Community > Posts By > nuenjins

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 06:23 PM
Edited by nuenjins on Tue 01/22/08 06:30 PM
And so it goes on. We should just copy the same thread and just post it every week.

"God is real because of XYZ."

yeah but what about____

"Well this is how it works"

but that doesn't explain this__

"Well, you have to get saved to fully experience and
understand that"

But I don't believe in God

And REPEAT- perfect formula to a useless forum.

Come back next week for more of the same on...JSH Mind Numbing Theaterdrinker

(we're trying to help you people and Ya'll just aint cooperatin'laugh )

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 05:47 PM

hmmm, well i kinda would like to go with the opinion of "the media needs something else to talk about besides the war" i mean when the war or anything else gets too boring we go back to global warming...i think it would b nice if they put something positive on the news once in a while

It's not the best but good 'ol Pat Robertson does news stuff on his show. Sometimes it's just fun to watch him get flustered about a story and speak his mindlaugh . He's gettin too old to care what anyone else thinks.....and I like it.:wink:

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 05:43 PM

Um. The photon belt? um?

Yup, and the government is putting tracking devices in underarm deodorant but only Old Spice. Algore said so. glasses laugh

So THAT"S why that stuff itches.frown I HATE itchy pit.:angry: grumble

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 05:41 PM
I couldn't get past the dog, sorry.laugh

laugh :wink:

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 05:25 PM
Hook up?

That phrase ALONE is a red light.

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 05:23 PM
Arizona, and then stay there for the rest of my life. Woo hoo.bigsmile :heart:

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 05:14 PM
Sun spots, the cycle of the earth, global warming is a load of schist. Global warming is part of a bigger agenda, it will all tie in one day. It's another ploy to set up taking more rights away. Look at what Clinton did under the guise of swamplands. He gave huge amounts of US soil to the UN. It's called Globalization.

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 05:06 PM
So 'offing' the neighborhood cats is my source of bad Karma. I have alot of points to catch up on. Any ladies need somthing from the store.flowerforyou

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 04:48 PM
Have you discovered the spiritual Alien connection yet?

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 04:46 PM
I know of many spirits. i've seen them gotten rid of as well. My friend used to have a spirit hound when he was a warlock but after he came to Christ it was revealed to be a lie and actually vexing his family. Exorcism is as old as Jesus.

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 04:39 PM

One makes their own god so they are not distinguishable, I don't think about hell too much as I think that is on earth.

Satan is the king of this world. So that Hell feeling is not so far from the truth. He is the source of all the chaos, but you've only seen the tip of the iceburg.

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 04:36 PM
Edited by nuenjins on Tue 01/22/08 04:42 PM
I think everyone has to assume there is a greater power than themselves. Most people believe in love, an intangible yet real enough power. If we trust our own head knowledge and understanding then we become shallow and life becomes meaningless.

God IS love. Most will readily admit that love is what makes the world even bearable, but you can't fully understand the concept of love. You just know it in your heart when you see it.

I ask that if you experienced somthing in your heart you could not explain, an experience that made life make sense it would never be through your mind, but your heart through love.

That, my friends, is what salvation feels like. And afterward, when you focus on it, it swells up again. And THAT is the peace that passes all understanding.

Then you add this all up with personal miracles, organs growing back, just plain miracles. You learn to trust it more.

No"god" I have ever seen or heard of even compares.

Many have perverted it for profit. But the real is still present. I think that being blunt with God is what he wants, like as a parent and a child-relationship. I tell God off all the time, but I always find my way back with more understanding.
You won't find him in religion or through another person. He works that way, but the path in your own heart is hitting God head on and letting it all out. To feel God move you've gottta let go of the whiskers.

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 03:09 PM
Edited by nuenjins on Tue 01/22/08 03:09 PM

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 02:59 PM
Hey Deb. I'll play. Do you have a success rate at doing this.:wink:

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 02:12 PM

heard it, and marriage is better than that... I think

No, really, it's not.indifferent

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:57 PM
I'm here wondering if I'm wasting my time looking for a girl on a friggin' website.sick yawn huh

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:20 PM

I love the especially brital pratice of sucking the babies brainds out and then crushing it's skull to make it easier to exume.devil

Any woman willing to allow this is not a woman at all. your're too selfish to love a baby but you'll feed your sick labido for a moment of pleasure. So much for loving and nurturing.sick

Your' existance is no less important than the child you allowed to be killed. Maybe watching how these procedures are done and how this 'big business' has even infiltrated our school system would wake you up. Most are too sel absorbed to care though.

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:17 PM
I love the especially brital pratice of sucking the babies brainds out and then crushing it's skull to make it easier to exume.devil

Any woman willing to allow this is not a woman at all. your're too selfish to love a baby but you'll feed your sick labido for a moment of pleasure. So much for loving and nurturing.sick

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:58 PM
It's extreme, but that's what it feels like anyway.

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:56 PM
Never did it right. Infatuations and feelings cannot substitute genuine love. I have yet to line all the ducks in a row. The time, attention, patience, emotions, and circumstances have never really meshed at the right time.frown

I gave up on love really, I think a man is better off. not that marriage isn't sweet, but i lack faith that it's really even worth it anymore.huh

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