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Topic: Science and technology in islam, an evidence of supreme head
Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 01:14 AM
Throughout my year of research about different religons and beliefs, i discovered islam is the religon that has the highest authenticty, i found out about the presence of science and technology documented in the holy books, which was revealed long before western civilasation.... Facts and science like, the spherical shape of earth, the fusing of gamete cells, the light refraction of water, the big bang theory, the theory of rain making e.t.c.... Its enough for me to believe that a supreme being truly exist

jrbogie's photo
Thu 07/21/11 05:33 AM

Throughout my year of research about different religons and beliefs, i discovered islam is the religon that has the highest authenticty, i found out about the presence of science and technology documented in the holy books, which was revealed long before western civilasation.... Facts and science like, the spherical shape of earth, the fusing of gamete cells, the light refraction of water, the big bang theory, the theory of rain making e.t.c.... Its enough for me to believe that a supreme being truly exist

okay, i'll bite. let's see those written passages in holy books where those facts and science of which you speak were written. i'm certainly not as experienced as you in researching religions but i'm quite competent at researching science.

no photo
Thu 07/21/11 06:05 AM

Throughout my year of research about different religons and beliefs, i discovered islam is the religon that has the highest authenticty, i found out about the presence of science and technology documented in the holy books, which was revealed long before western civilasation.... Facts and science like, the spherical shape of earth, the fusing of gamete cells, the light refraction of water, the big bang theory, the theory of rain making e.t.c.... Its enough for me to believe that a supreme being truly exist

Well now I gonna add something .
IF you really had research abt religions and believes then the most simple thing which you gonna find 1st day of your research that there is no difference between torah , bible and quraan aka holy books.

So sorry to disappoint you but either you don't have good idea abt others main religions or you only read the popular articles of islam .

Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 08:44 AM

Throughout my year of research about different religons and beliefs, i discovered islam is the religon that has the highest authenticty, i found out about the presence of science and technology documented in the holy books, which was revealed long before western civilasation.... Facts and science like, the spherical shape of earth, the fusing of gamete cells, the light refraction of water, the big bang theory, the theory of rain making e.t.c.... Its enough for me to believe that a supreme being truly exist

Well now I gonna add something .
IF you really had research abt religions and believes then the most simple thing which you gonna find 1st day of your research that there is no difference between torah , bible and quraan aka holy books.

So sorry to disappoint you but either you don't have good idea abt others main religions or you only read the popular articles of islam .

it literaly shows, you dont do any researches, or have any idea, about religons and their book, or even historical researches

Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 08:48 AM

Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 08:59 AM
nd it is We Who have
constructed the heaven with
might, and verily, it is We Who
are steadily expanding it.
(Qur'an, 51:47)

i would like you to read this article, for inquisitive minds

jrbogie's photo
Thu 07/21/11 08:59 AM
you're not saying that your research of the religions is limited to what you read in wiki are you? are you really saying that? really?

Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 09:04 AM
This are facts with scientific evidence and proves... its left for curious people ponder, and should remain ignorant

jrbogie's photo
Thu 07/21/11 09:22 AM

This are facts with scientific evidence and proves... its left for curious people ponder, and should remain ignorant

so you cannot produce the writings in these holy books that have the "facts with scientific evidence" you spoke of in your original post? not wanting to "remain ignorant" as you put it, i'd just like to read what you've read. unless it's all from an unreliable source such as wikipedia that is. that may be what you call research but it serves little purpose in my learning efforts.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 07/21/11 09:48 AM

nd it is We Who have
constructed the heaven with
might, and verily, it is We Who
are steadily expanding it.
(Qur'an, 51:47)

i would like you to read this article, for inquisitive minds

What are you suggesting here?

That a reference to an "expanding" heaven is supposed to be taken to mean the physical universe is expanding?

If that's the supposed analogy it doesn't work on several counts.

First off, the physical universe is not "heaven". Heaven is supposed to be a spiritual realm, not a physical realm.

Secondly, science tells us that the universe will eventually die out. But heaven is supposed to be eternal.

So there aren't valid analogies anyway.

More to the point people have shown that we can take any mythology at all and draw analogies from them that can be made to appear to coincide with modern knowledge.

Those kind of vague analogies are truly weak.

If you study that sort of thing in general you'll see that it can be applied to almost any stories or fables. Even stuff that was written with the express purpose of being totally fiction.

As a practical matter is basically impossible to even write an interesting fantasy story that doesn't coincidentally contain things that can be made into analogies of other information.

