The man I do not know
Thanks ya'll- glad ya enjoyed it.
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The man I do not know
Edited by
Mon 08/22/11 11:56 PM
Some folks tend ta judge men by stories they here tell, but ya just might find he's more than kind, if'n ya knew him very well. Ta know his ever notion, his dreams and his dismays, then ya just might think'em different than ya thought'em yesterday. cause when ya get ta know a fella, know his talents an' his woes, well ya tend ta treat'em better than ya did when you were foes. An it's an easy world we live in if'n a helpin hand ya lend, ta not make war an still love more, than just yer next'o' kin. So I rather choose ta putter 'round lifes byeways fair'n'square, an do my best ta help the rest, when they are in despair. For it's a sad'n'meager neighbor who has no sugar ta loan, an he who jeers at all his peers, sits at home alone. Yes- it's an easy road we wander if'n we only travel true, an take the time ta spare a dime, an help some fella thru. So I tell myself each morning that contented I will be, if'n on this day, someone will say, a kindly word ta me. For all to many times I've heard somebody claim, that mans a nut, an he's worth as much, as dew drops in the rain. An if'n by chance that man I met, well there's a very good chance I'd find, a true'n'noble gent, who's heart is mostly kind. So I judge not by covers, for the heart it does not show, I'd rather claim no prejudice stain, of the man I do not know.
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not enough
deep, very deep! Had to read this one twice. Made me think a bit. Nice write, thanks for sharing.
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Okay, that hit home! sniff,sniff. I'm a 6 year vet my self and I've had to watch my son march off to war, (iraq). He's safe at home now and just made seargent, fixing to be stationed in germany for a while but can be redeployed at any time. My condulenses to your family and god bless the american soldiers. Very nice write!!
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Kewl man !!! I know an artist when I see one. Rock on !!!!
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Often when I sleep at night, I twist'n'toss'n'turn. The aches'n'pains are real in life, from so many lessons learned. But there was a time - so long ago, when like a baby I did sleep, back in the days when I did'nt know, there's nothing that is cheap. For everything a cost is due, and cheap things never last, so many times I've been subdued, from moments of the past. And so at night I toss'n'turn, I ponder what will be, the swirling winds'n'tides still churn, splashing pains of life on me. Thus- the morning seems to come to soon, T'is another day anew, next thing I know- the time is noon, I'm still doing what I do. Oh woe is me- I toss at night, I'm sure you do the same, oh woe is you- but it's alright, with age comes certain pains. Yes- at night I twist'n'toss'n'turn, as I fumble with my thoughts, each end the candle I have burned, and now I pay the cost.
The one I left behind
already older, tomorrow I turn 49.
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when ur ex-wife..... Now thats some funny, creepy, S.....t! been there, done that! LOL!
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I like ! lots of i'd like to bite LOL!
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Ment to be
Touching, I know the feeling. Still hurting from a break up 3 months ago. Nice write!
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The one I left behind
Well I'm called upon quite often, to fix a thing or two, like broken rusty pipes, or tiles come unglued. Oh- I've mended many fences, and sprinklers in the yard, I'm also pretty good at fixing broken cars. Now I'm happy when they call on me, Cuz they trust I'll do'em right, and I always seem to do it for a very meager price. But one thing always nags at me, it happens every time, the tool I'm needing most of all, is the one I left behind. Yeah- When I'm packing for the job I'm careful in my thought, cuz there aint enough room in my lil truck, for every tool I've bought. Lets see- I got the pliars, I got the hammer, every job requires those, and to clean my mess I usually need, a good ol' rubber hose. Now I'm packed up and I'm thinking; aint nothing more I need, but at the last sec. I remember, them pads for my ol' knees. And at last I reach the job sight, and sure enough I find, the tool I'm needing most of all, You guessed it- the one I left behind!
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When your fingers get carpule tunnels ! And hey ! dont knock the sheep.................. I hear they're not Baaaaaaaddd !
