Community > Posts By > geektothetenth

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 09:22 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
So true.. I've always said that God has a sense of humor.. All I had to do was look at my life... LOL

Got ya beat. All I have to do is look into a mirror. But he'll get his, I'm calling Chuck Norris right NOW!

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 09:18 PM
I'm sure cute girls get tons of emails, I had a female friend who was on match and she told me she was getting over 50 a day, that's a lot to read. She also told me most of it was stupid "what's up baby let's chat" or some generic crap.

Sometimes I just try to say something crazy in the subject just so they click:

Watch out for zombie manatees
I just ate a Rubix Cube
Help, I'm a hostage in a polish bakery

Yes they think you're nuts but at least they might click.
Other than that, the complaint my friend had was that everything was generic, it seemed like nobody read her profile or guys were just plain rude. So you could (and it would help if people wrote original profiles instead of all the cliche crap) find something in the profile that catches your eye and figure out a way to use it in the subject. Be original and try to be funny just don't be the "I like long walks on the beach" guy.

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 09:06 PM

I went to a childhood friend's wedding a couple years back. And I was so out of place it was ridiculous.

Picture this: A chubbier girl, dye black hair, black make-up, plaid school girl skirt really short, black top, and 2 inch platform sandals... and they were all orthodox Mennonites.


I pictured it, now off to take a cold shower. But I think that'd standout at most weddings not just Mennonites.

I didn't think it was that bad. It was August and super hot out! And I was taking pictures of her and the bridesmaids before the wedding and she said I looked great. Wanted my shoes!laugh

Are you sure you were supposed to show up at the wedding? Are you sure it wasn't the bachelor party. I just find it comical picturing the photos

bridesmaid, bridesmaid, best man, groom, sexy schoolgirl, bridesmaid, bride,

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 09:01 PM
wow as long as you're bumping up ancient posts, maybe I should try to find my how to write a profile post, or 10 reasons to date an asian post :tongue: Ya know I'm an attention whore.

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 08:53 PM
I'm not a religious person but if there is a God, he certainly does have a weird sense of humor.

Why is it that

The loudest people who can't shut the hell up are usually the dumbest people who have nothing good to say.

The most benign illegal drug (pot) is the one that is detectable to drug tests for the longest period of time.

The drug that gives you huge ripped manly muscles (steroids) also makes the most manly part of the body (testicles) shrink to itty bitty marbles.

The smallest human beings (ie little infant babies) are also by far the loudest.

Sleep, the period of time you hated most as a kid and had to be bribed or forced into it, is the period of time you can't wait for as an adult, when you don't have much time for it.

When you don't care about finding the TV remote, that's when you accidently step on it and break it, when you do want to find it you never can find it.

The one item of clothing that comes in matching pairs, is the one item that one of the pair gets lost in every load of laundry.

When you're a single guy, no girl wants anything to do with you, but find a girlfriend and they all suddenly want you.

The most important period of your life for you to get good nutrition (ie as a baby) is also the time where you can't help but spit up 90% of it.

The hot guy who is extremely nice and affectionate and well groomed and you want to date him, he's already dating....another guy.

The hot girl with the big breasts and kickin figure you want to date.....she's also too busy staring at the hot gay guy to pay you any mind.

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 08:45 PM
Who let the dogs out?
who who who who who

Wow, I am no help at all am I?:angry:

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 08:41 PM
Edited by geektothetenth on Wed 06/10/09 08:42 PM
There are people of all shapes and sizes who love all different shapes and sizes.

No looks are not EVERYTHING. Personality is not everything either. It's the total package. Would a girl want to date a guy who just tells her "it's okay, looks aren't everything, you have a great personality"

how is that supposed to make a girl feel good about herself? We all want someone we find both physically and emotionally attractive.

Why should a guy be labeled a conceited ass just cause he wants someone thin or thick or whatever? Nobody has a problem when someone disqualifies someone else because they felt the person isn't intellectual enough. Funny thing is that usually people don't have much control over that and they do have control over their figure. So if one person isn't going to date someone because of an uncontrollable factor and another isn't going to date someone due to a controllable factor.....who's really being the ass.

Like I said stay positive, people of all sizes and shapes find love.

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 06:59 PM

OK guys this is my latest stray dog. I can't quite figure out what the heck it is. Got any suggestions?

I am hoping these imgage links work, they do for me. If not you might try copying the link...

It's another new best friend! Rose by any other name huh?

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 06:53 PM
Edited by geektothetenth on Wed 06/10/09 06:54 PM, but Mussolini perhaps laugh

To be honest it pisses me off when people say Bush is a nazi too. I don't like the guy but calling him a nazi just minimalizes just how horrible the holocaust was. I'd rather see this guy in prison cause I think it's a worse punishment. Put him in a cell with the biggest meanest black guy that they can find.

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 06:29 PM
Written part is fine but man you look a little scary perhaps crack a smile.

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 06:21 PM
Edited by geektothetenth on Wed 06/10/09 06:23 PM
Doesn't have anything to do with Obama, white hate groups do not vote democratic.

As non politically correct as this may be, I think people have a weird definition of horrible tragedy. While typing this several kids have just died around the world, some due to malaria, some due to starvation, someone was probably just killed in an auto accident. I feel bad for this guys family and friends and the security guard did a heroic thing, as someone who lost a family member I do have sympathy.

I'll readily admit to being part of the problem, I pay for cable TV and internet instead of sending that money to save a kids life in africa from malaria (how awful is that). I think the bigger tragedy is all the awful stuff that happens around the world that we forget is happening unless it hits the news channels.