We've seen this in action with interviews with authors. The interviewer will often point out analogies with real world events in the story and ask the author if that was intentional. The author will often reply, "No, I never even thought of that when I was writing the story, but I see now how someone could make that analogy."

So this is extremely common with works of fiction.

A creative person could make an analogy to something real on just about every page just about any fictional story you can point to.

That's just a matter of people creating analogies.

Science says the universe expanding. This fictional story mentions an expanding heaven! BINGO! It must be hardcore proof that the story is true!

Naw. That's an extreme over-reaction.

You could do the same thing with the fables of Greek Mythology.

Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 11:13 AM

nd it is We Who have
constructed the heaven with
might, and verily, it is We Who
are steadily expanding it.
(Qur'an, 51:47)

i would like you to read this article, for inquisitive minds

What are you suggesting here?

That a reference to an "expanding" heaven is supposed to be taken to mean the physical universe is expanding?

If that's the supposed analogy it doesn't work on several counts.

First off, the physical universe is not "heaven". Heaven is supposed to be a spiritual realm, not a physical realm.

Secondly, science tells us that the universe will eventually die out. But heaven is supposed to be eternal.

So there aren't valid analogies anyway.

More to the point people have shown that we can take any mythology at all and draw analogies from them that can be made to appear to coincide with modern knowledge.

Those kind of vague analogies are truly weak.

If you study that sort of thing in general you'll see that it can be applied to almost any stories or fables. Even stuff that was written with the express purpose of being totally fiction.

As a practical matter is basically impossible to even write an interesting fantasy story that doesn't coincidentally contain things that can be made into analogies of other information.

We've seen this in action with interviews with authors. The interviewer will often point out analogies with real world events in the story and ask the author if that was intentional. The author will often reply, "No, I never even thought of that when I was writing the story, but I see now how someone could make that analogy."

So this is extremely common with works of fiction.

A creative person could make an analogy to something real on just about every page just about any fictional story you can point to.

That's just a matter of people creating analogies.

Science says the universe expanding. This fictional story mentions an expanding heaven! BINGO! It must be hardcore proof that the story is true!

Naw. That's an extreme over-reaction.

You could do the same thing with the fables of Greek Mythology.

i would like you to take your time and read that link, because you are reacting like you havent read the article....

Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 11:14 AM

nd it is We Who have
constructed the heaven with
might, and verily, it is We Who
are steadily expanding it.
(Qur'an, 51:47)

i would like you to read this article, for inquisitive minds

What are you suggesting here?

That a reference to an "expanding" heaven is supposed to be taken to mean the physical universe is expanding?

If that's the supposed analogy it doesn't work on several counts.

First off, the physical universe is not "heaven". Heaven is supposed to be a spiritual realm, not a physical realm.

Secondly, science tells us that the universe will eventually die out. But heaven is supposed to be eternal.

So there aren't valid analogies anyway.

More to the point people have shown that we can take any mythology at all and draw analogies from them that can be made to appear to coincide with modern knowledge.

Those kind of vague analogies are truly weak.

If you study that sort of thing in general you'll see that it can be applied to almost any stories or fables. Even stuff that was written with the express purpose of being totally fiction.

As a practical matter is basically impossible to even write an interesting fantasy story that doesn't coincidentally contain things that can be made into analogies of other information.

We've seen this in action with interviews with authors. The interviewer will often point out analogies with real world events in the story and ask the author if that was intentional. The author will often reply, "No, I never even thought of that when I was writing the story, but I see now how someone could make that analogy."

So this is extremely common with works of fiction.

A creative person could make an analogy to something real on just about every page just about any fictional story you can point to.

That's just a matter of people creating analogies.

Science says the universe expanding. This fictional story mentions an expanding heaven! BINGO! It must be hardcore proof that the story is true!

Naw. That's an extreme over-reaction.

You could do the same thing with the fables of Greek Mythology.

i would like you to take your time and read that link, because you are reacting like you havent read the article....

Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 11:18 AM

nd it is We Who have
constructed the heaven with
might, and verily, it is We Who
are steadily expanding it.
(Qur'an, 51:47)

i would like you to read this article, for inquisitive minds

What are you suggesting here?

That a reference to an "expanding" heaven is supposed to be taken to mean the physical universe is expanding?

If that's the supposed analogy it doesn't work on several counts.

First off, the physical universe is not "heaven". Heaven is supposed to be a spiritual realm, not a physical realm.

Secondly, science tells us that the universe will eventually die out. But heaven is supposed to be eternal.

