Community > Posts By > geektothetenth
Can u speak another lanuage?
Funny thing the brain and language. My parents always spoke Taiwanese around the house so they'd speak to me in Taiwanese and I'd respond with english. To this day I can understand Taiwanese but I can't speak very much of it...just weird.
Ni How ma? = how are you Wo hun how. Ni ne? = I'm well, how bout you? (mandarin) |
well turtle, people buy stuff all the time, no one is going to save the world for $300, and a women with jewelry on makes a stmt Don't have to save the world, 300 people is better than none. I think a woman with expensive jewelry is unattractive, see no real statement in wearing it. But again, just my humble;^] Making a difference in one person's life is better than nothing. My mom does work for a buddist organization called tzu chi which was started by Master Cheng Yen. One of Cheng Yen's inspirations was upon visiting a hospital she found out that a pregnant woman had a miscarriage and because she couldn't afford the cost of the hospital they had to carry her back up the mountain. In the beginning in 1966 her 30 followers saved 50 cents a day and helped 15 families. Since then she helped to found a free hospital in Taiwan and within 15 years that clinic has had over 140,000 consultations. Since the humble beginnings starting with 30 followers there are now organizations in Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, the Phillipines, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, every region of the US (NE, midwest, South, north west, midatlantic), Canada, France, UK, Germany, Netherlands, South Africa, Brazil, Guatemala, Dominican and many more. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say her efforts have touched millions of lives around the world. How's that for a statement for a woman to make? I'm not saying that everyone has to devote their lives in this manner but it just shows you that one person can inspire others and their actions, like a small pebble dropped in a large pond it creates ripples that can reach the very edge of that pond. But back to the original post. I don't need to buy expensive things to make myself feel good. Just the way I was brought up. My dad was a doctor with a private practice, he was making about 1/4 million a year after tax and expenses, we never owned a car worth more than 30K, he had a 10K wedding gift rolex but wore a 10 dollar K mart timex. If a patient couldn't afford to pay my dad would never refuse medical service. When he passed away people still remember him and tell my mom how wonderful he was. People don't remember you for what you wore or what you had, they remember what you did. |
Hes calling to 'check up' on you...if you say your doing nothing...your in a 'safe zone' next time tell him..."I just bought this hot new skirt and top with some sexy boots and am gonna hit the clubs tonite"....I bet hell ask you alot more questions--and if he can get together :) I totally agree ....... give him a run for his money honey ![]() I find it hilarious that some people on this site have rallied against the whole PUA thing (pick up artist) and have such a negative view on it (usually women) and this is totally a PUA tactic. Demonstrating higher value. |
no other way than the slow way ........ but if you keep up with it, like every day (I do every hour or two) then it's very manageable. ![]() HAH I just viewed you so you have one more to delete, I like making more work for other people. I'm a troublesome person ![]() |
I've never refused to go into a jewelry store because of the wedding ring thing, I just find jewelry boring. I find most shopping to be boring in general. I'm at a point in my life where I'm really trying to decrease my material wants in search of more substantial fulfillment. I've just realized how ephemeral that good feeling of owning something new is. Most of the time people don't really buy things or want things for themselves, they want things for the reaction that other people will give them for having it. I've found that learning a new skill or improving a skill gives me a much longer lasting satisfaction, like improving on my cartooning or popping or cooking.
I'm seeing this man that doesn't like to show his emotions. When he's not working out of town he'll call me to see what I'm doing then ask what I'm doing later. I always say what I'm doing at the moment but have no plans later, hoping to leave it open for him to invite me... He just says what he will be doing and he'll call me later. I think he just calls so I can ask to see him. Why does he do that? Why is it so hard for him so say can I see you? GRRRR why not just say "I don't have any plans at the moment, if you don't have plans either why don't we hang out and do something together?" Why do you have to leave it open for him to ask you? |
Taking Control
I was talking with a friend earlier and he suggested something to me that I found kind of distressing, but which DID offer some insight into some observable phenomena. His suggestion was that cultural and social effects aside, on a very primitive level, women are attracted to men who are sexually aggressive and dominant. This goes even further than the usual suggestion for men to be confident and assertive. He suggests that from a purely biological perspective, for a man to be successful in attracting a mate, he has to promote his sexuality from the outset and keep control of the sexual side of the relationship. If this is true, then it offers a good foundation from which to explain the "friend zone" phenomenon. A man who is too sensitive and kind and not sexually aggressive enough establishes a non-sexual pattern that is difficult to break. On the other side of the coin, it illustrates why a-holes never seem to have problems getting a girl. Nice guys may be better at the skills required to maintain a successful long-term relationship, but it appears