Community > Posts By > freakyshiki2009

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 11:44 AM
Friday is hereby declared Shiki Is Nice Day. Stay tuned.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 11:43 AM

As Shiki will be in Miami tomorrow, he is going to post tomorrow's letter today.

I'll be online for another couple of hours, but if I don't talk to you before then, have a Shikerrific Thursday, and I'll see you on Friday.

The Shiki

Now, this letter comes from the lovely city of Sacramento.



you are the meanst sob out their. why are you so mean. sometimes you make me cry how mean you are. you are mean mean mean. i bet you cant even be nice for one day. mean.


Of course Shiki can be nice. But, that is a topic for another post. Stay tuned.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 11:39 AM
The Captain writes:

"When are we going to let everyone know that The Shiki is my alter ego?"

You may have it the other way around. After all, look at mikey117 go. He took the crash Shiki course, and now he has his harem of MikeyNightLights.

"You are my Tyler Durdin."

The Shiki does not watch Glee.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 11:31 AM
Edited by freakyshiki2009 on Wed 03/30/11 11:33 AM
Simondemidova writes:

"Then I tape up your hands."

Yes, and I would make you a nightie out of whipped cream...

P.S. The Captain, I accepted your friend request. You appear as one of The Shiki's friends.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 11:30 AM
OK, The Shiki is learning what not to do. As long as he does not mention others in this category, we should be OK.

So, here is my first hint.

Hint #1
I'm recently retired (I'm 40). However, in my former line of work, I was required to travel 270-300 days a year. Based on your tastes, I would either be instantly recognizable or unfamiliar.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 11:27 AM
Shiki has to fly out to Miami on business tonight. This is one of Shiki's favorite types of business, as he has been asked to assist in a charity for children. As a result, he will not be online tomorrow, but will return on Friday.

Have a Shikerrific day!

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 11:25 AM
Simonedemidova writes, "Sure, we'll start with your mouth."

That is SO hot.

SFO was great. I was only there for the day to sign the papers to close the deal. Then, I flew home.

I'm off to Miami tomorrow to take part in a charity.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 11:03 AM
"No, freakyshiki is not famous, he is delusional and egotistical, arrogant, sarcastic, and chauvinistic. Just to name a few."

Chauvenistic? Me? I am a quiet little fieldmouse.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 11:00 AM
Edited by freakyshiki2009 on Wed 03/30/11 11:02 AM
JellyBean writes:

"If you did, you could become famous."

The Shiki is already famous. Fame, without Christ, means nothing.

Abracadabra raises some interesting points, but all of them are explained nicely in the Bible. Again, he is not using logic here.

Logically speaking, I have proven Christ's resurrection. Thus far, nobody can provide any evidence to the contrary. msharmony is correct that this is not scientifically proving Him, but in a court of law, there would be enough evidence.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 10:57 AM
Edited by freakyshiki2009 on Wed 03/30/11 10:58 AM
Check it out now.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 10:52 AM
You know, it never occurred to The Shiki to ask others to rate his profile. So, what do all of you think?

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 10:50 AM
Edited by freakyshiki2009 on Wed 03/30/11 10:50 AM
The Shiki called out a real name of another woman. Is this other woman also on mingle2? Does the other woman know the first woman?

Again, stating any of that would be a violation of mingle2 policies. At the time, the person, who The Shiki is not mentioning on mingle2, encouraged The Shiki to visit mingle2, to spread his golden rays of sunshine.

To make people laugh.

To give people hope.

Now, she does respond to The Shiki's posts. Is she responding to this one? Is she viewing this one?

Again, The Shiki cannot say.

However, The Shiki is seeing cracks in her armour. She has emailed Shiki and asked The Shiki to pay her another visit.

Should The Shiki go?

Stay tuned.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 10:42 AM
Edited by freakyshiki2009 on Wed 03/30/11 10:43 AM
There are many uses for duct tape. Care to see how many?

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 10:40 AM
JeannieBean writes:

"But if you want to test the truth of your doctrins, stop looking for proof to support it and start looking for proof to disprove it."

Is that the mindset of the unbeliever? Is that what people do to prove something? Let's test the truth by disproving it?

Okie dokie.

Let's disprove Christ's nonexistance.

Easy to do. Who's with me?

Here's the thing, and I know I'm going to rub some of you the wrong way. When faced with logic of the veracity of Christ's resurrection, you cannot refute it. You can't use evidence and logic to do so. And so, you cast doubts and say lies.

That is the work of Satan.

As an example, JeannieBean states, "Prius I don't know who he was, but I bet he never mentioned Jesus."