So there aren't valid analogies anyway.

More to the point people have shown that we can take any mythology at all and draw analogies from them that can be made to appear to coincide with modern knowledge.

Those kind of vague analogies are truly weak.

If you study that sort of thing in general you'll see that it can be applied to almost any stories or fables. Even stuff that was written with the express purpose of being totally fiction.

As a practical matter is basically impossible to even write an interesting fantasy story that doesn't coincidentally contain things that can be made into analogies of other information.

We've seen this in action with interviews with authors. The interviewer will often point out analogies with real world events in the story and ask the author if that was intentional. The author will often reply, "No, I never even thought of that when I was writing the story, but I see now how someone could make that analogy."

So this is extremely common with works of fiction.

A creative person could make an analogy to something real on just about every page just about any fictional story you can point to.

That's just a matter of people creating analogies.

Science says the universe expanding. This fictional story mentions an expanding heaven! BINGO! It must be hardcore proof that the story is true!

Naw. That's an extreme over-reaction.

You could do the same thing with the fables of Greek Mythology.

i would like you to take your time and read that link, because you are reacting like you havent read the article.... Then about the heaven you talked about, you believe that heaven is a spritual realm??... Then what is a spiritual realm?, what is magic? What is science, is science and magic the same? Or what is the difference?.. I would like to know ur answer

Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 11:42 AM
And always have it in mind the when translating from one language to another, the word tends to lack autentic meaning again, for example the word master in english can be termed lord, father, Godfather, king, prince... This makes the meaning to change when using them in another way, the word "heaven" that has been translated to english from arabic means sky, or anything above the earth or universe, or other solar sytem e.t.c....

Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 11:43 AM
And always have it in mind the when translating from one language to another, the word tends to lack autentic meaning again, for example the word master in english can be termed lord, father, Godfather, king, prince... This makes the meaning to change when using them in another way, the word "heaven" that has been translated to english from arabic means sky, or anything above the earth or universe, or other solar sytem e.t.c.... I would like you to refer to the link to understand better

Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 11:48 AM
That Day We will fold up
heaven like folding up the
pages of a book. As We
originated the first creation
so We will regenerate it. It is a
promise binding on Us. That is
what We will do. (Qur'an,

another verse supporting the big crunch theory... (universe collapse)

Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 11:59 AM
Do you not see how He created
seven heavens in layers, and
placed the moon as a light in
them and made the sun a
blazing lamp? (Qur'an,

Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 12:00 PM
Do you not see how He created
seven heavens in layers, and
placed the moon as a light in
them and made the sun a
blazing lamp? (Qur'an,

Avatart's photo
Thu 07/21/11 12:09 PM
No! I swear by the planets-
that recede, that ride their
course [and] hide themselves.
(Qur'an, 81: 15-16)
what do you have to say about all these?

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 07/21/11 12:34 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 07/21/11 12:35 PM

That Day We will fold up
heaven like folding up the
pages of a book. As We
originated the first creation
so We will regenerate it. It is a
promise binding on Us. That is
what We will do. (Qur'an,

another verse supporting the big crunch theory... (universe collapse)

There are a couple things here.

First off, what you just posted here supports reincarnation. "We will regenerate it". So this supports an Eastern Mystical view of life.

Secondly the current scientific data actually suggests that the universe is accelerating in its expansion and will never re-collapse.

Granted science could be wrong. But you're whole point was that science proves the Qur'an is true, and it doesn't. Current scientific data suggests that the universe will expand faster and faster and never re-collapse.

Do you not see how He created
seven heavens in layers, and
placed the moon as a light in
them and made the sun a
blazing lamp? (Qur'an,

Here the Qur'an claims that the moon is a light. But it's not. It merely reflects the light of the sun.

So that's actually wrong from a technical scientific point of view.

No! I swear by the planets-
that recede, that ride their
course [and] hide themselves.
(Qur'an, 81: 15-16)
what do you have to say about all these?

Back in those days 'planets' were believed to be wandering stars. And stars themselves were not recognized to be suns like our sun but instead they were seen as being actual gods or messengers of the gods.

So there's nothing in this that would suggest that the authors who wrote it knew anymore than any human could visually see at that time.

I haven't read the web page you linked to you because I'm pretty busy today. But I'll try to take a look at it later. I'm sure that I will find similar faults with their claims.

If there was anything in these stories that had any real scientific teeth I'm sure that the scientific community themselves would take notice of it. But that's not the case.

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