Dog Watchers
Maybe those mutts are just trying to learn how to do it "people style."
who would go out with me
Dang, girl, you are running steady! Burning that candle at both ends! I haven't been on here much, lately. I will try to not be so much of a stranger. But, you know I am stranger than most.
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who would go out with me
Hey you...hanging in there. The trip was great! How the heck are you doing?
I know where Springfield is! I have an aunt who lives there and have visited there a few times.
who would go out with me
HEY, I know a c-h-i-c-k when I see one!!
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How many people here
A shout from the western side of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado.
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8 pm and 68 degrees
Well, to each his own. It was about 45 here today, with glorious sunshine and felt great! Of course, I can take cold much better than heat. So, I think I will stay where I am.
![]() It is probably a good thing we all don't want to live in the same might get a little crowded. Even though it appears all of Mexico wants to live in LA. ![]() |
I dont understand....
I know it is difficult, but try not to think that divorce always means failure. If your folks are happier apart, you should be happy for them. I know my kids still seem to agonize over my divorce(s).
The real mystery to me, given the real differences in people, and the amazing differences in the way men and women think, is that some people are able to stay together for so long. I have a theory....many times it is the fear of being alone which keeps them together, sometimes it is co-dependency, sometimes it is because one or the other can't make it on his or her own. Sometimes it is money, or the fear of losing "stuff." Many, many reasons to stay together. Not many legitimate. Now, there are exceptions. There are people who stay together only because they want to and because they cannot imagine life without the other. Back to the original thought....if you love both of your parents, love them both and respect the decision and don't take sides and if they expect you to take a side, they are not deserving of your love or respect. |
I wish that I could find a cure for cancer and that all women would find me irresistible. Oops, that is two wishes. I guess if I could have the first one, the second one might be easy.
I got drunk one night and said.."I wish you were a duck so I could be down on you." I woke up in the county jail. To post bail I asked if they could put it on her bill.
Hey, it may be silly, but it quacked her up! ![]() |
C'mon really understand women you have to know about something I read once...
Why are women like snow flakes?? They are all beautiful. They are all different. They can all be cold as ice. But they'll all melt when they land on your face...... ![]() |
Since I posted the Lips pic
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Since I posted the Lips pic
Psssst Hikerchick...dang a Rose is a Rose, but those lips, holychemama (I think I am talking about Rose's lips...) So, do you
have her email to share with a friend? ![]() ![]() |
Heath Ledger
Damn! I should be one happy dude!
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Heath Ledger
Yes, but damnit I deal with people every day who are tortured by the fact they don't have a place to live, don't have any idea where there next meal is coming from, have to walk or ride their bike and don't have warm winter clothing. And, somehow, they cope. I still can't feel sorry for these people who can't cope. By the way, I think Courtney might have played a part in making sure Kurt couldn't go on.....know what I mean?
Since I posted the Lips pic
Hey, Hikerchick, if they knew you like I know you, they would know that have much more to offer than just lip service.
![]() What kind of pic should I put on my profile to get those cards and letters coming? Maybe a pic of me 20 years or so ago, like some do? ![]() |
Heath Ledger
Edited by
Tue 02/05/08 08:55 PM
Price of fame? Poor babies. The world by the tail. More money than their grandchildren could ever spend. So, they go and whine and OD. Wahhhh, wahhh
![]() ![]() Cry me a river. I do feel for the families of these sorry souls, however. We make heroes out of the wrong people in this country. We make heroes out of athletes, many dumber than a fence post, but born with God-given talent who wear enough money in their ear lobes to feed several hundred hungry people and spout gibberish. But, a brave soldier returning from serving his or her Country (nothing said here about the rightness or wrongness of the war) is lucky to get a job. We pay teachers a pittance and give them the major responsibility of teaching kids how to pass the right test. Then we wonder why we are falling behind in the world. I think I am rambling....good night. ![]() |
yea i got a DUI
I won't be one to cast stones, because, sad to admit it could have happened to me. Seriously, I think there should be more pressure on bars, liquor stores, etc. to share part of the blame. It is too easy to think you are just fine, but if you had hard maybe a breathalyser when you leave the bar...maybe all vehicles should be equipped some way where they won't start until you pass a test...I don't know...It is just too damned easy to get behind the wheel and seriously, have you ever asked someone in a bar to find you a ride home. They will laugh you out of most places. It is a serious problem. Penalties help, but it still happens, every day, every town. I go to a bar...I have a couple of beers....something to eat...I am fine, right? Maybe...maybe not...too many variables.
Sorry about the DUI, but yeah...what if someone had been hurt or killed? It is a problem we need to think about when we are sober, because I guarantee you, give me a couple of beers and it will seem like someone else's problem. ![]() |
Prefer smaller, for some reason. I think because it is harder to hear with something over your ears.
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