You would lose that bet. He absolutely mentioned Jesus.

"Josephus can't be proven to have existed."

So now these words of his magically appeared on paper?

MightyMoe says, "Because dead people do not come back to life... never has happened since this time, and it will never happen again...after being dead for 3 days, my logic says this."

Exactly, let's say you are a scholar. If your logic says this, and then people are going around proclaiming that he did rise from the dead, wouldn't you write that down? Wouldn't you make a notation of that? Because we sure have a heck of a lot of evidence supporting Christ's resurrection. Considering the mindset of people at the time, wouldn't there be even more documentation refuting this, if, for nothing else, to quell the masses? Wouldn't there be something?

Logically speaking, if you were against this, and you lived at the time, and you had the means to do so, if anything, you would write many, many documents discounting this. You would not say nothing, because that would only serve to convince people Christ did rise from the dead.

Lastly, I have over a dozen points supporting Christ's resurrection. I am still waiting for a logical, valid argument from someone here that can show logically that Christ's resurrection was false.

I'm not stating my faith here; I'm presenting my case. Awaiting you to do the same.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 10:30 AM
Going through a hard time in life is not a sign that God has given up on you. In fact, hard times can and often are used by God to make us turn to Him and realize our complete dependence on Him. Without hard times we would probably never turn to Him.

Exactly. From 1 Corinthians 10: 12-13

"Therefore, let him that think he stands take heed lest he fall."

We should never be too confident, or fail to recognize that any successes we have are because of God. If we get too prideful (think we are the cause of our success, God will remind us.)

"There is no test taken you but such as is common to man."
Whatever you are going through, many others have, as well. Sometimes we think we're the only ones going through our troubles.

Here is the key:

"But God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tested above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it."

God will never leave or forsake you. If He is testing you, He will give you the means to pass your test, and so, you will become stronger because of it.

Don't give up! Keep the faith, and you will prevail!

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 10:24 AM
I am merely answering the statement of "The Quran claims also to be the 'word of god' in written form."

Where is this claim?

Is this the pattern of the unbelievers? To make statements without the knowledge or facts to back them up?

Seriously, if you are going to say something, you should back it up with evidence. As an example, Redykeulous, you wrote there were dozens of documents disputing Christ's resurrection. I asked you to name one. You can't (because there are none).

Now, AdventureBegins states that "The Quran claims also to be the 'word of god' in written form."

Again, I say back this up with this in the Qu'Ran. If you can't back it up, you should not say it.

You may not agree with me, but when I say something exists in the Bible, I back it up. We can definitely agree to disagree. But to make statements that things exist without being able to show they do is not intelligent.

Just my two cents.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 10:20 AM
Again, this is a logical post. mightymoe, can you provide some logical reason as to why Christ's resurrection never happened?

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 10:19 AM
"But God is also evil and likewise also hate."

Nope, that is Satan.

"Why is it if we are children of God why we are not allowed to grow to be like God? Why are people so scared of the idea of becoming something greater than what they were before?"

That is how Satan tempted Adam and Eve. Thanks for showing that this account is more than a story.

"Man is innately evil."

Man is sinful, not evil, because we separated from God. It seems like you have issues with yourself. Some of us overcome our sinful tendencies. Others do not.

I will pray for you.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 10:14 AM
Redy, you said there were dozens of documents disputing Christ's resurrection. Thus far, NOBODY has been able to find ONE.

Not a person here.
Not a person ever.
They do not exist.

As to whether faith is personal, that is the point for another topic. The original post was whether we can prove Christ's resurrection. I am stating we can. I have given one logical argument, and thus far, nobody has been able to disprove it.

"freakyshiki there is no mounting evidence proving anyone's resurrection. At all. You keep saying there is, okay then, where is it?"

The Bible, Josephus, Prius, to name but three. There are others. But, I am still waiting for your evidence that He did not rise from the dead.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Wed 03/30/11 10:11 AM
"Rather than prove it did not happen, prove that it did."

We have the writings of the Bible, Prius, and Josephus. Are we now saying that Jesus Christ never existed? That He never walked among us? That is illogical, and here is why.

Logically speaking, if you were going to die, would you do so if you were not 100% sure that Christ (a) existed, and (b) was the Christ? If Christ never existed, you would not go to your death. A few people, maybe, but thousands?

Also, Christianity would not have lasted for this much time is Christ never existed. If this were a myth, it would not have outlasted the Roman Empire. Doesn't add up.

MightyMoe states:

ok, show us proof that jesus walk the earth... show me a bone...

Jesus ascended to heaven. Therefore, nothing is left behind here. Read Acts 1 for more information.

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