Community > Posts By > cherub_girl

cherub_girl's photo
Mon 05/19/08 11:41 AM
Let's step outside the box a little and ponder this....what if you got to heaven only to discover that the biblical God DOES exist and you were wrong about him....he actually IS all-powerful AND nicer than you?

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 05/16/08 01:46 PM

So life is just a game of lies?

Yes, pretty much.

As a pantheist, I believe that God is all, and that God plays a hide and seek game with Itself.

God splits and creates new identities and hides the truth that all is one so that It can play the game of life.

Life is a game of puzzles and creations. It is about creation and exploring and experiencing and seeking.

That is what makes it interesting, instead of boring.


Interesting concept. I will try to wrap my mind around that one and ask questions later. Even though I am very strong in my own personal beliefs, I find other points of view very interesting.

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 05/16/08 01:18 PM
No Mirror, I was speaking to Jeannie.

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 05/16/08 01:10 PM
So life is just a game of lies?

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 05/16/08 12:53 PM
Did I have the "Satanist"/"Scientologist"/"Athiest" thing right?

Just want to make sure I understand.

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 05/16/08 12:50 PM
Thank you Mirrorflowerforyou

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 05/16/08 12:23 PM

flowerforyou Anton Levey was a Scientologist flowerforyou

flowerforyou The "Satanic" group he started is a jokeflowerforyou

flowerforyou According to the Church of Scientology files he is considered an Operating Thetan flowerforyou

WOW...I am feeling so ignorant today...but learning so much....Please give me a brief discription of Scientoloty...the only thing I know about it is that it is the "religion" that Tom Cruise is.

AND I am still curious to know the differance between a "Satanist" and an "Athiest" if neither believe in God or Devil.

glasses Levey was a Scientologist.glasses

glasses And much like other early Scientologistsglasses

glasses he formed his own groupglasses

flowerforyou Its doubtful that Levey even believed in the devil as you know itflowerforyou

Ok I think I am starting to understand....correct me if I am wrong...

LeVey started his own group called "Satanist" or the "The Church of Satan". Even though they are called "The Church of Satan" they do not believe in God or the Devil. It was just named that out of LeVey's sense of humor and rebellion from "Christians" and their misguided BELIEF that any worship outside of Christianity is Pegan worship and therefore "Satan" worship. However, a "Satanist" viewpoint or belief system would be similar to a "Scientologist"....and an athiest does not believe in a higher I correct so far?

Do Scientologists believe in a higher power?

Again.....What is a Thetan?

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 05/16/08 12:03 PM

flowerforyou Anton Levey was a Scientologist flowerforyou

flowerforyou The "Satanic" group he started is a jokeflowerforyou

flowerforyou According to the Church of Scientology files he is considered an Operating Thetan flowerforyou

WOW...I am feeling so ignorant today...but learning so much....Please give me a brief discription of Scientoloty...the only thing I know about it is that it is the "religion" that Tom Cruise is.

AND I am still curious to know the differance between a "Satanist" and an "Athiest" if neither believe in God or Devil.

An atheist believes in neither a satanist beliefs in the christian devil ( and there r really very few of the in reality)

I'm sorry...I'm still confused....
Athiests don't believe in a higher power at all..
Satanist don't believe in God or Devil...
(I still don't undersand the differance)
Thetan is a ?

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 05/16/08 11:52 AM
Also...what is a Thetan?

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 05/16/08 11:46 AM

flowerforyou Anton Levey was a Scientologist flowerforyou

flowerforyou The "Satanic" group he started is a jokeflowerforyou

flowerforyou According to the Church of Scientology files he is considered an Operating Thetan flowerforyou

WOW...I am feeling so ignorant today...but learning so much....Please give me a brief discription of Scientoloty...the only thing I know about it is that it is the "religion" that Tom Cruise is.

AND I am still curious to know the differance between a "Satanist" and an "Athiest" if neither believe in God or Devil.

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 05/16/08 11:24 AM

Antone LeVey wrote a book and founded the Church of Satan. He is basically an atheist and does not believe in the devil or God.

