yes until there is a developing sexual attraction on one side or the other...then, good luck with that!! ![]() True, so true!! Yes, it is much tougher if there is a sexual attraction. You know part of this is the definition of "friend." Because true friends, male or female, are truly hard to find. And, I am talking about someone you can trust implicitly in every way shape and form. Someone who will be there when the chips are down. Sadly, I don't think any of us have many TRUE friends in our life. But, I do have someone now I consider among my closest true friends, and she is a 29-year-old female. |
Hey... I was wondering...
Still up...watching the last disc of the 3rd season of Lost.
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I met my ex online. Actually, we had a great relationship for quite a few years. Although she might disagree, the fact is that a major problem was the fact that I "took" her away from her family. She told me once that I had "trapped" her into leaving there. It was always in the background, so I would caution if relocation is involved, unless the person who relocates is 100% sure they want to go to the other place and will not have ties to "home."
Otherwise, don't fall for someone a long way away, unless you are dying to pull up stakes or they are. My 2 cents. LOL, by the way, there was one case where the real thing was about as close as Rosie O'Donnell sending a picture of Jessica Alba. Not even close. When I said, what the hell, she said the picture was a "few years earlier." Yeah, and two plastic surgeons and 100 pounds ago, too. ![]() It will be a gamble if you meet. Maybe it is better to pick a spot and watch from afar. ![]() HOWEVER, in summation, I would like to say that I STILL think it might beat the s**t out of bars, and I do think it is better to know someone from the inside out. |
Ducking head in anticipation of things being thrown at me... I will vote for Hillary if she gets the Democratic nomination. Those who know me know I generally vote straight ticket and they know why. ![]() Now, wait, if you vote the "straight" ticket, how could you vote for Hillary. We all know that she and Bill met because they were dating the same girl in college. And, by the way....nope, not if she was the only one running. I think the only person I find less appealing is Rosie O'Donnell. |
Aliens watch this site, you know.
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Colorado, in my living room with the Bishop.
![]() Snowing and foggy out there...staying by the fire. There is a church about 200 yards away...too far in this weather. ![]() Too bad, since many of the "church folks" would have you believe that God can only be found in their building. |
she asked for the truth, and bobzeaux gave his honest view. those who seek ignorance should not question. and he was not rude, he was honest. i can imagine a thousand other ways he could have been a thousand times more rude than what he posted. dont try to read between the lines of what i have said to slap the "rude" label on me, too. just take my message for what it directly says, and you will understand what i really mean... which is simply directly what i have said. theres a great thing about attraction... anyone can have it and anyone can incite it within another person, regardless of what your god handed you at birth. where there's a will, there's a way. I agree, I don't think bobzeaux was rude at all. She asked if people would date her and if not, then why. Bobzeaux gave her an honest answer. If all she wanted was sympathy posts, she should've called the thread "Nobody will date me. Make me feel better". People always talk about wanting honesty, but then can't handle the truth when they hear it. Yeah, you have a point, but sometimes brutal honesty is not positive and why rain on somebody's parade? Obviously, this lady was having some frustration and somebody fresh out his knickers says he won't date his mother...big deal. He got out his "honesty" but what for? Sorry, but consideration can be more important. I am not saying lie...I am just saying shut up if you don't have something positive to say. Sweetnspicy, I think people gravitate toward confidence. I really believe that attractive is as attractive does. I have known some absolutely physically gorgeous specimens, but once they opened their mouth they became very unattractive. And, vice versa. I have known some very "plain" people physically who carried themselves with such confidence and had such a great outlook on life that they were unbelievably attractive. Be positive and you won't have any problems. |
Anybody up and about in this wonderful state tonight?
Someone please!
Boredom really does suck. It has been said that boredom can be more stressful than being overworked. Let's see...since the phone thing won't work (next time buy the full warranty which covers bodily fluids...I had to get that for my laptop) then just let your mind go to a happy place. (Did you see Happy Gilmore?) Imagine yourself on a secluded beach with 7 cabana boys just standing by wanting to fulfill your every need. None speak English, so you will have to do a lot of hand gesturing, but since they are boys, they will understand. While on the beach Brad Pitt comes wandering by and sits down and asks if you have any lotion. You are a little disappointed at finding warts on his backside, but you can overlook some things.....OK, you take it from here, I am starting to feel gay......
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Best Actor and Actress?
Best Actor-Don Knotts
Best Actress-My ex |
Someone please!
i think i'm going to start walking around rubbing my belly and saying "mmm penguins" very loudly and see what happens.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Someone please!
OK, this might work. Call everyone you know or IM them with your cell phone#, put the phone on vibrate, place it strategically, and enjoy the calls! (Hurry, put your number on here, so we can get it going.)
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TV can ruin your life.
OK, I am single, so you know what? I watch it as much and as often as I want and don't feel guilty about it. And, I turn up the surround sound as loud as I want. Who cares? But, I DO have to get up and go for a 3-4 mile walk and hit the iron once in a while, just to keep the blood circulating.
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The Godfather
The original Godfather is far and away one of the best movies ever made. Sometimes, I think gratuitous bad language in a film that doesn't add anything to the movie can be annoying, but in this case I don't think it would have any credibility without putting in the way these people would actually have talked. Wait and watch the network showing if it hurts your ears, I think.
Great movie trilogy. I liked all three, but the first one was an amazing film. |
rose on first date or not?
Remember that old saying...."Liquor is quicker." Take a 12 Pack.
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Phoenix area ladies?
Keep that line out there...sooner or later you will get a nibble.
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I wouldn't date you because you've got 25 years on me, and I don't find you attractive. Of course inner beauty is what's supposed to be greatly appreciated, but there HAS to be some sort of physical attraction if you're looking for a relationship. Sorry for sounding like an asshole, but you asked and I gave an honest answer. we don't always have to say everything that pops into our little heads, now, do we? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I have to ask, again, how would you all feel is HE was 43 and SHE was 19?
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colorado people.......
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You are charming and sensitive...intelligent and warm...close to my age...and I am...relocatable (a word? ![]() ![]() DUDE! Did you see this?? Looked like a good solution!! ![]() |