Community > Posts By > Shy_Emo_chick
Life is boring cause you make it boring. Be the initiator & take charge your pursuit of happiness. If he/she doesn't feel the same, then leave. ;) What Honey said :) |
What are you afraid of
When my younger sisters want me to watch 'Real Housewives of Miami' with them. I don't mind doing it for THEIR sake if it means spending quality time with them. It's just that I can't stand that Kim Zolaik. And that song she made, did her no justice. No wonder my cough won't leave ;)
Thanks for reading my message out, live on air. Score.
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Black and White
I'm going to check those are like a library.... ![]() You should see what they found on his brain scan. There is literally a library in that brain of his ;) |
Black and White
'An American in Paris',
'Bye Bye Birdy', 'Singing in the Rain', 'It's a Wonderful Life' Just thinking how Gene Kelly's introduction at the beginning of 'An American in Paris', is similar to when we see Dick Van Dyke painting in 'Mary Poppins'. |
What do you all think of the new dr? My thoughts on it, he ain't bad, nice to look at, but there's been better. Think I preferred the last three. I think Billie Piper should come back. I think when the new Doctor Peter Capaldi gets angry, it's going to be a scary sight. I like it when the Doctor get's angry. ![]() ![]() He was in the 50th anniversary episode, back in June. But sure he had a cockney accent for some strange reason. Unless it was because he was morphing at the time. |
Prince Charming doesn't exist, but good luck anyway
Dating is fun
Not sure whether I'd be a good date or not, so don't know what to advise.
Dating may very well be fun, but with a certain guy, it was the beginning of the end, when he demanded I have 'Snapchat'. Instantly, alarm bells started ringing. I liked him a lot, but taking naked pics of myself to send off, would only be a new low for me. I don't intend on doing that EVER. I had to tell myself to wake the eff up and get real. He merely wanted trashy pics of me. And if he TRULY wanted me, he'd have tried EVERY effort to keep me, which he didn't. But still, I'm glad I didn't end up with "Snapchat Guy". lol |
paid dating sites
Me too. Just because they dress smartly, have a good education, and rich, it doesn't mean they're better than anyone. And I want them to know that. You know, men have spoken so soft and eloquent when sending me inbox messages, but after a while, I knew it was just bait, and they normally don't stay on those sites, for the long haul anyway. So why should I believe if I meet another rich guy that he'll be any different. A man can send me the most sensitive messages I've ever heard, but roping me in will be hard to do. Thankgod.
Hello, and welcome to Mingle. Is that a birdhouse over your head? Maybe he's building a little birdhouse in his soul. ![]() |
Positive Thought
Looking forward to seeing 'Dumb and Dumber To'. Wouldn't it have been better to put a '2', instead of 'To'. Ah whatever. Let's not get all philosophical about it, because I'm sure no-one would be interested to discuss that.
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People just crack me up sometimes. We had a potluck with our department at work and I made food but chose not to have my lunch from the potluck food. Mostly because I feel people are inconsiderate and I've noticed they don't wait for everyone to participate before getting seconds or even thirds. So some time ago I decided I will bring food. Maybe have dessert if they have it at our potluck but have my lunch from home or elsewhere. So my partner tells me today I can't be rude like that. I said sure I can and nobody will even notice if I didn't get food. Which they didn't. When I said I didn't care about the potlucks, she said but you'll care when it's your birthday and it's in your honor. (In 2 months) I said not really. I'll just make sure I have a lunch date for my birthday and not be available. She says but you have to be there. You have to eat. I told her I don't have to let others tell me what to do, even less so on my birthday. She hasn't learned that when it comes to things like that. Have to is not in my vocabulary. If anything it has the opposite results. Yes. Just do you, hun ;) I agree it's bad manners when they can't wait till everyone is at the table before tucking in. If they're that hungry, they should eat something to tide them over, before the event. If I know it's going to be a few hours til I can eat, I usually get a snack. If they think you're being rude, well so is eating before the others get there. People are so stupid sometimes. ![]() |
I don't think I can handle waking up in a coughing fit anymore. It's exhausting. I just want to have my breakfast, without the disturbance of it. I know it's coming, and then it comes. I know you'll all probably just think I'm having a bad day. I'll just keep smiling I guess.
Attraction Mind Or Looks
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Sat 06/21/14 08:41 AM
^^^^ My ex was scottish...couldn't understand a word he said. He'd ask me a question and i'd just throw out a 'yes' or 'no' hoping it was the right answer lol Because he had a temper, I knew very quickly when I answered wrong. I could hardly understand anything he said the whole relationship ![]() ![]() Ooh, I love the AUSTRALIAN accent, too :) |
Good luck. You could try your local newspaper to advertise that. I don't have Facebook.
Attraction Mind Or Looks
An irish accent
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To be honest, I wouldn't bother getting involved. I know you care about her, but you can't decide for her. Nothing much you can do except sit back and watch. Bite your tongue. If she knows he's not good to be with, yet stays, it makes me wonder why. And the children need to see a healthy, happy bond, between the two, because it may affect them when they're older. I do feel your pain though, because every single day, I just want to tell my mum to stop letting my stepdad, walk all over her. I've watched their relationship develop, ever since they met, and even now still shaking my head at it all. My mum is too soft.
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in need of a little advice..
Take no notice of me if you like, PHD, but I'd feel really awkward about dating a friend's ex/ex's friend. I'd feel like I was walking on egggshells around them. I would keep sensing some sort of ticking time bomb, waiting for the ex to explode. "I DON'T FIND THIS FUNNY", something along those lines. Before she threw a drink over me. There's millions of others to choose from, yet your choosing a bit of a "dodgy" situation? I'm just not sure. Not telling you what to do. Just that I wouldn't do it MYSELF. But you're a respectable guy, so I should trust your judgement.
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I currently live in a house where a guy killed himself. And I thought the council weren't allowed to lend any property where bloodshed takes place. When you walk into certain rooms of the house, you instantly feel slight despair, and your chest tightens, and you start losing your breath. It's no wonder I keep my bedroom window open, during the day. I need my oxygen back.
![]() It's not really a laughing matter though, when you consider what he went through. I was just making light of it :( |
Edited by
Wed 06/18/14 05:00 PM
If a gang choose to beat me up, then I don't have free will to be happy in that very moment.
If I chose to kick my dog, then he doesn't have free will to be safe from injury. If mum decided to kick me out, I wouldn't have free will to go back and sleep there. If I get Brohnchitis, I never had free will over that. As I wouldn't even know I was going to get it. And no free will in deciding when I recover, or IF i get to. |