Community > Posts By > littleike

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:46 PM
yummy lets eat. weres michael anngelo? the teenage mutant nija turtle
(((((((((hey mirrormiror weres the turtle)))))))))

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:38 PM
you mean waldo?

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:37 PM
the topic is whats a topic?

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:36 PM
whos on first and weres on secon and whats on third and whoever is stealing home but i want to know were did the picher go?

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:32 PM

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:28 PM

Hey, I posted a pic of my AWESOME couch!
good job now we can sit and rest, good idea

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:25 PM such a deep subject.
i cant swimlaugh laugh

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:24 PM
topic? theres my atempt at a new topiclaugh laugh laugh laugh bigsmile

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 06:24 PM




now i want to see you

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 05:59 PM

:cry: Will the guy that you like not like it if you are on Mingle?brokenheart

yah mirrormirror He'll be afraid that she'll found your tractor sexty.laugh laugh laugh laugh

Actually I recieved more than what I bargained for he actually doesnt mind what I do but I dont like sending off the wrong impression! I tried to change my profile and that didnt seem to work so its just best I give him my attention instead.
thats a good choice afterall thats why were are mingle to get what you have

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 05:29 PM

I can imagine disclosing that would be a very hard thing for someone to do.......but then it has to be done, doesn't it? It seems like it would be one of those "damned if ya' do, damned if ya' don't" things.

Very true but would be easier to deal with if they were honest with you from the beginning.
we also have to remember the maturity level of the person being told, if they can handle that or not. but it does seem like dam if you do and dam if you dont, a no win cituation

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 05:08 PM

Love is like herpes.It comes and goesnoway

News Flash for ya Love comes and goes but Herpes latches on and never leaves...........noway
the flair ups come and go but the herpe is always lurkinglaugh laugh laugh happy

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 05:07 PM

were is compassion and understanding now days? not to mention both of yopu are in love. you cant just flip your emotions on and off like a switch. if you do you dont have true love

How do you have true love if one is not being totally honest with you in the first place and waits till they know you have fallen for them? Then tells you something they should have told you from the very moment they started dating you?

if there not being honest i agree its not true love then he deserves it. but i dont remember her saying he was dishonest, if he was then thats different

The dishonesty comes in when they wait till you start fallen for them then tell them that is being dishonest.
i didnt know he waited to she fell for him. thats dishonest and in that case id leave solely on the dishonesty, not cause of the herpes but on the basis they cant grow on lies

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 05:00 PM

were is compassion and understanding now days? not to mention both of yopu are in love. you cant just flip your emotions on and off like a switch. if you do you dont have true love

How do you have true love if one is not being totally honest with you in the first place and waits till they know you have fallen for them? Then tells you something they should have told you from the very moment they started dating you?

if there not being honest i agree its not true love then he deserves it. but i dont remember her saying he was dishonest, if he was then thats different

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 04:58 PM

were is compassion and understanding now days? not to mention both of yopu are in love. you cant just flip your emotions on and off like a switch. if you do you dont have true love

Sure ya can:smile:
i cant or wont

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 04:56 PM

First of all lets deal with reality for fallen in love as far as with me it takes a lot more then just talking ect. It takes time and truth is I have never fallen in-love with a guy I have not been intimate with to me that is the final bond.

The most I could be is infatuated with him or like him a lot. And truthfully if I had gotten even that far with my feelings and then he pops the bomb what would I do. I would say nice seeing you and walk away. Now the reason would not be just because what he just told me it would be that I felt he deceived me lead me on. To me now if he had been honest from the beginning then I started feeling that way about him since it is not aids or something that would kill me then I would think about it. Would I stay then have no idea that is something until you are faced with it is hard to say.

But if I felt he deceived my trust and held back to tell me yeppiers I would indeed turn and walk away. One that will not be honest with you up front about such and issue will continue to be deceitful.
this is a good a honest answer, i agree

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 04:48 PM
were is compassion and understanding now days? not to mention both of yopu are in love. you cant just flip your emotions on and off like a switch. if you do you dont have true love

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 04:41 PM

So love is a switch that you can just flip??

were do you and alot of you get your ideas and thoughts from? your way wrong

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 04:40 PM

I don't think I could fall in love with someone before I was intimate with them...indifferent
0personaly im like this also,i agree with this

littleike's photo
Fri 07/17/09 04:38 PM

you fell in love with someone - and you had not yet been intimate with them- and they told you they had genital herpes...what would you do???
if we were both in love i would accept it

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