Community > Posts By > cherub_girl
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It is a basic need for EVERYONE. God put it there so the population would increase. It is basic animal instinct. |
Mirror - why do you think celibacy creates honor in a person? Cherub [I believe that sex is a need just like food, drink and love. Denying those primal God given needs only leads to perversion. When one tries to deny the basic needs, failure is a certainty. Those needs MUST be be satisfied one way or the other. If denied, it leads to binge drinking, eating disorders and sexual perversion. It is best to allow humans to fulfill these needs in a healthy manner. In the case of sex, that is marriage (reduces the risk of emotional damage and sexaully transmitted diseases). I agree, and if you just happen to be a homosexual and you find an attraction to a long term partner, then celibacy is a redykeulous expectation..... ![]() Again....agreed. I am a hetrosexual and struggle with the same expectation because I am not married. According to the Bible, I am sinning everytime I have sex because I am not married. Forgive me Father cause I'm about to Sin. It's Friday night and this is an area where God and I are going to have to have a talk about in the morning when I get home. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Do you think celibacy is necessary for a religious leader? Do you think celibacy adds to the pious nature of anyone who practices it? If your are answering from a Christian perspective, please feel free to use Biblical scripture to explain your beliefs in this matter. I believe that it is a very respectible way to show your devotion to God. However, I do NOT think that it is NECESSARY in a religious leader nor do I believe that it adds piousness. Matter of fact, I do believe that marriage should be encouraged in religious leaders. I believe that sex is a need just like food, drink and love. Denying those primal God given needs only leads to perversion. When one tries to deny the basic needs, failure is a certainty. Those needs MUST be be satisfied one way or the other. If denied, it leads to binge drinking, eating disorders and sexual perversion. It is best to allow humans to fulfill these needs in a healthy manner. In the case of sex, that is marriage (reduces the risk of emotional damage and sexaully transmitted diseases). Therefore, I believe marriage should be encouraged in religious leaders. I also believe that those leaders will be better equipped to help council their perishoners when they struggle with issues related to sex and marriage becuase they have personal experiance in which to draw from. |
Belief or Betrayal
Eljay wrote:
This thread has nothing to do with people who don't believe the bible. Read Funches post again. For that matter - read mine again, I qualified my response so I wouldn't have to deal with your strawman arguments. That's silly. The whole idea behind Christianity is that the Bible is the correct description of God. It doesn't even make and sense to talk about things such as heaven or hell outside of the biblical context. Eljay wrote:
God is in Heaven. For those who do not wish to enter there - God does not admit them. Period. He doesn't "send them anywhere". You have made this assumption. Had you read the book, you'd know otherwise. Again, you say, "Had you read the book!". It's all about what the bible says. You believe in a book. Not in a God. You claim that the book is the word of God. You worship a book! And they you try to claim that it's not about the Bible. You want to have your cake and eat it too. Spider wrote:
Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da Well that makes a lot more sense that what you posted before you edited your post. ![]() You and Eljay are both trying to pull the same stunt. I tell you guys what the bible says, and then you guys try to say, "But God isn't like that!" But the Bible is what you people claim to believe in. You can't say that God doesn't threaten people who don't believe in him because the Bible most certainly does this. Whatever the Bible says is what the biblical God says, because the whole idea behind it. It's supposed to be the word of God. You can't say, "But God isn't like that!". If say that all you are saying is that you don't believe that the Bible correctly portrays what God is like (i.e. you renounce the very idea that the Bible is the word of God). Oxymoron. As always! For Christians the Bible has to be the word of God. Therefore whatever the Bible says that God is like then that's what God must be like. The Bible clearly threatens non-believers that bad things will happen to them. The Christian God clearly threatens non-believers with violence, and clearly uses tactics of intimidation and fear to try to get people to love him. This must be the case because Christians are claiming that the Bible is the WORD of God. Therefore the Christian God threatens to reject people, and intimidates with fear tactics because this is what the Bible does, and Christians claim that the Bible is the words of God. There's no way out. Christians have no choice but to confess that their God (the Bible) uses methods of intimidation, fear, and threatens to reject people if they don't believe him. Because the Bible tells us so! You guys are hopeless. You'll defend that the book is the word of God until you're blue in the face, whilst simultaneously trying to claim that God isn't like what the Bible says. ![]() It's utterly ridiculous. The biblical doctrine trips over its own proclamations and falls flat on its face in the mud. And you guys stand there trying to defend it. For what reason? You've either fallen for the intimidation and you are afraid to renounce it. Or you're lusting for the gift of eternal life it offers and you don't want to miss out on the chance in case it might somehow be miraculously true. Good luck. ![]() this might be an interesting expieriment abra- if they really feel and believe their book is not necessary to exist and all that is necessary is to believe and have faith, then have them destroy all the unnecessary books - since they are not what they put their faith in - and live "strictly on "faith" and do not share their faith unless asked, do not indoctrinate thier children with thier stories, and eventually see if the world would continue to have "faith without the "book" after all - there was no book "in the beginning" correct? there was only the voice and mind of god correct? so it really should not be necessary for them to continue to "need" the book any longer? after all - if god is god - could he not just show himself and speak as he first did? I personally dont believe christianity or any monotheiastic religion would survive without their "book's" Go Ahead. Torch them. I will give you all of mine. My faith would still stand strong. Even if I wasn't able to pass Jesus' my story on to my son, to late though I already did, or chose never to speak of it again to him, I strongly believe that God would reviel himself to my son in His own way, in His own time, in a very personal level to my son, in which my son would not or could not deny there is a God. |
How Many? - But WHY?