Everyone who has ever lived will die, I'm sure it's small comfort to his family, but at least he died a hero and at least his family will be taken care of through donations etc. How many people have family members get killed and there's no mention of it whatsoever and no aid is given to the surviving family members.

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 05:58 PM
If they don't up ratchet up the warning and it does go on to be a serious full blown pandemic people are going to be seriously pissed off. Best to not go crazy about it but make sure the country ramps up medicine production for it.

In 1918 there was a serious pandemic, due to difficulties in taking a census back then the estimate is pretty wide but the range is somewhere between 20 and 100 million people died. 2.5-5% of the total worlds population died.

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 05:38 PM

:smile: Wonder who this guy was for in the recent presidential election?:smile:

:smile: I notice he doesnt like liberals:smile:

Hehe, pushing buttons now are we? As someone once said "not all conservatives are white supremacists, but all white supremacists seem to be conservative".

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 05:26 PM

I've got a few questions. Most recipes call for baking apples like Granny Smith so they stay firm. Are red apples (Red Delicious I guess) going to be too mushy? Does the crust brown inside the bag? or do you have to take the bag away for awhile? Did you sprinkle sugar on the crust?

u ask TOO many questions....Go buy an apple pie!noway

yeah. 2 for a buck at McDonalds.

But seriously this does sound good and I may try my hand at making one when I have the time.

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 05:24 PM
As much as I support med use and i'm on the fence with legalization, I also understand the serious concerns parents have with this.

My parents found out I was smoking pot in highschool, made my mom cry (made me feel like complete crap).

All I can say is that I think it's important to be honest with the kids when they're old enough to understand. I grew up with the just say no thing, but after I tried pot the first time and it didn't make me a junkie I did wonder about whether the things people said about harder drugs was true or not. I guess I was lucky since those drugs really weren't around my school so I didn't experiment with them. By the time I got into college, I still smoked pot, I tried shrooms as well but I just didn't want to experiment further.

geektothetenth's photo
Wed 06/10/09 03:56 PM
Edited by geektothetenth on Wed 06/10/09 03:57 PM
For all those saying Obama is destroying the economy, how many of you guys voted for Bush? You know, the guy who "inherited" a budget surplus (which is a debatable statement) and turned it into record deficit. Yes a lot of conservatives blame the majority Democratic Congress for those issues (the Dems only had a majority the final 2 years, the Republicans held both presidency and congressional majority for 6 out of his 8 years). And even when the dems did have the majority they didn't have enough to override a veto.

I don't hate the totality of the private sector, but the conservatives who want deregulation, and who are always saying the gov't needs to get out of the way of the private sector....the private sector solves everything. You guys do realize the private sector, along with a complicit government, is at fault for a lot of this mess. Even Greenspan who championed the deregulation now admits he was wrong to trust the banks and lenders.
Obama hasn't completely been the breath of fresh air that a lot of people were hoping for. He's flip flopped on more than one's a secret...THEY ALL FLIP FLOP when it's's politics.

Inflation, the growing deficit, His constant hypocritical political turn arounds, a rise in racial tensions, lack of response to the illegal immigration issue and immigration reform, His *****-footing around with North Korea when we should be shooting down his missiles as they are launched just to show him we can, his stripping of defense based programs, his over burdening us with social spending, not addressing the flow of money in congress, not stopping the pork barrel spending, continuing down the path of Status Quo, the gradual erosion of our Bill of Rights...

A rise in racial tensions? In what way?
Shoot down Korea's There's still debate among experts whether a total missle defense system is even feasible. It's not like Korea launched missiles at us I believe that the missiles used in the tests so far were short range. There was no chance of us shooting them down before they hit. And if we tried to shoot them down and missed? what then, it would only embolden the N.Koreans as well as the terrorists we have been fighting for many years.

As for us attacking N.Korea, sure, sounds great if the world consisted of us and them, there's also China who holds most of our debt. China is N.Korea's ally, this is an area that must be tread very carefully.

Erosion of bill of rights? Aren't the conservatives the ones gung ho about the patriot act?

There's plenty of blame for both sides but face facts the conservatives lost the election due to a shoddy performance for 8 years. Like anyone in their right mind was going to ask for 8 more years of the crap we just went through.

Illegal immigration...have you even seen McCain's former votes and bills on the subject? (he has supported mass amnesty in the past)

geektothetenth's photo
Tue 06/09/09 07:55 PM

you think you got a problem. i live in california and most everyone on mingle is in the east coast and theres hardly anyone out here on mingle

Funny, awhile ago I met someone on mutual match and got along with her really well. I live in philly, she lived in California. It's a conspiracy I tell you. Mutual Match proves that God has a mean sense of humor.

geektothetenth's photo
Tue 06/09/09 07:04 PM

I went to a childhood friend's wedding a couple years back. And I was so out of place it was ridiculous.

Picture this: A chubbier girl, dye black hair, black make-up, plaid school girl skirt really short, black top, and 2 inch platform sandals... and they were all orthodox Mennonites.


I pictured it, now off to take a cold shower. But I think that'd standout at most weddings not just Mennonites.

geektothetenth's photo
Tue 06/09/09 06:59 PM
hot dog

geektothetenth's photo
Tue 06/09/09 06:27 PM
That's when I drink a lot and pee on the floor. Not only do I get to leave, but they're nice enough to escort me out. It's a win win situation...I get to leave and they get to rent a carpet cleaner.

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