I think the main thing I dislike about some men not all but Its really annoying when they pretend we(women) are stupid creatures and can't think for ourselves. Especially contractors. Just went through fighting with a bunch of them that treated me like I didn't know anything but I was smart enough to do my homework and gave them a blast. hmm..... Tough girl |
I would like to cover and explain all your replies, but am kind of busy, and am trying to fall into conclusion of this thread
firstly, i would like you to study these religons (islam, christanity, judaism).. Before asking questions.. Documentation of the quran, started about 10yrs after the death of muhammed... The scripture was documented, after lots of mulisms that memorized the scriptures lost their lifes during the battle of badr... Then umar and some caliphs decided on the documentation on slates, stones e.t.c muhammed was an illeterate, he is not a traveller nor a merchant, so how did he come in contact with jewish scriptures?... If you say it was from jewish scriptures, then why was jesus and mary mentioned in the quran??... If it was from jewish scriptures, and he was illeterate, how did he do translations from aramaic or hebrew to arabic?? Jesus didnt mention in the bible he was the last prophet nor he was God, there are even some verse in the bible talking about a man that would come after him, from ishmail... I believe the supreme being has his reasons for making that decision who knows to my conclusion.. I believe there is an existence of a supreme being.. And he has sent out teachings, philosophies, to different cultures... But most of this teachings has been corrupted by we humans, but some of this teachings and scripture still remain the same, examples are the quran, the book of enoch... And some other very few ones, |
I think the main thing I dislike about some men not all but Its really annoying when they pretend we(women) are stupid creatures and can't think for ourselves. not all men thinks like that... Aleast there are some men that know right, that women as made great impact to the soiecty with intellectuality and power |
jrbogie post : you're not saying that your research of the religions is limited to what you read in wiki are you? are you really saying that? really? The most precision reaction till now ..lol Thank you jrbogie ... you and jrbogie are just being an ignorant critic, it would have been better for you to stop wasting your time, and stopping making the thread un-necessary long with your irrelevant and insensible comments |
each culture has their own prophets... With the same doctrine, abraham, moses, jesus, budda, muhammed, solomon, david, enoch.... All with the same, aim of preaching monotheism, (only one God)... But as time changes.. The books sent to them, as a means of communication between god and man has been corrupted, for example the holy bible of today, is a book that has been written and re-written by different people, even those that are not christains, in medevial day.. Original revelations has been changes, and even translations from a language to another, has i previouly explained, has tend to change the orignal meanings of this scriptures... It has been stated in the quran that more than 10000 prophets has been sent down to different culture, some prophets has seems not to be successful, and thats why they dont have any recorded history... For example zarasthura was never successful, little or no people knows about his religon and yer i believe all prophets metioned in the quran, torah and bible, and those from the old testament, has been inspired by a supreme being, because all their prophecies are almost similar.. And with the aim of preaching the existence of one god, in different ways then according to the stated scriptures of the quran, the supreme being states that muhammed would be the last prophet the creator has made himself available through his messengers angels to the prophets, and even to mere creatures i believe the creator is like a master scientist, and not something of spirituality, and i think science and spirituality are indirectly the same... I could define a mobile phone as a spiritual device and a scientific invention, based on spiritualty, i would define electromagnetic meduim, as a realm in which voices are being transfered..... |
the will to believe is a choice Curious.. spoken like a true apostate. There is no choice in Islam. lol..... inquisitiveness and wide knowledge and understanding is awesome.... So where is there a choice? |
Avatart, I've looked over the web site you linked to. I'm personally not the slightest bit impressed by their methods. I've seen this same sort of thing done by Christians using the Bible. In fact, it's the same old stuff really. Obviously the Biblical Old Testament and much of the Qur'an are basically the the same superstitious folklore. I disagree with many of there comparisons and analogies. Then tend to misrepresent scientific knowledge a lot too. Like the idea of a Big Crunch. That was a scientific hypothesis at one point, but it no longer has any scientific credibility. More importantly it's rather easy to take an idea of any kind and find something in these stories that could be made analogous to it. So personally I'm not impressed by these things. If you are, more power to you! But if you're out to prove it to others, then I'm not convinced. I dismiss these ancient stories for other reasons as well. IMHO they are totally inconsistent even with their own claims as well as being inconsistent with the personified character traits of their godhead. So I dismiss them solely on their own self-contradictions. No science required. well thats ok... We choose what to believe, even though there are clear facts shinning like bright lights.... I can decide to regard "A" as "B"... Even though the fact is so clear "A" Is not "B"..... Some people are atheist, some are muslims some are christains, some are jewish, rosicrushians, buddist, hindu, zorastarian, wicca.... E.t.c, the will to believe is a choice |
Throughout my year of research about different religons and beliefs, i discovered islam is the religon that has the highest authenticty, i found out about the presence of science and technology documented in the holy books, which was revealed long before western civilasation.... Facts and science like, the spherical shape of earth, the fusing of gamete cells, the light refraction of water, the big bang theory, the theory of rain making e.t.c.... Its enough for me to believe that a supreme being truly exist Well now I gonna add something . IF you really had research abt religions and believes then the most simple thing which you gonna find 1st day of your research that there is no difference between torah , bible and quraan aka holy books. So sorry to disappoint you but either you don't have good idea abt others main religions or you only read the popular articles of islam . it literaly shows, you dont do any researches, or have any idea, about religons and their book, or even historical researches Pls before to say something like "research" first try at least to read that main holy books .. Your Wiki- knowledge doesn't fit to the "research" i posted the wiki link to make you have a brief knowledge of what am implying.... so does it look like i havent read the quran or what?.... Have studied the quran, the bible both old and new testament, book of enoch, torah... Am not a new to all this |
Science and magic
Science is nowhere near knowing everything, there so many things that are unexplained, but i believe there is a being that has all knowledge of it and tends to let little of its knowlegde out, and that is why that being is higer than we humans, there is nothing like fable my friend, there are some scriptures or verses, that when read or performed, they can be used to for the science unexplained, but who has the knowledge of this?.. Its that being that is higer than us.. If you call any of this as being spritual, then ill regard science and inventions as spiritual instruments....