All research I have done on this topic has been from biased sources. Unbiased material is very difficult to find. Almost EVERYBODY has their own personal agenda. When doing research people have a tendancy to find information to back up the opinion they already have. Does anyone out there have an unbiased source of information, other than the bible which of course would be biased, to help me start my "History of the Bible" research? ok because the nature of this forum is to allow and not ban trolls that will break down information, twist and turn it, and vomit it back up if you need specific help you are going to have to exchange emails with me or get on my im list so I can teach you to do effective research. That said...I will say this for everyone's benefit... To look up information sitting where you are now reading this on a web search is amazingly easy. In a library a librarian can help but it has to be a non christian college library, or public library. A Christian College library will lead you the wrong direction every last time. The amount of information to search through is staggering. I do check christian websites sometimes but usually avoid them, because they don't like to tell you about any text they disagree with. Keywords to search are...Bible, creation, origin, original, direct translation, biblical texts, jesus ancient texts, Christ ancient texts, book of Judas, book of Mary, Jesus and herod, life of jesus ancient texts, Jesus and mary, Jesus Egypt (wildcard). Read things carefully, once you do find a text source some text may be confusing. Read it with a grain of salt making sure you understand you have no idea what the context is or WHO it is they are talking about (so far I have five marys in the life of Jesus and which is which can be unclear at times). If you are going to read additional texts it's a good idea to find a source that explains language and phrases used in those times because it can change the whole meaning. As in... If I read SON OF JOSEPH in the bible it is meant as Descendent of Joseph which may or may not be the actual son of Joseph. I don't understand this myself but that is why the bible is suspect the language usage of that time was nothing like modern language usage so it can completely change the meaning of a passage. A while ago i started doing a detail search and I found that even more interesting I suggest it as a matter of fun for anyone that likes history. Check a part of the bible you want to know more about, a story in the bible, or key figures and do a search on that instead of the whole bible. A closely related story to the bible that could be considered to have everything or nothing to do with Jesus is a search for example on herod, Joseph, Mary (Marriame). Sometimes I wish that the RCC would release all of the texts it has so people could fit all of these pieces together. Even more Jewish texts would help. I know how to do an effective search and how to cross referance. What I am saying is that there are NO unbiased materials out there. EVERYONE has an agenda whether they want to admit it or not. |
Belief or Betrayal
Now - the choice remains with the individual. If I have love ones who chose not to spend eternity with God in heaven and therefore have chosen to suffer the consequences thereof - you want me to now abandon God because He allowed them their choice? God gives the individual a choice of "either or" which equations to a threat and not a choice ..but that is not the issue...the issue is why would people praise a God as he is torturing their love ones and not speak against it I know you know how to read Funches. What part of "Where does it say God tortures those in hell" do you not understand? well Eljay try reading Matthew 13:41 and 13:42 13:41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; 13:42 Jesus will send his angels to gather up "all that offend" and they "shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." so Eljay ..unless there is another furnace of fire besides Hell then it sounds like torturing to me are you finish trying to go off the question If you want to do a literal translation..ok here we go... lesson. 40"As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. 41The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. The SON OF MAN will send out his ANGELS, and THEY (meaning the ANGELS), will weed out of HIS (meaning SON OF MAN'S)everyTHING (everyTHING not everyONE) that causes sin and all who do evil. Which means if money makes one will be cast to hell. If porn causes people to sin....Playboy magazines will be cast to hell. |
Belief or Betrayal
Well yes and no. I don't think God really cares who wins. I think he cares more about sportsmanship, the wellbeing of the athlete and what is in the athletes heart. I believe that He knows best. He will let the best athlete win unless the thinks that athlete needs to loose. In general life, I think he lets us do what we please and in general does not interfere unless He thinks He needs to. Devine intervention is a discussion all on it's own and really deserves it's own thread. Maybe I will start one at a later date I don't have time to really get into it right now. BUT if someone else wants to start that I will be happy to read and catch up and throw my 2 cents in.
