Community > Posts By > geektothetenth
I prefer the indecent ones...but that's just me and I'm kind of a prick.
I'm Back, need a new profile
Jeez I'm relegated to replying to my own threads...on an online dating, new record low point in my life. Anywho I spent 10 minutes writing a new profile so I'll post it here any suggestions (ratings, rantings etc) are welcome (I haven't finished the what I'm looking for part yet, I kinda like my old one). My digi cams broken so no new pictures. And yes I'm aware of the length, if that scares a girl off, well I'm not interested in someone who can't read.
Self proclaimed geek but I was geek before G4 made geek cool, which makes me inherently more cool, either that or delusional. I was born and raised in the US, I do relate to both American and Asian (Taiwanese) Culture but I'm probably more americanized. Dim, sushi...lovin it, respect for the older generation...wonderful, cheap lead painted toys made by 6 year olds...not so much. I can be sarcastic, puckish, impish, loquacious at times, taciturn at times, I make outrageous claims like I invented the question mark. I did better on the Verbal section of the SATs than the Math section....I think I lose asian points for that so to make up for it I practice karate, got a spiky hair style, and replaced any colors in my wardrobe with black. After all this race related humor I have been told by the Dragon Council (which in reality is just a crappy Cantonese take out joint) that I must play japanese RPGs, watch anime, and stop paying attention to traffic signs while driving. I have a childish irreverence but believe strongly in honor. I yam what I yam but I'm not popeye the sailor man. Cause let's face facts Olive Oil has no ass. I would share my Trix with that silly wabbit not like those selfish brats (momma should've taught em better). I tried green eggs and ham, but then learned that green proteins is just rotted food, I'm still waiting on the settlement for the lawsuit titled geek vs Dr.Seuss. I'm taking him to the bank...booyah. When I can't sleep I count sheep, then I get hungry and go make lamb chops. I notice the small details, like my spell check doesn't recognize "cliche", but does recognize "douche bag". And that makes me smirk. What I'm looking for: |
rate me
Caps make things harder to read. I'd also fix the spelling errors and let's face it, there are literally hundreds of people here with similar profiles so it doesn't really stand out or give anyone any idea of your personality (other than a slightly defensive tone). But don't take my advice cause I must be a leper, nobody wants to tell me what they think of mine. Must be the old rule, if you ain't got nothing nice to say and all that jazz.
I'm Back, need a new profile
Been long since I've been round these parts. Been out and about in the real world a bit. I'm thinking of rewriting that whole dang profile but would like to get some input on what the new crowd thinks. Anywho, lemme know. I think I need to add more vitriol, self deprecating humor, adult content and graphic language. If anyone remembers me from way back when, drop me a line and say hi.
everyone in their 30's
29 but I'm regressing day by day
Meteor shower tonight
The Quadrantids are supposedly one of the most intense annual meteor displays and according to astrologists I'm supposed to have a good day
![]() I'm gonna get bundled up and try to see if my neighborhoods dark enough to catch a glimpse of some space rocks streaking across the sky. |
Gas Prices
3.05 just yesterday here just outside philly.
Gas is expensive in Europe due to taxes levied on it which accounts for about 75% of the cost of it. From what i've heard the public transportation is excellent as opposed to many areas of the US where you practically need a car unless you live in a metro area. |
Basic Algebra
Sometimes brackets like [] are used in algebra to make the equation more clear instead of nesting a bunch of parentheses. The other time I've seen them is in linear algebra to indicate a matrix. I never took linear algebra, I stopped taking math at Calculus 2. I had a suite mate in college who was a physics and biochem double major so he had to take linear algebra and discrete mathematics. He was a drunk pothead but ended up with a 3.9 and was a hilarious kid.
Basic Algebra
I'd guess indices are what they call exponents, I've never heard them called that before though. I learned PEMDAS
instead of brackets we called them parantheses, then exponents, multiplication/division, addition/subtraction. |
new profile
Okay so far I've learned that my profile seems to mostly attract males
![]() ![]() I read a lot of profiles from other sites female ones, male ones (of course i hide mine when doing this so I don't weird people out) and the majority of profiles are so boring, cliched, lacking in personality or any semblence of attempt at humor I figured I'd at least get some views or comments but I still hear crickets chirping which is why I wanted to get opinions. So ladies, is it too long? too sarcastic? Do I come off as a jerk, or someone who has mental issues? Should I tone it down and boring it up more? |
what is kip? lol might be a dumb question, but i am clueless. Based on the free dictionary kip is british slang for sleep, a place to sleep, or bed other definitions include 1. The untanned hide of a small or young animal, such as a calf. 2. A set or bundle of such hides. or the currency of laos. |
Call up his parents after you get off the phone with your mom. And let them know he's trying to kick you out of THEIR home. It's not even his f****** place.
