Community > Posts By > littleike

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 02:53 PM
when things line up with gods word and things fall into place with little or no effort, then you know

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 02:49 PM

He's a player. Dump him.

I disagree on that point.

A player will not tell you he/she wants to date other people. They do it behind your back and try to sweet talk you into a comfort zone.

He just doesn't want to settle down and there is nothing wrong with that!

It sounds as though he has strong feelings for you but he is not ready.
this is why i say mid life crisis. hes not trying to cheat behind your back. hes telling you he wants his options open so he can make his deci8ssion when he wants to with no pressure

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 02:43 PM
you say hes 54. i think maybe mid life crisis that all men go thru

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 02:39 PM

He's not trying to let you down, but more sounds like he's using you for a backup while he trys to find something else. I know it sounds horrible, and i hate to be the guy to say this. The older guys are worse than younger ones ive come to find. Somethin about men getting stupider as we age. Now the question is can you live with it or not! I wouldnt take that kind of crap.
i agree with this

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 02:37 PM

I met a man only a week ago and sparks flew. We have tons in common and he even told me, he could see falling in love with me. I feel the same. We have seen each other almost every day and find more in common with each conversation. Chemistry is awesome.

Now the kicker. He tells me he has jumped from one relationship to the other (as have I) and he just wants to date other people too. But he thinks we have something special and he just needs his space for now.

Please, help me sort through the emotional B.S. I'm going through and tell me (especially you men) what I should do. I'm not one to just "date" people. I like one on one to get to know that person and I told him that. I also told him I don't understand how he can have feelings for me and want to see others. (BTW, he is 10 years older than me.)

Am I an idiot for believing him? Do 54 year olds still play games???? LOL stupid question, huh?
im alot like you and seceitive and believe most everything so i am lost on giveing advice, i need advice just like you but for women

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 02:36 PM

yes 54 year old men still play games!!!!!!!
i use to think only young women and guys played the stupid childish games, but i been finding out over the years that older men and women have more expierience and play games just as much but better

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 01:47 PM
very nice profile you cutie. maybe a few more pictures

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 01:08 PM

Yes, my job gets me hot and wet a few times a day too!

Fitness trainer = sweaty and hot workouts X 4 or 5 hours a day = lots of showers! :laughing:

You said 'porn'! tongue2 and, yes, I had to look! blushing
hello melody dear

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:42 AM
have you tried your screen resalution settings

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:39 AM

48 mission viejo hi!

Howdy neighbor!
hello mscherbear you cutie

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:36 AM

:banana: party on--:banana: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
whos wayne and whos garth?

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:30 AM

46 be 47 july 30th age is just a number cause i feel 24 again whooooooooooooooohooooooooo,go razbaks

Hey, I'll be 47 on the 30th of July too!

Nice 47 year old guns!:smile:
your very beautiful yourself

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:29 AM
im 45 and will be 46 in january

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:14 AM
hello rapunzel

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:00 AM

so not going out on the razz then?
all i know is i wish you were closer to me

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:57 AM

its 6.45 here in the uk..its dry and sunny, makes a change here!! to go to a party.whats everyone up to this evening?
im in california and its 11 am here

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:42 AM

top 5 reasons people are loony 1)technology 2)bad parenting 3)'pop culture' has little or no substance 4)people have lost their sense of 'morality' 5)very few good role models be seeing you
i agree

littleike's photo
Thu 07/16/09 02:25 AM
here dude

littleike's photo
Thu 07/16/09 02:19 AM
laugh laugh quit bogartinglaugh laugh laugh

littleike's photo
Thu 07/16/09 02:18 AM

mabe u and this girl need to sit down and smoke some cyber weed, thats wats mssin the cyber blunt! ha

if shes perfect and u know shes perfect and she thinks ur perfect and every body and ther dog thinks so.
r u sher ur not skurd? dude we all get skurd sometimes.

now wers that cyber blunt i need to go to sleep.
puff puff pass

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