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Belief or Betrayal
I would agree with that but remember my belief system allows for 2 opposing forces. Good and Evil Since I also believe that Good ALWAYS triumphs over evil, I would be inclined to believe that Devine force felt it was more necessary for the underdog to win and therefore would have intervined at little cost to the horse with the upper hoof. Then again, it is possible that the Divine force felt that it was in the best interest for the better horse to loose rather than win. Maybe, that Divine force knew that if that horse lost it would be traded to a horse trainer that was more humane and would not pump it full of steroids.
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Belief or Betrayal
Thank you. I do believe that which is commonly known as "luck" is actually devine intervention. ![]() But you are very is most commonly known as "luck" Hey, what can I say. I like my rose tinted world. It goes with my complexion. ![]() ![]() If you attribute all luck to being miracles, then all you are really doing is denying that any miracles exist at all. Because the whole idea of a 'miracle' is that it is something out of the ordinary. ![]() If the horse that has his odds against him due to poor training and an injury wins the race to the horse with the best odds due to his superior training and health....I would say that would be out of the ordinary - luck - divine intervention. |
Belief or Betrayal
Thank you. I do believe that which is commonly known as "luck" is actually devine intervention.
![]() But you are very is most commonly known as "luck" Hey, what can I say. I like my rose tinted world. It goes with my complexion. ![]() ![]() |
Belief or Betrayal
Chance is a given. At a horse race there is a chance that some horse is going to win. That is not chance it is a fact. Luck is what we call it when the horse we had bet on is the one that wins. That is doing your research on the horses and placing your bet on the horse with best odds.....OR divine intervention, in my opinion. |
Belief or Betrayal
I don't believe in random chance or pure "luck".
How Many? - But WHY?
All research I have done on this topic has been from biased sources. Unbiased material is very difficult to find. Almost EVERYBODY has their own personal agenda. When doing research people have a tendancy to find information to back up the opinion they already have. Does anyone out there have an unbiased source of information, other than the bible which of course would be biased, to help me start my "History of the Bible" research? there are no unbiased histories ancient or new - remember man has written them all ![]() That was my point. ![]() ![]() |
How Many? - But WHY?
If so, feel free to post but also please email it to me so I don't loose it in the thread.
How Many? - But WHY?
All research I have done on this topic has been from biased sources. Unbiased material is very difficult to find. Almost EVERYBODY has their own personal agenda. When doing research people have a tendancy to find information to back up the opinion they already have.
Does anyone out there have an unbiased source of information, other than the bible which of course would be biased, to help me start my "History of the Bible" research? |
All these are the things who I am, the things I have to battle everyday, so I can get closer to my Father.
Why do you feel that those are the things "who you are"? Are those the things that you want to be? If not, then why do you say they are the things "who you are"? If you're not living up to being the person you want to be, then you are failing yourself. No one else. Whenever I have control over myself I would be able to say with the Apostle: "It's not me the one who lives, but is Jesus who lives in me."
