Topic: Deepest Sympathy for Tyler Clark R.I.P.
TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Wed 10/11/06 01:44 AM
i have a friend who knows this person on myspace and felt like i'd share
their story. i think he was 18 or 19 and flipped his jeep on a piece of
curb he didnt know that was there b/c there was no paint or markers to
let ppl know it was new. it cost him his life and injured 7 of his
friends. this happened in hillsbourgh county, fl
if ne1 wants to show there Sympathy for the friends and family please
visit myspace under and leave me a message
and i will see it gits to them. God Bless.

jen36's photo
Wed 10/11/06 03:53 AM
hey t please send my heart felt sadness to the family and the families
of the other kids/... please let them know that they are in my

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Wed 10/11/06 06:33 AM
your message has been sent

Usadad's photo
Wed 10/11/06 06:46 AM
It's always horrible when a young person loses their life.
Just curious what Jeep is made to accommodate a driver and 7 passengers?
And aren't curbs usually where the traffic isn't supposed to be?

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Wed 10/11/06 07:51 AM
the county made a business add a little strip of curb to extend the
original curb for a safer turning into the business and even the
neighbors didnt realize it was there

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Wed 10/11/06 07:53 AM
btw doesnt any1 care eveen if you dont know this person like i dont. i
have a heart and that is all you need to care about ppl that u dont know

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Wed 10/11/06 08:45 AM
u ppl suck

no photo
Wed 10/11/06 08:53 AM
I maks me sad to hear such horrible news, please give my regards to this
family, and I will remember the injured in my prayer. But I also agree
with usadad what type of Jeep accomdates 7 people, since I own a two
Jeeps and they both only seat 4.

Usadad's photo
Wed 10/11/06 09:10 AM
Sorry, but people die everyday... in wars, serving and protecting
others, etc. Alto I have compassion.. it sounds like this was a case of
a kid out doing his thing with a carload of friends and blew it.

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Thu 10/12/06 10:53 AM
u ppl dont have no heart worth having. learn sum fucking respect fo
those u dont know and u know what fuck ya'll

Thu 10/12/06 11:18 AM

That is completely uncalled for. You're striking out at us in anger.
Please, take your inventory, Hon.


TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Thu 10/12/06 11:24 AM
well no one seems to care and yes it hurts me really bad

Thu 10/12/06 11:34 AM

You can't demand that someone respect someone else. It's obvious that
you are hurt, but calling people names and assassinating their character
isn't the way to go about things.

Please consider an apology to those you bitched out.

Thu 10/12/06 11:53 AM
In case you missed the POINT...Tired is trying to do something good and
kind-hearted for a friend of his ~ the friend who lost their friend.

If you can't say something supportive and kind, then please...stop
picking Tired's scabs just to watch him bleed!

Have you ever seen or heard of an animal that is hurt, who, when you try
to help, lashes out and bites anything that comes close to the thing
that hurts? That's what's going on here...
and you all are acting like the bad little kids who are pouring salt in
an open wound.


TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Thu 10/12/06 03:28 PM
thanks kat for ur support and understanding. ima sorry but my point was

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 10/12/06 03:53 PM
Tired I'm really sorry to hear of the lost life for it is one of the
hardest things to go through to loose a loved one or someone you know
that looses a loved one. It is one of the things that is the hardest in
life to deal with. I do understand your hurt for any disrepect you feel
you have received here for we should all be there for the ones that need
it. Does not matter if we know you are not its all in respect for the
other person. My heart goes out to the family that has lost there loved
one regardless of how it happen it happen and the hurt is very real. I
have two kids myself and to know I could loose one I don't know how I
could bare that for loosing the life of a child is never easy for a
parent and for one to go so young is even harder. My prayers are with
the family. But dont be too harsh on ones that do not know any better
some day they will be where you are and will understand your hurt as
well. For now God has called his angel home to be with him as he will
all of us one day.