The way I look at it... If any of those are reasons... Then they're in the wrong relationship to begin with! They should end it there before they cheat! Why they don't? Usually because of a very selfish reason like they have money, or some kind of hookup.

wraithme66's photo
Tue 11/17/09 06:02 PM
Sorry... Doesn't appear to be?

wraithme66's photo
Tue 11/17/09 05:48 PM
OOH! Anyone like Mario party?

wraithme66's photo
Tue 11/17/09 05:48 PM

It's lame I know, but I like Marble Mania on the Wii - addictive and annoys the heck out of my kiddo laugh

Yeah! I remember marble madness...

wraithme66's photo
Tue 11/17/09 05:45 PM
Edited by wraithme66 on Tue 11/17/09 05:46 PM
You know? They're coming out with a new bionic commando. I would love to see some new... Possibly 3-D megaman games...

wraithme66's photo
Tue 11/17/09 05:40 PM

Tecmo bowldrinks

Dude! That was forever ago! It was awesome though...

wraithme66's photo
Tue 11/17/09 05:34 PM
What is your favorite video game of all time? Nintendo? PS3? PC? Now or in the past...

wraithme66's photo
Tue 11/17/09 05:26 PM
That's tough... Between hostil, 13th ghost, poltergeist, house on haunted hill, I just can't decide! I like scary games better!

wraithme66's photo
Tue 11/17/09 04:28 PM
Hi! .. And welcome! You are gorgeous! It is a good night tonight, isn't it?

wraithme66's photo
Tue 11/17/09 04:19 PM
Texan here! How's it goin?

wraithme66's photo
Sun 11/15/09 07:04 PM
Yeah... I don't get it? You would think that if they really want a relationship that works... They would be found for exactly what they are. They're going to be disappointed when the other person finds out that they're a lier.