Community > Posts By > nuenjins

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:56 PM
Beat him. BEAT HIM DOWN!!!!explode


nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:55 PM
You'll sleep when yur dead boy!!!!!mad

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:53 PM
Taxi driver!

That's just too far fetched for me to believe. Who drives or even 'rides in' a taxi anyway.indifferent

laugh indifferent

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:40 PM
Edited by nuenjins on Mon 01/21/08 09:40 PM

(by Untamed)

I think the next theory will be that we are products of aliens.
whether thats cloning, another race or whatever, that is my prediction of the next most popular theory.

Too late.....You're way behind the curve. Already been done, c.5000BC, re: Sumerian "Epic of Creation", c.1200BC, Re: Babylonian "Enuma elish" (a rework of the original). Both of them indisputable original sources for the content of "Genesis".

'Alien greys' have been the same harrasing spirits throughout human history and in every society. They are nothing new.

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:35 PM

Well the comet theory, I heard was a cult but I suppose you could be right as religions get bizarre in their beliefs sometimes. Creationism may have washed many years ago but we know today that incestuous unions are not good for the genetic pool so we now know this cannot be a factual, viable way of life beginning. So if the comet thing goes through it will be as bizarre as incestuous creationism, right?

lol that your favorite word?
Im not even going to dignify "incestuous creationism" with a response.
and you people say my statements are ludicrous.

The next religion I think is going to be just as (or maybe more) insane than spontaneous generation.
Definitely involving some kind of 'aliens' the 'lizardmen' that apparently live inside the earth....Bush is one of them they say.

No, not my favorite word. The unspoken hush, hush, word of the base of creationism, though, it is. I would not teach my children this "version" of creation for fear of the ideas they may conceive as valid or viable for man and woman relationships. It is not a healthy thought process to initiate in children that is for sure.

Spontaneous generation or evolution or whatever, we have not yet learned all there is to learn at this scientific level but we have learned that creationism is not a viable option. So I would rather follow the scientific forms of discovery than the antiquated "belief" of the incestuous creation of man. I am sorry if that offends but I cannot understand how that form of regeneration in man would be considered more acceptable to us considering our intelligence level these days.

Ezekiels wheel and the nephilum. Secret socities and evolution propaganda. All linked together in history. I'm surpiised someone actually knew enough to bring that up.

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:30 PM
Hola chica!bigsmile

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:28 PM

i better hide my dollhuh

Please tell me that aint your kid.indifferent

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:27 PM
Hillary. I always thought the Anti Christ should be a woman anyway. Eve started it, Hillary should finish it.happy

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:25 PM

a great sense of humor, laughs and jokes alot.

I'm your man.bigsmile Be serious only when called for.bigsmile

I'm only joking.indifferent

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:22 PM

Congratulations. I now admit that I came from pond scum and am a superior monkey man.

Take THAT inferior monkey men.:angry:

I feel so much better now.bigsmile Now all I have to do is tell the rest of the world they should live it up and hope that evolution blesses us all in 50 billion years with immortality long after I'm dead. I'll get a jumpstart right now and start living in a tree so I can get to growing my tail back.

Who needs SAVING anyhow, the whole human race is fiiiine. I'm just glad that I'll be dead soon and none of it really matters anyway.


nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:10 PM
I shouldn't have done it. I did. Now I regret it. I actually read this post. frown

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:08 PM
Edited by nuenjins on Mon 01/21/08 09:08 PM

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:08 PM
I was born in Defiance Ohio. Never went back.happy

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:07 PM
I only fit into my own shoes.laugh

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:03 PM
Edited by nuenjins on Mon 01/21/08 09:05 PM
You wait long enough to finish your coffee.indifferent

If it's important, especially on the first date, I'd say common courtesy should show up and try to be early. It's a theory.:wink:

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:01 PM
Girls want the fairy tale and not a real man from what I've seen. I gave up after the last one. Girls can't seem to relistically define what they want in a relationship.frown

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 08:57 PM
I saved alot by switching to Singlehood.bigsmile laugh :wink:

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 08:56 PM
Guys stink, we can't help it.frown

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 08:38 PM

Too long! frown drinker

That's what people say about the Bible too.indifferent

nuenjins's photo
Mon 01/21/08 08:36 PM
This dude took pride in his cause everyday
Put on his costume which defined who he was
He said he didn’t care he liked being unique
Accused the rest of the world of being a bunch of sheep
Lived his life going against the grain
Spent all of his time with those who felt the same
Hit his mid-twenties and still nothing’s changed
Except his face who chose to grow with age
Now he’s looking for friends with the same behavior
He hangs out on campus with a bunch of teenagers
He’s punk rock he’s hip-hop he’s everything the system's not
And he likes it that way he likes being on the defense
He likes having something to fight against
He likes calling himself a revolutionist
I’m sorry but you have an identity crisis

Lose the costume
The day’s of dress-up are gone
Time to join in and put a different outfit on
Maybe that’s harsh well let’s find a happy medium
Be responsible and you can wear it in the evening
And on the weekends when it’s appropriate
You can make believe for a minute
Stir up some controversy and have fun
But hang-up your angst when play time is done

Ignore the truth and neglect your responsibility
Because you can’t decipher the real world from your hobbies
This whole starving artist shtick you’ve been running with is wearing thin
Put it to an end and grow old gracefully
Time for you to start cooperating cuz rent ain’t free
And neither is your family’s needs
What you want and should expect are two different things
You think the rest of the world likes their suits and ties working nine to five just to get by?
Maybe, I mean if they’ve figured out what it truly means to make this life count
But that don’t sit well with you’re anti-authority
Me against the world sub-genre category that you’ve placed yourself in
Do you honestly think the average man celebrates the system
But they cooperate

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