Community > Posts By > geektothetenth
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Mon 12/10/07 08:56 PM
I don't much like the taste of it unless the bartender is really good. But I certainly have a lot more interesting stories to tell because of alcohol But surely one can create insteresting stories in their life without the alcohol. You're so right I also have interesting mushroom and pot stories as well. College was awesome. |
I don't much like the taste of it unless the bartender is really good. But I certainly have a lot more interesting stories to tell because of alcohol
He was going to buy one present for all of you to share...let the cat fight begin..rowr
Agony.......Anyone Else
..and I am fresh out of tissues to hand out, LOL I still have my teeny violin, does that help? |
Need Advice For Christmas
It's an opportunity dude. I used to be so nervous at job interviews, think a million things that could disqualify me, now I think of the million things that I bring to the table that make me better than other candidates. This is the opportunity to show them that you're a respectful good guy who likes their daughter/sister for the right reasons. Talk to your girl see if her parents have a certain hobby or like certain music then find a small gift that shows you took the time to learn a little about them. Firm handshakes, eye contact, dress casual but sharp. Compliment their home, help clear the dishes if you're over for dinner and ask if you can help them with anything. You'll get some points for that.
Dude, seriously stop being down on yourself. That seems to be the major point of your posts, you want this, you want that, why can't I have this.
I hear ya man, I was 5'4 in highschool, 120pounds, I was the geek who got teased cause I was the only asian in my school. If you want to get a lady, you need to stop making excuses and start doing things in your life for yourself. When you're young, yeah a lot of girls love the jocks, only go for looks, or the rich guys with nice stuff. But a lot of women later in life go for a guy who's going somewhere in that guy. Figure out what you want to do and what you need to do to get it, whether it's college, trade school whatever. Find activities you like doing and develop skills. I always wished I could do certain things, one day I decided to stop making excuses for myself. I can do just about anything if I work at it that's my mindset. I've learned to cook a bit (better than most guys I know), I've learned to dance (popping) and I dance better than most guys at the club. I'm learning calligraphy and cartooning as well. Look at women's profiles what do they say. They like confidence, they love a great sense of humor. Begin to build your confidence, stop saying I can't do this or that, that's just an excuse so you don't have to try. Read a bunch of jokes and learn how to tell a good joke, girls love to laugh and they like guys who can make them laugh. It's a new day. Stop being who you were, if you feel like you're nothing there's no reason for anyone to give you the time of day. Who cares if you're short, there are short girls out there, who cares if you're not super smart, most girls aren't super smart either. You are whoever you want to be. No more excuses, no more whining, YOU control your life not your genetics, not the family status you were born into. If you don't want to take control, if you want to be a punching bag for the world....remember that was your choice to. If you're sick of that, then CHANGE it through conviction, hard work and will. |
You Nice Guys Out There....
You really should have your license to use sarcasm revoked. I really wouldn't care much, but I say in my profile that I have a sarcastic sense of humor and your use of it is simply making me look bad. On behalf of all the sarcastic smart @sses out there please stop describing your quips as sarcastic.