Do you know his parents? Are they coming home or like away for a few days? Are they normal reasonable folk or not? If they are normal decent adults and you have their number maybe you can talk to them and have them talk to him.
Other than that, I hope you can get the hell outta there, must be stressful. perhaps you should call the cops if he's threatening to use physical force. What about your parents have you contacted them? If you call the cops I'm sure they'd do what they could to help you out, at least you'd be physically safe and they'd probably know somewhere that you might be able to go for a day. |
Yeah, I'd hate to live in the middle of PA too. I live just outside Philly and I wish I lived in the city but rents and car insurance are too much if I want to live in a safe neighborhood. My main gripe is that I have to drive into the city to hang out which means if I'm with people who are drinking, I can't drink since I have to drive back. Taxi's are expensive and the regional rail stops running around 11 pm.
Any response from the airline? i think that's probably the best way to go. If that area is anything like where I live you can't get a hotel room unless you're 21. And a young girl by herself probably shouldn't be hanging around the YMCA or shelters with a bunch of luggage.
new to the sight
new to the sight, that's cool, I enjoy sight too, being able to see is awesome.
watch this youtube
Nope, I was commenting to some girl about how I just ate and slept all Christmas break and she kept calling me snorlax so I had to look it up and this video popped up on google. Perhaps I'm eccentric but I just found the juxtaposition of a kid on the verge of tourettes and pokemon to be hilarious.
watch this youtube
Hilarious Pokemon discussion about snorlax, trust me, it's worth your time to see it just don't let your little kids hear it lol. |
Weed is the least harmful drug out there You of course have a source to support that statement? Some sort of evidence not anecdotal in nature...There are no WITHDRAWL SYMPTOMS Sorry, wrong answerCould I become chemically dependent on marijuana? When you’re chemically dependent on marijuana, it means you crave it and you need to use more and more to get the same effect. You may have withdrawal symptoms, such as depressed feelings, trouble sleeping or nausea, when you stop using it. Because marijuana is a lot stronger now than it used to be, people are also more likely to abuse it and become dependent on it than they were in the past. If it can be used for medical diseases it should should be used in regular uses right? What constitutes "regular" use? Cocaine is used medicinally; should it be allowed for "regular" uses?Just another hypocritical law Why is it hypocritical?
Actually chemical dependency usually means that you habitually use a substence even in the face of negative consequences. The condition of using larger amounts of something to gain the same effect is called tolerance. The assertion that MJ is more potent now than in the past is somewhat misleading. MJ potency is generally a genetic trait with some environmental factors, mainly the pollination or lack thereof and also UV radiation. The prevalence of more potent pot may have increased throughout the years due to breeding programs but these breeding programs can also have an adverse effect on potency. Generally equatorial sativas are known as the most psychoactive due to high amounts of THC and less CBD and CBN whereas indicas have less THC and more CBD and CBN. Breeders tend to cross the two because pure sativas have lengthy flowering times, grow very tall and are not well suited to indoor growing. In short the basis for pot being stronger is really the average, there is more sinsemilla and less seeded pot than in previous eras. The most potent plants back in those days would rival the most potent plants today. I think some of the other points on that site are valid. The side effects and physiologic effects. It's hard to say whether or not it causes more lung cancer than cigs, studies I've seen usually say the results are confounded by the fact that a lot of mj smokers also smoke cigarettes and also the studies have not been done over a long enough period of time yet. In general I don't think it's a particularly healthy or productive use of time to smoke pot. Nor drink alcohol or play video games nor be on JSH past your bedtime ![]() |
It doesn't really matter, some people don't want to be with people who smoke weed so it's better for both people, the anti weed person and the weed smoker if they aren't together. Everyone has preferences. I try to judge a person based on their actions. If someone's irresponsible and moronic I don't really care what the cause of it is, whether it's an illegal drug, legal drug, or psychological issues or plain personal dysfunction. Though I'd probably stay away from hard drug users because I think I have a bit of an addictive personality and I wouldn't want the temptation.