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Introducing Andrew!
Hello Andrew
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Tony Little
Is that the guy who looks a little like Mr. Perfect?
dating in pa
Philly PA well actually I'm in Delaware County but I work in the city and I'm probably there more often.
Or just those that are coupled up/married and bragging about it? Don't get me wrong, it's awesome when people find each other, but why continually throw it in single people's faces? It leads me to believe that there aren't many, seriously looking, single men on here. I think the single people far outnumber the couples who are here. I'm happy for others happiness in finding someone and I'm not so bitter that I take it as a slap in the face. I notice a trend of bitterness in your posts that is simply offputting. It's the man's fault if they don't find you attractive cause they ONLY care about looks (which isn't true). Other people are THROWING their relationship in your face just to make you unhappy. The problem is this site, there aren't enough single men who are looking. Everything is everyone else's fault. it gets old and tired. Where the heck is Quityerbytchin when ya need her? I'm just here to post, hang out, meet some people, chat, if I meet someone special great, if not, I'll meet someone somewhere else. I'm on match, I spend time trying to write witty thoughtful emails and read profiles, I don't get a whole lot of responses. Doesn't get me down. I have met someone there and we're going for drinks. And even if we don't hit it off, she seems like a cool friend to have. Point is I'm not getting my expectations up, great if it happens, and just fine if it doesn't. |
I started a topic asking guys what kinds of things they do special for their woman. The general consensus is, men pretty much think that women need to just like them for who they are. Wow. If women felt that way, they wouldn't bother putting on makeup, taking baths, polishing their finger and toe nails, getting their hair done, buying nice clothes, and a whole bunch of other things we do to look nice. Wow, no wonder they say women dress for other women, cuz some men could care a less. Really? I take a bath cause i don't want to be gross, I tend not to like makeup on women especially when I'm dating them cause I don't want to kiss her and taste lipstick or blush. men who want to attract women also take care of their hair, trim their fingers and toe nails (I don't want ingrown nails either), buy nice clothes and get haircuts. The girls I've dated have not worn a lot of makeup nor did they have really nice clothes nor did I expect them to buy me things. I liked them for their natural looks, and personality. Most men don't care how a women dresses, a sexy girl in sweats and a hoodie (I love that look by the way) is still sexy. Women tend to notice things like shoes, fashion, well done nails, trendy hairstyles, watches, men tend to focus more on bodies butts, breasts, physical appeal, which begs the question why are we thought of as the superficial ones? |
was VICKS punishment fair
There is no parole in the federal system. He might receive time off for good behavoir, people are guessing he could be released in teh summer of 2009.
For the record
sounds like good fun there
![]() ![]() One last answer before someone asks me YES I AM A TOTAL @SSHOLE NO I don't know why, I am what I am. |
was VICKS punishment fair
He got a pretty stiff penalty considering what others got, like his co defendents. But he was the reason the whole thing happened, the other guys couldn't fund the operation, it was HIS operation so he is the major culprit. His money paid for everything the betting, the house, the equipment etc.
Also it doesn't help when you outright lie to the judge who's sentencing you or when you test positive for drugs after you're already in trouble with the courts. |
care to tell anyone who this is or are you keeping it some secret so others can have this happen to them?
For the record
You really gave to look deeper. Where are all the good men out there means I have driven all the good men away with my neurotic insecure behavior and have not addressed my behavior yet with a licensed physician. ![]() ![]() ![]() One last one: Topic: Goodnight Get your @ss in bed and go to F'in sleep already. Anyone who you've made a connection with on this board lives too far away to tuck you in or give you a quickie. How bout a warm glass of shut the hell up, you will go to sleep, or I will put you to sleep. You're in my world now grandma. |
For the record
Just for the record and to simplify things for myself here are my answers to these questions regardless of who's asking them: Am I you're desperate Look at my profile and tell me if you would date me: No I wouldn't Rate my profile: irritatingly desperate Rate my picture: aggravatingly desperate Rate my desperation: 100% Do you care about appearance: yes I do Do you care about personality, intellect, humor: yes I do Any question postulated by theels: Gain confidence in yourself I hope I'm not missing anything. AMEN BROTHER!!! But you did miss a few...hundred... like all the ones thay go "would you f*ck, kiss, hug, blow, put on a stick, etc with the person above you??? Those are cute the first 3 billion times...but then it gets more on that third grade level after a few years. Don't get me wrong, I loved the 3rd grade, best 4 years of school I ever had! Just my dirty paws getting into the mix. ![]() Those are covered under a thread about what I would do if I were a moderator here My favorite one though is "choose one to use on the person above you" and then some list. I always pick either Atkins, a lack of functional rods and cones, or a paper bag. Singing Are there normal guys and girls who don't play games? Yes, but they certainly won't be on your (your meaning the question asker not you Dr.Phil) post cause normal people get sick of neverending whining. |
i know it's nerdy, BUT....
Humans, chimps and the rhesus macaque share 93% homology. I don't know if the oragutan has been sequenced yet.
For the record
Just for the record and to simplify things for myself here are my answers to these questions regardless of who's asking them:
Am I you're desperate Look at my profile and tell me if you would date me: No I wouldn't Rate my profile: irritatingly desperate Rate my picture: aggravatingly desperate Rate my desperation: 100% Do you care about appearance: yes I do Do you care about personality, intellect, humor: yes I do Any question postulated by theels: Gain confidence in yourself I hope I'm not missing anything. |
i know it's nerdy, BUT....