The gloriest of days
When an old man gets to thinking and he's rocking in his chair, and he's turning back the pages to a time so sweet'n'fair. Well it is'nt gold he's counting from the profits of the years, nor thinking grand he must have looked, each time he volunteered. He's thinking more of friends he knew and children he helped raise, he's reliving all the moments from the gloriest of days. When he's battled all lifes toils and his bones are weary sore, when he's standing by the window staring out to distant shores. Then his heart is set in grandeur and his riches plain to see, like a knight in shining armor, clad in steel'n'chivalry. He bows to mother nature knowing soon his time shall come,n to leave here now forever so to march to heavens drums. Could we ponder what he's viewing there in his distant, silent mode, we should see a scene of beauty in his silent episode. And on his day of passing, we the young should greatly mourn, and know someday we'll stand like him, so withered and so worn. Just'a'sittin an'a'dreaming of the days when we were young, or standing, dreaming through a window, without a slip refund. Age has a way of stepping forth and claiming all it's rights, it doesn't care 'bout wine'n'song, or if it's day or night. You learn that gold is fleeting, and the memories prevail, and all the dear friends that you love, saved you from a life of hell. And it's only now we realize, the errors of our ways, as we sit there reliving - the gloriest of days.
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My Gaurdian Angel
I agree with Bastet126. For a number of years, years ago-lol, a ran a poetry site. Expect criticism, good and bad. But one should always be polite and tactful, thus-helpful. Oh and by the way- I liked the poem very much.
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A giant tree
Edited by
Sat 08/13/11 11:11 PM
A giant tree stretched out his limb, as he beckoned to the child. Come play within this shade herein, be happy for a while. Come frolic in the lush green grass, hear the mocking bird at her best, come pick the flowers with mystic powers, lay your little fears to rest. So the child gazed upon the tree as he scratched his little head. "I've never played with a tree before", "I think I'll just move on instead. "But I'm lonely" said the giant tree,"All my seeds have blown away". "For three hundred years, I've stood right hear, I beg you please to stay". Then the giant tree poked out his limb and tickled the little child. He wiggled 'n' he giggled, then screamed, Okay! Okay! I'll stay for a while. Now- The giant tree began to tell all the things that he had seen, 300 years of wars 'n' chores, from the peasants to the kings. The little child sat in awe as he soaked the stories in, the giant tree, just glad to be, with company again. Now- years flew bye- the child grew, into a bright young man, and everyday, he'd sneak away, and beneath the old tree - stand. The man grew wise in many ways, and filled a needed post, he never strayed or ran away, when folks needed him the most. And then one day they found him, beneath the giant tree, old'n'grey, he passed away, content as one could be. And dew drops fell from every leaf, as they carried the man away, the giant tree could only weep, his roots stuck in the clay. Yes- A giant tree stretched out his limb, as he beckoned to the child, come play within this shade herein, be happy for a while. 5/5/01
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Favorite poets?
Quite a list of favorites you got there. I'm not to crazy about shakespear, but I like keats and I love robert frost. My favorite tho is a man named Edgar A. Guest. Look'em up.
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A note to my darling
Edited by
Sat 08/13/11 09:13 PM
I don't sleep like I used to, nor dream anymore, the pains in my soul I try to ignore. Her presence still lingers, her touch I recall, tho' now gone eternal to heaven's great halls. My bed feels so empty, to large and to cold, with nobody with me to love and to hold. I talk to her often, and pray she can hear, and not feel to badly when I'm full of tears. The last thing she told me, from the hospital bed, "take care of my cats" please make sure their fed. then her eyes closed so softly, I kissed her goodnight, not knowing-forever was ending tonight. Now I keep with me always, her love in my heart, my better half-somehow not to far apart. A note to my darling, just keep those wings spread, I'll love you forever, and the cats have been fed. the end. In loving memory, Debra Eunice Hubble, 3/6/56 to 1/8/06
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God knows I know this feeling. very nice.
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