Why he named his movement "Satanism" was strictly symbolic and more of a rebellion of religious dogma and superstition.

He had quite a sense of humor in my opinion.


So, how does Satanism theory difer from atheist theory? (Again forgive my ignorace but an "Athiest" doesn't believe in a higher power, right?)

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 05/16/08 10:34 AM

Satanists dont worship the devil.

Some do, not all Satanists follow LeVey.

This may be a very stupid question so please forgive my ignorance....

If Satanists don't worship the devil, what is a "Satanist"? And....who is LeVey?

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 05/16/08 07:31 AM

you are right...we can only plant's God who gives the increase... no one knows when a seed will break forth that will give life. I do beg to differ in your assessment that people held up your realization... the truth is, you were not ready for it.

That personal relationship is not something one person can do for another...they can only lead the way...

Agreed....I wasn't ready BUT the "Get right with God now or go to Hell" way of planting the seed did not help ME PERSONALLY get ready any faster. THAT particular message just reinforced my hesitation in the first place. Everyone is differant, that message works for some people. It just didn't work for me. God knew what I needed to hear, when I needed to hear it and he spoke in His perfect timing, in His perfect way. It just frustrates me as a believer to hear other believers deliver the message in that manner because I remember what impact that message had on me personally and it didn't help. It wasn't until I had ears to hear and I heard the message of grace on condemnation that I finally said "OK God you win. I'm lost. Come find me."

cherub_girl's photo
Wed 05/14/08 07:35 PM

I'll put it simply.
And I don't even have to say anything.

Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

I don't need God to prove himself to me.

And all God's children said "Amen"

cherub_girl's photo
Wed 05/14/08 11:43 AM

whether or not God is real?

Growing up in the church I ALWAYS wondered whether or not God was actually real or if we were just vainly going through the motions of pointless ritual. After moving from home I was sure I was convinced God was NOT real. Slowly through life experience, I started to acknowlege that there MIGHT a higher power and began my debates with "born again" christians and "true" christians about their theology. Eventually, in a way that only God can, in a way that would only make sense to me, God revealed himself and I have no choice to not only BELIEVE God is real....I KNOW without a doubt GOD is indeed REAL! Sorry "born again" christians and "true" don't get the credit. God did it all on his own. Unfortunately, those well meaning "born again" and "true" who were trying so desperately to "save" me actually ended up delaying my realization of his exsistance because I refused to acknowledge a God that was vengful and unjust. So plead with all those who are out there trying to save the world and help them find Jesus, be careful! Jesus isn't lost. He knows exactly where he is and where the world is. Let him meet them where they are at. He knows what he is doing.....he found you didn't he?

cherub_girl's photo
Tue 05/13/08 06:10 PM
Thanks again MorningSong....I needed that one too. Got scripture to back that one up too? I think I need that one more than the scripture on God not being able to look upon sin. :wink:

cherub_girl's photo
Tue 05/13/08 05:55 PM
And good luck to you in your assumption that it isn't.:wink:

cherub_girl's photo
Tue 05/13/08 05:52 PM
Thank You MorningSongflowerforyou Happy Birthday!!

cherub_girl's photo
Tue 05/13/08 05:49 PM
We finally agree. All Paths do lead to God.

I know that God created the universe, you and knows every hair on your head because the Bible says so. I know the Bible is fact because it has been scientifically proven.

I know you don't know God personally because the statements you have made, the questions you ask and by you refering to Hell as a mythical place.

cherub_girl's photo
Tue 05/13/08 05:34 PM
I wasn't questioning his WORD. I am also well aware of the salvation message. I was SEEKING his WORD. paraphrase what you are believe that hell is a hybrid too....not only is it the absence of everything good, it is also the presence of everything bad. Do I understand you properly? Now, please help me find where the bible says that God cannot look upon sin. Cause it seems to me that there are at least 2 occasions where God and Satan have a conversation (in the garden of eden and in the beginning of Job). I'm not arguing with you, I'm just confused and want clarification.