Sorry to say.. ok maybe I'm not.. But I disagree with just about all of it. Totally think it's un-natural. What babies are made, are made special each unique. How can everyone be so uniquely made if we are going and messing with dna and making everyone smart or able to live to a certain age, or so perfect. I see nothing wrong with who we are as civilization and as our special selves. Some may think I am wrong, but I don't think it should be our choice to make our child who *we want them to be, after they turn 18 their lives are all to themselves to do what they want to make decisions* but we are taking one main one away and that's to be as unique as God created them. if you don't believe in God I understand, but think of it this way, for those of us who like who we are and the way we are no matter what anyone thinks or says, our parents usually love us just as we are with no changes! except attitude sometime, but to take that right away for US... to be how we are created naturally is unethical I wouldn't worry about any of that. It's beyond our generation anyways. And even if we were in the future now and could do those things it's a pretty far leap to think people would mandate rearranging your unborn child's genome. And most scientists would have serious issues with that to begin with. Most traits are not inherited via simple dominant recessive. Also there would be fear of making people too similar which would allow for a disease to wipe out large portions of people. Even AIDs is somewhat held in check by genetic variance. There is a receptor on immune cells which is missing in some populations (CCR5). If someone is homozygous with this mutation they are virtually immune to AIDs. Heterozygotes are protected with greater resistence. This mutation seems to be limited to Northern Europeans and Central asians with the highest proportion in swedes (about 1%) |
If you use limewire be sure you have some good spy ware checkers cause limewire is rife with that garbage. I used to never have a clean scan till I got rid of it and started to use bittorrent.
question for the guys
I'd tell the rich guy, "I ain't your b****"
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Edited by
Tue 12/11/07 05:25 PM
I'm not all that fond of giving roses, I always figured that it was kind of cliche and done to death. How bout a kitkat bar,some ragweed, and a GI Joe good enough? Are you fond of being alone? Cuz that's what a kitkat bar, some ragweed, and a GI Joe will get you. I don't have that much of a problem with being alone or with friends or with girls. Why do I have to buy a girl nice things to be with me, shouldn't she like me for me? I never complain about anything a girl gives me unless it's an STD. Honestly though, I've told girls not to get me anything for my birthday or christmas just spend some time with me. I would show appreciation if they did get me something, but if they didn't, I didn't care. I wouldn't want to date a girl who put so much stock in material things, I've dated a girl who expected me to pay for everything, would complain that I cooked for her rather than take her out, I'm done with that BS. |
![]() Oh no, that will never do. Girl, from now on ask these men straight out, how in the past they've made a girl feel special. If they don't tell you what you want to hear, leave um in the dust. ![]() Yeah, like we won't lie about that s*** too. ![]() ![]() I'm not all that fond of giving roses, I always figured that it was kind of cliche and done to death. How bout a kitkat bar,some ragweed, and a GI Joe good enough? ![]() |
The NES. Man. I remember when I got mine. I had an Atari 2600 at the time too, so I was one lucky boy. I even got the set that included Robbie The Robot and the games Gyromite and Duck Hunt (Gun also came with the system). The memories. How many times did you guys blow into a cartridge to get it to work? Man had to have been at least a thousand or so...probably more. ![]() ![]() ![]() Super Mario Bros. Contra Excitebike Ghosts N' Goblins Nintendo Baseball RC Pro AM Double Dribble Duck Hunt Super Mario 2 & 3 Legend of Zelda Track N' Field I am sure I will think of more. Wooo original NES, I've got an emulator and about 950 games on my computer, it takes up like 200 MB lol. I had the powerpad with my system and the gun. Some of my faves Super mario 1,2,3 Zelda 1 (NOT 2) Contra Mike Tyson's Punch out Baseball Stars Marble Madness Castlevania Kid Icarus Double Dragon Duck Tales SuperSpike V'Ball Demon Sword Chip and Dales Rescue Ranger Tetris and Dr. Mario I see someone mentioned Faxanadu, wow, I remember that game. |
i know it's nerdy, BUT....
Yeah that's not all. Designer babies. This is all Frankenstein stuff to me and there should be more control over it. I think we're going to end up messing with Mother Nature too much and that's unnatural. designer babies is scary! i mean picking gender is one thing, but athleticism? intelligence? beauty? some things should be left to mother nature. That's already being done. Through the selective process of sperm banks and egg donation. Sperm banks have very high criteria for donors, most have minimum college grad and height of 5'10 or so, amongst a myriad of other qualifications. yeah I know what you're thinking lol, but I'm too short, hey it's the holidays and academic research doesn't pay much and .......this thread ain't about me so I'll keep my mouth shut now ![]() The human genome project is far from complete, so what if they do have all the ATCGs. The actual mechanism for expression is complicated, there are layers of control transcriptional modification, translational modification, protein folding, and that's only a beginning. Then you need to look at pathways and interactions which are complex and hard to study, promoters, inhibitors etc. It is progressing but getting the actual bases is easy just extract DNA and sequence, people have been doing it for years. It's understanding what it all means in terms of phenotype manifested from genotype, that's the crux. We're still discovering new proteins and trying to figure out what they do. BTW I don't know if others know this but Watson was somewhat recently ousted from his post at Cold Spring Harbor for his controversial statements about genetics and race. |