Community > Posts By > Tobias1540

Tobias1540's photo
Sun 01/13/08 04:38 PM

Good question, I have no idea. When I tend to really like someone, I never tell them laugh Nowadays that is.

I think that passion starts from a good kiss amd more likely than not you have alot mor passion than him if he doesn't kiss you the same way...Passion comes from is not something that is taught.........

I disagree its all about practice and technique it noone teaches the guy how to kiss well he is never going to get better.

My guess is that you are not a very passionate person....

Well passion is relative, but I would say that i can be very passionate especially in the heat of the moment, but things are not just about passion. Passionate sex without technique is not going to be very satisfying, and the same with kissing.

Tobias1540's photo
Sun 01/13/08 04:29 PM

Good question, I have no idea. When I tend to really like someone, I never tell them laugh Nowadays that is.

I think that passion starts from a good kiss amd more likely than not you have alot mor passion than him if he doesn't kiss you the same way...Passion comes from is not something that is taught.........

I disagree its all about practice and technique it noone teaches the guy how to kiss well he is never going to get better.

Tobias1540's photo
Sun 01/13/08 04:22 PM
Tell them that you like it when they do...... Even if they never have done that before they will get the hint and be glad you were nice about it.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/12/08 11:32 PM
Lol I might be on justsayhi, but its not officail. Though I should check on that I might get paidsmokin lmao

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/12/08 11:30 PM
Your profile is good, you give specific information for people to talk to you about. Very nicely done.

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/12/08 11:18 PM

Knowing he won't win, why would you even waste your time to vote for him? That mentality is futile. I just pray he does not run as an Independent.

"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your voice is never lost." -John Quincy Adams

Tobias1540's photo
Sat 01/12/08 09:43 PM
Turtle I don't know why you think that Ron Paul is racist, and why you imply that he is going to restrict the rights of non whites. I know about the articles in the paper that were racist remarks, and the controbutions from white supremisits. First off if I was running from president I wouldn't care who gave me money, and second off even if he did write those letters it is pretty resonable to guess that its not a big deal now seeing as I have never heard him actually make a racsist remark or even slight non-whites. And I don't think that his ideas are riduculas if you sit and listen to him with an open mind they start to make some real sense.

Tobias1540's photo
Fri 01/11/08 08:44 PM
I still think he has a chance even if he doesn't get the rep nom I am going to write him in.

Tobias1540's photo
Fri 01/11/08 08:32 PM
Ron Paul isn't going to go that far I am just saying that the founders that everyone idealizes took things to an amazing extreme and compared to them he is not being radical at all.

Tobias1540's photo
Fri 01/11/08 07:33 PM
Since the beggingin of time they could not be seperated
we assumed that they were one and thesame
never knowing the true beauty of what lies inside
some saw a crack and longed to see the light again
but most only saw the vessel and worshiped at its alter
but after mellenia, as if a gift from God
suddenly essence was allowed to float free
strands touch strands with no vessel in sight
magic so powerful
all rules are forgotten

Tobias1540's photo
Fri 01/11/08 07:13 PM
Edited by Tobias1540 on Fri 01/11/08 07:14 PM
Yeah but you need to be when you idolize the founders. I mean they were terrorists, traitors, and started a revolution. I don't see how much more radical you can get then that.

Tobias1540's photo
Fri 01/11/08 05:18 PM
Its one of my favorite shows

Tobias1540's photo
Fri 01/11/08 01:23 PM

I have noticed a lot of people on here ask for help to a problme and usually the resounding answer is to just give up ad move on. I am just wondering why that is. I think about 80-90% of problems in a relationship can be fixed if people in the relationship talk openly about problems and if both people are commited to getting it fixed. Now I know this might sound like a cliche' but I think that people are being told, by society-friends-etc etc, that if there is a problem in a relationship that it is best to forget the person and move on. But that might just be me.

it depends on the situation my dear....why should you fix something that is doomed for failure....I know some people who stay together for the wrong reasons and are miserable and cheat on each other......

I agree that every situation is different and that some problems you can not fix, but I think that if people realised a good relationship takes work to keep things going well there would be a lot more people out there in good relationships. And I am talking abojut fixing problems not ignoring them.

Tobias1540's photo
Fri 01/11/08 01:13 PM
I have noticed a lot of people on here ask for help to a problme and usually the resounding answer is to just give up ad move on. I am just wondering why that is. I think about 80-90% of problems in a relationship can be fixed if people in the relationship talk openly about problems and if both people are commited to getting it fixed. Now I know this might sound like a cliche' but I think that people are being told, by society-friends-etc etc, that if there is a problem in a relationship that it is best to forget the person and move on. But that might just be me.

Tobias1540's photo
Fri 01/11/08 01:04 PM
I have had this happen before my guess is that she is confused about something whether it involves you or not, sometimes people pull away when they need someone the most. It is up to you on how to handle it but i suggest trying to help her threw what ever is going on.

Tobias1540's photo
Fri 01/11/08 12:24 PM

Tobias1540's photo
Fri 01/11/08 10:01 AM
Has anyone else seen the Dr. Who episode, The Shakespear Code. This has to be one of my favorite episodes even if it is after Rose. Anyway I love the character of Shakespear in this episode, how he is such a genious that the psycic paper doesn't work on him and how he can figure out who the doctor is. I think that he should play a prominant role in the series, either as a friend or enemy to the Dr. They laid so much groundwork for him to be an amazing edition to the show I think that it is a shame that they haven't used him.

Tobias1540's photo
Fri 01/11/08 09:55 AM
Thats the point they are very educated and they know exactly what they are doing. Thats why they are so pursuasive they know the truth and they know how to bend it to what they want. An idiot couldn't do what they do.

Tobias1540's photo
Fri 01/11/08 08:15 AM

I have said this in another topic.

Ron Paul goes far too over the top, halfway through his discussions on issues I have agreed with him, but then he goes on to go to a far extreme and I realize he's a nut.

He believes in an absolute isolationalist policy, and in theory, without the realities of the world, I'm down with that, but in reality it would be a devastating policy. It simply cannot be done in this type of world, both economically, strategically, and protecting our interests and secure at home.

He believes in non intervention in polotics. Hes not against trading with countries in fact he encourages the use of trade to negotiate. People label him isolationist, but thats not true he just doesn't want to interfere in other countries where we have no right to be.

Tobias1540's photo
Thu 01/10/08 11:29 PM
Ron Paul is running for president of the united states. If you don't know about him youtube him and listen to what he says with an open mind.