Community > Posts By > jennakathleen

jennakathleen's photo
Sun 12/30/07 07:13 PM
seems the ones i REALLY like are the ones that do it to me. they even call for a few weeks, LONG DISTANCE!!! then some young prissy thing grabs their attention, and suddenly i am non-exsistant!!!

jennakathleen's photo
Fri 12/21/07 08:09 PM
WHAT!!!! you said you prefer not to date bigger woman because of insecurity issue? BUT THEN YOU SAID BECAUSE THERE IS LITTLE ATTRACTION????? THEN YOU CALL US GIRLS ARROGANT??? DAMN IT BOY, U GOT THE NERVE!!!!!

jennakathleen's photo
Thu 12/20/07 07:49 PM
i think we have all been treated that way. and vice versa

jennakathleen's photo
Thu 12/20/07 07:11 PM
Damn if that ain't the truth!!laugh bigsmile

jennakathleen's photo
Tue 12/18/07 10:41 PM
I never read religous posts cause you are so right. People have their own opnions as to how they believe, and I am one of the many. I don't go there cause I do not feel like arguing over what I feel or vice versa. Everyone to their own belief I say.

jennakathleen's photo
Tue 12/18/07 08:56 PM
uuum, **** friends?? isnt it saying the only time you are friends is when you are ****ing??? wow, syas alot bout respect, lol

jennakathleen's photo
Tue 12/18/07 08:56 PM
uuum, **** friends?? isnt it saying the only time you are friends is when you are ****ing??? wow, syas alot bout respect, lol

jennakathleen's photo
Fri 12/14/07 09:15 PM
the pic looks real to me, looks like u scanned it then posted it is all. and dont worry, we all get emails like that, some people just have nothing better to do with their time. And its easy for them to be like that online. U are right, he prolly would never have said anything rude to your face.

jennakathleen's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:34 PM
okay, its like this, you seem depressed to people, and like i said, its scary to some. you having a much deeper side just means you are sensitive. dont worry bout what the majority thinks!!! thats your mistake!!! be yourself and expect it to take time!!! its okay if it takes a little while. Ive been at this for months and have scared the **** out of a few of you, lmao, but i just dont pay it any attention, and let things happen. you just be yourself, and if she cant love you for that, then she isnt worth your time cause you are special, and someone will love you as you are!!!

jennakathleen's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:23 PM
u know what, you seem so depressed. you need to give this whole thing a chance and stop looking at the bad in everything. when u get all depressed, it shows, and it scares people. how can someone see you thru all that sadness??? you must have something worth offering to us girls. just be yourself, im telling you. there are so many of us who need a good man, and are good people. u just need to open up and let someone in. i think thats what going on here. call me crazy, but trust me, i know. smile for once and see what happens. have heard of try try again??

jennakathleen's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:13 PM
in my profile it basically says, no perves in not so many ords. i had this damned good looking man email me and say some dirty ass **** to me. i replied and was like, can u not read??? dont expect me to respond to some jerk talking trash to me. i would rather be with a man who respects me, ya know. and like i said, ive been with men i didnt think were very good to look at because they RESPECTED me and made me laugh. i would rather be with someone i love than someone i lust for. and when someone loves THE PERSON YOU ARE, then THEY LOVE YOU!!!!

jennakathleen's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:05 PM
one more thing before i go, i was going thru profiles, and i came across the funniest thing ive read yet, was so funny i didnt even look at the guys pic. turns out he wasnt all that pretty to me. skin and bones i tell ya, short and weighs less than i do. but if i had looked at his face instead of reading his profile, i may not have had much to do with him. point being, i would have missed out on this wonderful man with such life force. he is great and i adore him now. we talk on the phone and email each other, and i hope i get to meet him one day. you need to believe that not all of us are like that. we are not a stereotype, just like men should not be judged based on a few assholes.

jennakathleen's photo
Fri 12/14/07 07:58 PM
did you ever stop to think they said you are sexy and cute because they fell for Who you are. love and respect go deeper than apperarence, and the inside shows how beautiful you really are. and the more beautiful your insides, the more beautiful your outside becomes

jennakathleen's photo
Fri 12/14/07 07:53 PM
believe it or not, some of us do go by peronality. don't get me wrong, looks have alot to do with intitial attraction, but i for one have dated some real ugly men cause i thought they had such a great sence of humor and a wonderful outlook on life. and i've broke off a would be relationship with some very gorgous men because they were total ****s!!! so in the end, personality accounts for more than looks!!! for me anyways.

jennakathleen's photo
Thu 12/13/07 08:34 PM
noway laugh laugh laugh bigsmile

jennakathleen's photo
Wed 12/12/07 08:08 PM
i hope in my heart the baby has family who will take him or her in. i know people who have lost their kids to welfare and they put family member thru some rigorous questions and they visit the homes, check out the income, bills etc. its a frightening process cause its really hard to go a way its good, because they make sure the child will be in a stable enviroment, on the other hand, take grandparents who are on a fixed income, or sibling who have been convicted of so much as theft and served time, who would otherwise care and love the child dont stand a chance

jennakathleen's photo
Wed 12/12/07 07:59 PM
i cant imagine. i am so overly protective of my kids, and people think im insane. her poor father must be miserable right now, how do you get over something like that?? I grew up on galveston island, right over on the west end, so i know that gulf goes out forever. by the GRACE OF GOD HIMSELF that baby was found. it was meant to be cause she carried yet another inocent baby. i am so greatful they got busted, one less dead baby at his hands

jennakathleen's photo
Wed 12/12/07 07:51 PM
yes amber, i get that, i cant believe some people can have children when there are people who would give nothing but love and commit to giving a child the very best. she never thought of giving that child to her father, and some one should teach these woman bout "adoption" it is selfish and hateful to hold on to something you dont want, and i just cant understand what these woman think about!!!

jennakathleen's photo
Wed 12/12/07 07:47 PM
seperate her from the rest till she has the new babay, then its on, those guards wont have any compassion either. it just blows my mind, i have 5 kids total, and if you think i dont catch hell and they dont misbehave on a regular basis, well think again. but thats called growing up. thats what we do, even as adults. and for some man to decide how to punish that baby, not even her own father!!! and for her to allow it. thats not right, its more than weakness, its out right stupidity. oooohhhh if some man EVER makes the istake of hurting any one of my kids, there wont be a court to decide his fate

jennakathleen's photo
Wed 12/12/07 07:39 PM
ya know, my 3 year old twins coulnt care less when i tell them no, or dont you do it, but they are babies, and i love them more than life, i cant see spanking them, much less killing them, ya im sick at my stomach