As for the PUA stuff some of it I'm not a big fan of, some of it does make sense. The general point of this topic I somewhat agree with. I hear it all the time, oh nice guys can't get girls. I also hear all the time "where are the nice guys". Why is this? It is a question that's worth looking at without simply dismissing it. Why do women end up with jerks a lot of the time? Why do nice guys who would do anything for a women end up alone on a weekend? An ebook I've been reading, and yes it was suggested by chief describes it as 3 divisions. Nice guys, Jerks, and alpha males. A major problem with so called "nice guys" is that they have approach anxiety, they have low self esteem due to whatever factors they might have had in their life, and so they try to "nice" a girl into liking them. They put girls on pedastals and don't look at them like equal partners in a relationship. They view themselves as lucky just to be with this person and thus they can become needy, and sycophantic, they can become jealous and passive aggressive feeling that I do this and that for a girl so she should like me. Desperation is just not a very attractive trait. The jerks at least approach women and are ballsy enough to ask them out. But in the end they are jerks, define their masculinity through the number of girls they bed or the attention they receive. The alpha is secure in himself, he knows he has something to offer the right lady in his life, he feels like he controls his fate, he draws attention to himself simply by being confident and enjoyable to be around. He doesn't need to be arrogant because arrogance is an outward show with its seeds in insecurity. Secure people don't care what other people think of them, arrogant folk feel a need to prove themselves. The "inner game" from the PUAs is really about building self esteem. Perceiving the world in a way that builds confidence and also forces a person to take responsibility for their lives and the choices they make. The other stuff, well, I don't pay so much attention to. I'm not trying to attract/seduce girls, I'm trying to just be myself around them and be able to find the ones who are going to be attracted to me because of my personality, intellect, wit etc. I hear that all the time, be yourself. Being yourself means that you treat girls like you'd treat your friends. You're not trying to make them like you just because you're doing nice things for them. You're not trying to buy their affections with gifts. I'll admit a lot of the PUA stuff makes me uneasy, but a lot of it also makes sense. In terms of my personal ethos some of it makes me down right sick but I'm smart enough to take the parts that I see merit in and neither dismiss all of it nor accept all of it. |
doesn't exist, the no cheating part, and no divorce part sure but the no arguing part...nope. If you don't argue about things you probably don't care enough about one another. My worst fights have been with my parents not my friends cause I care more about what my parents think than my friends.
there was a study done that showed couples who say "I love you" a lot tend to not last. The couples who do last tend to be the ones that tease and joke with one another. Life is never perfect, people are never perfect, couples fight from time to time and that's not a bad thing. It shows you care, cause if you didn't you'd be out the door the first time something went wrong. |
I love Christmas
Someone's getting coal in their stocking this year With gas and heating costs the way they are, I'm glad I've saved up all my coal, I'm laughing at santa all the way to the bank this year, thanks for the coal! |
But to get into a mutually fulfilling relationship(of whatever degree) you have to win over that other person. That is the bottom line. You never have to win over anybody but yourself. Accessing and expressing your true inner self shares love and joy with the universe and naturally draws social people to you. You will hear me talking about "playing the game" but you will never hear me talking about "winning the game" because "winning" will always be nothing but an unfulfilling illusion that creates an unsatiable hunger. Only when one realizes this can they free themselves from said illusion and allow themselves to really BE themselves. I say Stop trying to win over others, Stop trying to control things outside yourself, and just BE. Wu Wei. The dry weed that refuses to bend snaps in the wind because it is, in a sense, trying to stop that wind. The flexible blade of grass does not. I prefer be like water...cause Bruce Lee was an ass whupping machine. Tons of posts, tons of topics yet why do I feel like we're still on square one? |
I love Christmas
Christmas is such a wonderful time, it fills me with such a sense of...sarcasm.
Great idea parents, tell your kids that a jolly fat man in a red suit is going to break and enter into your home. His fat @ss will consume your cookies and drink your milk. He's been watching you while you sleep and he knows when you're awake. He is constantly hovering over you and judging you based on his own personal set of values. Based on his personal belief structure he will decide if you're "good" enough to deserve some cheap plastic crap that was made in China and will most likely retard your brain development cause it contains lead paint. Now go and sit on his lap and tell him your wishes you dirty boy you. You might as well send your boy to Sunday school without pants on. The christmas tree. Oh how we love you Christmas Tree. In a world where Global warming is a dire threat caused by the increase in levels of carbon dioxide we have made it a point to chop down trees and drag them inside, where we stick them in dishes of water to keep them alive, when they were well and alive outside in the first place. We recycle paper so as not to destroy trees because paper is made from trees, WHAT THE FUK DO YOU THINK TREES ARE MADE OUT OF, DOUCHEBAG? You should try hauling a Birch Tree inside your home in July and see if your family finds it so festive and fun. Once the tree is inside we put it in a shallow dish of water and then string up electric lights. Electricity, water and lumber...genius combination. You might as well go coat your hands with grease and juggle flaming torches at the gas station. But don't get me wrong, I love the Chirstmas tree, nothing says praise the birth of christ, who sacrificed his life for our sins, then spending 100 bucks to have someone chainsaw a living tree to the ground for no other purpose than to spend another 200 bucks outfitting it with gaudy shiny trinkets, a few flashy boa's, and bright lights. At this point the tree looks so flashy and good you can probably put it on a street corner and make yourself some money. Ahhh the Christmas tree, truly the w-hore of all trees. Merry F'in Christmas |
You Nice Guys Out There....