Is there a reason for triple posts? It is messing with my eyes here. And here we go with another "book of fables" trying to be "deciphered" to mean more than it does. Take it at face value and then it is gobbley ****...lol sorry because it is for the most part, At best it looks to me as the musing from a man a long time ago of what the world and sky showed him or may mean. Not anything "holy" about it. Islam/Qaran in some cases is more "out of touch with reality" than the bible is. aww... Am sorry i dont noob heads like you on my topic... I need people with good sense of deep thinking, not dumb surface thinkers that write out of point comments, you could comment on my other general topics, but not this one, sorry buddy |
And like you said you mentioned "wandering stars", to wander means to move aimlessly without a direction... but according to the verse it says the planets ride on their "course" ...... And this was documented in a book thousands of years ago before astrnomers, discovered planets moving in orbits and course either trajectory or rotational
so many facts scientific community has disregared, even regardless of these claims, an example is the discovery that man had existed more than millions of years ago... And also scientific world, is a world of western civiliasation, although civiliasation started in the east, therefore they wont agree with any facts or claims from the quran... |
I would consider you reading it ok
The regeneration talks about life after death, not life after death on earth or on the universe, who knows it might be another world dimension.. So there is only one collapse.. Then, it is said the moon is the light while the sun is a blazing lamp, when you talk of blazing lamp, it literally means it produces the light by its self, but moon as just a "light" does no produces light by its self, a reflected surface might be called a light but not a luminous light, it is called light because it produces light, but not luminous, while the sun is termed burning lamp, which means its luminous... |
I would consider you reading it ok
The regeneration talks about life after death, not life after death on earth or on the universe, who knows it might be another world dimension.. So there is only one collapse.. Then, it is said the moon is the light while the sun is a blazing lamp, when you talk of blazing lamp, it literally means it produces the light by its self, but moon as just a "light" does no produces light by its self, a reflected surface might be called a light but not a luminous light, it is called light because it produces light, but not luminous, while the sun is termed burning lamp, which means its luminous... |
I would consider you reading it ok
The regeneration talks about life after death, not life after death on earth or on the universe, who knows it might be another world dimension.. So there is only one collapse.. Then, it is said the moon is the light while the sun is a blazing lamp, when you talk of blazing lamp, it literally means it produces the light by its self, but moon as just a "light" does no produces light by its self, a reflected surface might be called a light but not a luminous light, it is called light because it produces light, but not luminous, while the sun is termed burning lamp, which means its luminous... |
Science and magic
What is science and what is magic?.. What is their difference?
Based on my researches, i believe magic are unexplained facts and discoveries or even phenomenum, that we term as "spritual"... When these facts, discoveries or phenomenum are given evidence then it is termed a science and technology.... Science tends to dis-agree with the fact that jinns and spirits dont exist, because they dont have any explainable evidence that they do.... Science dont believe in exorisim, but it truly happens and its REAL!... If you dont think so then, i can make you know |
No! I swear by the planets-
that recede, that ride their course [and] hide themselves. (Qur'an, 81: 15-16) what do you have to say about all these? |
Do you not see how He created
seven heavens in layers, and placed the moon as a light in them and made the sun a blazing lamp? (Qur'an, 71:15-16) |
Do you not see how He created
seven heavens in layers, and placed the moon as a light in them and made the sun a blazing lamp? (Qur'an, 71:15-16) |
That Day We will fold up
heaven like folding up the pages of a book. As We originated the first creation so We will regenerate it. It is a promise binding on Us. That is what We will do. (Qur'an, 21:104) another verse supporting the big crunch theory... (universe collapse) |
And always have it in mind the when translating from one language to another, the word tends to lack autentic meaning again, for example the word master in english can be termed lord, father, Godfather, king, prince... This makes the meaning to change when using them in another way, the word "heaven" that has been translated to english from arabic means sky, or anything above the earth or universe, or other solar sytem e.t.c.... I would like you to refer to the link to understand better