Again, what's wrong with you? Why do you feel a need to belittle yourself to the point where you consider yourself to be so insignificant that someone else should need to come and take over for you? I'm serious Miguel. I don't understand this point of view at all. If someone else has to live your life for you doesn't that mean that you failed to meet the challenge? What good would it be for God if he had to go into everyone's life and run the show for them? What would anyone gain from that? What would God gain from that? What would you gain from that? A free ride though life? Someone else is living your life for you? I don't understand what the point to it would be. It seems to me that if a God created you he would want you to learn to how to stand on your own two feet. If he has to carry you all the time what's the point to it? I seriously don't understand who would benefit from this kind of arrangement. I don't understand how it would be beneficial for either you or God. Instead of expecting God to live your life for you, why not just live up to your own expectations of your own self? You can do it. I'm sure of that. So why not just do it? You entitled the thread "self-denial". From my point of view that's precisely what you've described in the OP. my dear and loved friend, with all due respect If you don't understand my Lord the way I do. I won't be able to answer any of your questions. Which is a dualism between God and man because I deeply believe and without any doubt that in my Lord the human nature and the divine nature comes to one thing. You would never understand my position and why I wrote what I wrote. My final end is diminish the person who I am to let my Lord be seeing through me. My final end is just to be a mere instrument or tool for the construction of the Kingdom of Heaven. It's not for me, it's for the Glory of my Heavenly Daddy. For this to happen the worldly man I am has to die, so the man that my Father wants me to be can live. ![]() Beautifully stated. ![]() ![]() I struggle with my pride and humanity everyday. Every Christian does. In addition we do not do this because He demands it, we do it because we love him. In return for that death of self, we live in Him. "Better is one day in his courts than a thousand elsewhere" |
How can a robot taking orders from Rumsfeld to kill innocent men , innocent women and innocent children protect any freedom ?. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() : ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Robots? I'm sorry. I thought those were our sons and daughters over there? Have you ever met a vet? Yes they take and follow orders but they are NOT robots. Please give them the respect they are due. |
How Many? - But WHY?
It is accurate however to say that the bible is the oldest mass produced Volume although it's authenticity was called into question rather than people from other faiths, but by the church that propogated it...long story nothing against Christianity here just a problem with RCC methods. What made the Bible Significant? The Guttenberg Press. False statements lead to false revelation, and myth that can blow up in your face. The Bible is one of the most significant books outside of Faith, because it was so loved that someone mass printed it as the first mass printed Volume. Actually in light of recent discussions or problems with recent discussions for those Christians still interested and reading I have a challenge for you. Since the Bible is such an icon of the Christian faith followed, maybe it's a good time for anyone who has not done so to guinely study the history of the bible, how it was pieced together, propogated, and even if you don't remember take a look at the number of versions. Since it's your spiritual herritage it may make for an interesting history lesson for some of you. I am willing to do that. Where do you suggest I start? |
How Many? - But WHY?
I agree...kinda. There is no point in building a case for faith on the Bible if you cannot prove the bible to be fact. In order to use the Bible as evidence you must either prove it or only use it to SUPPORT fact.
Coincidently - that is how I found my way back to Christianity. A few years ago, I ran across some reading material that claimed that the Bible is the oldest authentic document. That caught my interest so I did a little bit of studying and ended up taking a class. I wish I still had those books. I passed them on to someone else years ago. They would come in handy right about now. ![]() ![]() |
How Many? - But WHY?
Eljay wrote and I quote: "...Claiming to be a Christian does not bring one closer to God, nor does it get one to heaven. Christianity does not save anyone - Jesus does. It is only through Jesus that one gets to the heaven of scripture...." EXACTLY. Thank You ,Eljay . TRIBO: MS - prove it? prove that believing in jesus get's you to the heaven of scriptures? and which heaven paul mention's three? don't pull out bible verses - GIVE ME PROOF!! - MS, ELJAY, spider, - anyone - ""Proof""!! actual physical proof that i can comprehend with my senses!!! pray to your jesus that he physically appear before me and reveal himself to me - just like your bible says "doubting Thomas" had the pleasure to do!! he did not believe in his ressurection - yet the bible say's the lord came to him and the others in the flesh? so pray to your jesus to do the same for me that i might believe!! and while he's here ask him to stay and have pics taken to show himself as the son of god and do miracles and healings, have him prove himself!! or if you can't do that then have your god come and prove himself!!! suspending "your" god given ability to reason and use the common sense given to you and taking something on "faith" and that alone is no more than historical cults from time immemorial have done, none could ever produce a living god to show his reality to man. Tribo ![]() I don't understand all your exclimation points. They imply that you are upset. Eljay said "It is only through Jesus that one gets to the HEAVEN OF SCRIPTURE". You don't believe in the God of scripture so logic would tell me that you wouldn't care if you couldn't get into the heaven of said God nevermind the fact that Jesus is the only way there. Please explain to me why this statement upsets you. BTW - I'm done with my temper tantrum....How are you today? ![]() |