Community > Posts By > Un_Caballero

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Wed 10/11/06 09:13 AM
Animal, where did you get Railroad Tycoon???

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Wed 10/11/06 09:11 AM
I have Need For Speed, the graphics in it or pretty good.

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Wed 10/11/06 09:10 AM
I am not much into games except for the sims type. I like SimCity, and
SimulFlight, and now Java has new one for practicing to be a airtraffic
controller. I guess you could say I enjoy the more technical type

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Wed 10/11/06 08:53 AM
I maks me sad to hear such horrible news, please give my regards to this
family, and I will remember the injured in my prayer. But I also agree
with usadad what type of Jeep accomdates 7 people, since I own a two
Jeeps and they both only seat 4.

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Wed 10/11/06 08:42 AM
First, quit living in the past, she's gone, and by your own words she's
not coming back. Second make your life about you, not about her or the
past or even the one you'll meet in the future. Redecorate to what you
like, go learn something new, take a course at your local college, or
learn to drive a race car, fly a plane, do what you like. There is
always interesting single people to meet in most situations. From your
photo I would guess your in your 40's,, that would make you somewhat
younger than me, but I have dated some 20 year olds and had a blast.
Bars and clubs are not the only place to meet new friends, in fact I
have never met a person I have dated in a bar. And thats another thing,
I have some females that I am only friends with, and that makes it nice
to have someone just to chat with, no strings attached. It makes for a
very open line of communiction. Male friends are even easier to make,
but it is man's natural nature to want females,or most men anyway. So
get out there and make you some friends, there has got to be thousands
of these friends or singles web locations too. Get your profile and what
the type of person you would like to meet on more than one. An don't
profile someone like your ex explore new possiblities. Good Luck !!!!!

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Tue 10/10/06 09:35 PM
I don't think your as alone as you thought!

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Tue 10/10/06 09:30 PM
She should marry the man she loves, because if she marries the man who
loves her, she will alway wonder about her lost love. This wondering
will evently become a wedge between her and the man who loves her.

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Fri 10/06/06 09:32 AM
Very cute, but well put. I can say, "I have been there , done that and
got the tee shirt to prove it". Good job !!!!!!

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Thu 10/05/06 05:01 PM
I think your beating yourself. I am a plain, simple, self educated
country boy, but I have had the privilage to have dinner with and visit
with some of the world most beautiful models, best musicians, and
politicial figures. These meeting were sometimes luck and sometimes
because I keep knocking on doors till I found one that would open. So
maybe you just knocked on the wrong door this time.

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Thu 10/05/06 04:51 PM
I use to have a boss, that if you messed up and your excuse was "I
assumed that ___________". Then he would fire you. He use to tell us
people in the office, "that to assume is to be wrong" . I guess his
philphosy kind of grew on me. Because , I think he was right.

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Tue 10/03/06 09:02 AM
In 2002 my younger brother was shot 10 times at point blank range, he
has 2 bullets still lodged in his brain. He will be diabled for the
remainder of his life. At the time or the shooting he was licensed to
carry a concealed weapon. On the day of the shooting he choose not to
carry his gun to his daughters school to pick her up. Since that time
all 4 brothers now have license to tote a gun. Would I shoot somone? If
it was me or him, it will definitly be him.I would not like to nor enjoy
shooting someone, but I would pull the trigger without blinking in order
to survive.

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Tue 10/03/06 08:48 AM
I think everyone over the age of 21 that has never had a felony arrest
should have a weapon straped on his belt or hip in plain view. I
believe this would cut the crime rate in the US by more than 75%. In
other countries such a Swizertland where everyone owns a full auomatic
weapon the crime rate is considerable lower than here, plus as a bonous
it makes other countries think before invading us. They would never want
a door to door fight with a totally armed adversary. In 1935 Hitler said
in a speech "This year will go down in history, for the first time a
civilized nation has full gun registration, Our streets will be safer,
our police more efficent and the world will follow our lead in the
future." And we all now the outcome of Hilters regime of terror. Thomas
Jefferson wrote "those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." Let
us never repeat what happen to civil liberties and personal freedoms
then. In France, Australia, Canada, China,the freedom to own a weapon
has already been removed, let us hope America is not so stupid.

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