that they (we) are lacking in the skills required to attract a mate. On the other hand, I find this notion distressing on two fronts. One, it suggests that a successful man will dictate sexual terms to "his woman" and she will obey them. Two, it suggests that at some deep-seated level, women WANT this. My initial protest to his theory was that it's repugnant for a man to try to coerce a woman into doing something she's stated she doesn't want to do. His response was that coercion isn't wrong when it's desired. I don't LIKE this idea, but it certainly seems to explain a lot. If most women genuinely find it attractive for the man to be assertive, even to the point of coercion, I might have to bite the bullet on this one. A-holes don't get girls because they are a-holes, they get them cause they're ballsy enough to ask girls out and if rejected they ask someone else out. "nice" guys or rather "shy" guys don't, one can't get something if they don't pursue it. I think the term "nice" guy is often misinterpreted. You can be a nice person/good person without being sycophantic, needy, desperate, or being the creepy person who ogles chicks but never tries to talk to them. You can be nice while being assertive, and confident. Another common issue among "nice" guys is that they are often brought up to believe that sex is something only men want and that the women is doing them some kind of favor when she agrees to have sex with them, that it's something they have to Earn rather than something which is a partnership. Women want to have sex too. Many women are brought up under the social morass that having sex is something dirty and under the fear that they might be seen as slutty if they are the agressors in regards to sex. So if the man is the "aggressor" or initiator it allows them to go along with it rather than feel like they are doing something that is going to make people think they are slutty. I don't think the point is to coerce people into doing things that they don't want to do, but rather make your needs known. I've often fallen into that dreaded friend zone. One time in college I met this girl that lived in the same dorm. I asked her after we started dating if she found me attractive when we first met...she said no...that hurt lol. But before that, I was teasing her after we first met, I took this little stuffed animal she had and made fun of it and her for having it. She tried grabbing it and I kept holding it away from her, she chased me around and I kept pulling it away from her, I put it behind my back and she reached around me for it, then I did something completely out of my character, I leaned in and just kissed her. I didn't know she was dating an a-hole at that time, but she dumped him and started dating me after that. So I guess there is something to be said for being a bit more aggressive as long as you're not being predatory or creepy. |
every one in JSH
i have notice more friendship and thoughtfulness on this site than anywhere else in my life all of you are truely great people and i honor you all. You honor us all? That seems a bit egocentric ![]() |
Speed + Mass = Gravity Let's take our time & not crush eachother;^] ![]() ![]() ![]() Gravity is actually a force so it'd be Mass X Acceleration = Force (F=ma) |
why do men
Well you could blow through the straw until it shot back up the straw... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I would think if he doesn't want to suck, he probably doesn't want to blow either. |
I'M BACK!!!!!!
suspended really what did u say ![]() Stop trying to cause trouble ![]() ![]() I think I remember that thread, things got nasty and personal and was way beyond a simple exchange of advice or ideas. |
yelled at Jistme can do a lot better than that. Man, I get yelled at for free. I offer them money to stop yelling at me and they'd still rather yell at me. |
why do men
Men love sporks, the tines are too short to be of any use, the spoon section is too shallow to be used for any real substance, it's like an exercise in self discovery.
When they get shot they try to eat a first aid kit instead of going to the hospital.
(this title has been censored by the mods of JSH) HEY! At least it has a christmas theme to it. It's got toys, Hos, and old fat men. yeah yeah I know, everyone's already told me I'm getting coal again this year. |
why do men
i'm gonna start eating with a straw I knew certain men sucked ROFL ![]() ![]() ![]() I use a fork and spoon unless white people are watching, then I switch to chopsticks ![]() |
DUDE!!! I BOUGHT STYLE'S NEW RELEASE, RULES OF THE GAME, TOO! haha nice my nocturnal habits are preventing me from doing the missions tho ![]() ![]() I wouldn't say he obliterated the argument, that excerpt even says it works if you truly know yourself. So the advice is to get to know yourself and then be yourself. Putting women on pedastals and supplicating yourself to them isn't being yourself, it's trying to be what you think they want you to be. Being yourself would be like treating them like any of your other friends, which I think it valid. |
THANKS EVERYONE! I'M GLAD I NEVER GAVE HIM MY REAL NAME! BUT,HE GAVE ME HIS FULL NAME AND ADDRESS AND HOME NUMBER AND CELL PHONE NUMBER. COULD HE STILL BE A PIMP? You have to be joking right? Cause if you're not you don't need a new boyfriend. You need a helmet, a corner, a coloring book, and a box of crayons. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
First to post wins
Can't you hurry that along? I would love auto sarcasm functions right NOW.
I dunno if you saw this but since you are now a mod I had some suggestions awhile ago. |
I was about to say....arcades? Quarters? Someone is stuck in the 80's.
here's one: When they try to stack their groceries to complete 4 line rows. When they think that jumping on someones head is a viable way to attack them. When they see a homicide they try to pause to take a screen shot. |