NICE GUYS NEVER CAN HOLD ON TO A WOMAN OR GET THEM That's not true. I was one of those nice guys, I still am a nice guy I'm just not the same wuss. But back then I still had relationships and I was the breaker upper in some of them. |
wow steven.. What are you watching him or something? sorry but that sounds so wrong in the context presented. Reenie, do whatever makes you comfortable. Nothing wrong with how you choose to live your life. People just view sex differently, no one way is right. |
You Nice Guys Out There....
"Edukated": How old are you? No offense, but whining drives me nuts and I'd never, ever date a man who has a habit of it. Not to be smarmy but aren't you the one with multiple "does 1 man exists who doesn't go by looks" threads? |
Ummm this may be in poor taste but since a president actually brought it up before a congressional hearing...does oral count?
It's up to you to wait for marriage, good luck on that. I don't think I'd date a girl who wanted to wait till marriage. Might put undue pressure on me to marry before I was ready for it. This old school tradition really worked a lot better when people were getting married at 16 and dead at 40. Nowadays the average age of marriage is around 30. I actually put marriage above sex,making a vow would be more sacred to me than sex. |
You Nice Guys Out There....
Also I know I sounded like an asshole in my first post, i again apologize. It wasn't supposed to be taken that seriously with the example I gave. It was supposed to be taken in a sarcastic tone and as I explained on a previous page, sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet. Well, DUH-UH...nope sarcasm works fine for me, in case you really thought I was super abusive to females and Venusian Queens I'm not...just in case you didn't get it. |
What so good about being good looking? i dont get why people just jugdge the way i look and when girl look at me they think the negative way? Ummm, it's good and why should a girl look at you any differently than you look at yourself? ohhh that last part was deep like "whether you think you can or think you can''re right?" |
Goofy IS expensive, but she is worth it! Great idea on the CD, Geek! Flowers are work are always a good idea, too! The first gift I got from my beau was a Swiss Army Knife. Sounds un-romantic, but I use the heck out of it. It is really cute and has a flower pattern on it. Let us know what you decide. M Nobody is worth a diamond tennis bracelet after 1 month and no kisses. Unless you're excessively rich and find diamonds to be cheap, or you're that Nigerian who has a diamond mine yet can't come up with 1000 bucks to free up your fortune. |
You Nice Guys Out There....
Here's a scenerio: A girl you like and is sitting beside you and their are napkins closer to her than you, within a hands reach of her. She asks for a napkin, what do you do...? I'll tell you what I do. I tell her straight up and my words exactly. "I aint your *****." <<< That right there sets the tone. now dont say it all grouchy and ****, but show her you got Balls and your not going to give them to her whenever she calls. This way too, you present that challenge! and girls love that challenge, because most guys are that push-over I'll do whatever you want type. I just grab the napkins and slap her in the face with them, then I yell, HEY you F'in Ho why'd you drop the napkins, then I slap her again with my shoe. After that I tell her to have sex with me and pay me money for it. Then I burn her with my post-coitus cig and tell her "that's for making me waste my sperm on you". Then I fight off the cops with my scrotum and a half full jar of vaseline after which point I blast off into outer space and repeat the process with a Venusian Queen. no, really, that's exactly what I do just don't tell anyone. shhhh |
LOL funny, I'm talking after marriage type relationship though. And I'm more interested in finding one than the game but got to learn a little game to find the one. My objective probably would've been to get laid when I was in college, now I'm onto the family thing.