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Mon 11/26/07 06:42 PM
Personly I really don't mind talking to some one in a blue box. But, for casual coversation only.

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Mon 11/26/07 04:46 PM
I've had aspirations of livin the good life.
Two storie house, white picket fence, and a beautiful wife.
But, then I'm back to reality and I'm far from that.
No, silver spoon in my mouth so I had to start from scratch.
Working my 9 to 5 just to but clothes on my back.
Got to do what it takes without selling a single gram of crack.
Boyz around the block talking about how the world's getting colder and colder.
Like they only way to survive is by carring this chip on my shoulder.
Money, cars and clothes.
I'm not trying to be a G, or a P.I.M.P
I want you to understand what it's like to be me.
I'm not asking for pitty, or a box of tissuses.
Like everybody else I know I have issues.
But I never let it slow me down.
Even though It's hard not to frown when the rain's pouring down.
And it never seems to get better.
But I know life isn't all gray clouds and stormy weather.
So I keep my head up.
My both feet on the ground.
In the hopes of one day the sun will come back around.
And this is how I know I'm livin the good life.

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Tue 11/20/07 11:46 PM
I'm guessing it's because in alot of peoples mind sets they what to have fun. They're not thinking about families, kids, love. Just keep ya head up. It's hard but trust me it's worth the wait.

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Tue 11/20/07 11:40 PM
Love, between people..... It's possible it's just how most people interpret love. Because we as individuals see things way differently. So it's all up to you. If a man can satisfy you emotionaly, physicaly, finacialy....ect. Then go for it. But, nothing is 100% in life so we have to smart about who we trust, and who we give our love.

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Tue 11/20/07 10:59 PM
Sex, is great but making love is a whole lot better:wink:

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Tue 11/20/07 04:20 PM
he knows about it already i just gave him my car mean time i figure out what i'm gonna do with the focus

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Tue 11/20/07 04:12 PM
I was driving to work, and some one blocked the intersection, the lady in front of me slammed her brakes, and I didn't have any time to react. So the front bumber and the hood are totally ****ed, so are the lights and the radiator. Anyone have any idea on how much this is gonna cost to repair? Or, should I just buy my dad another car. I have a job. I make good money. So any suggestions?

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Tue 11/20/07 01:50 AM
I've been wondering what the ppl of Jsh think about love. How would you describe love in your own words?

Me I would say that love is a gamble. The stakes are high, and you don't always come out a winner. Taking a chance on a person weather you've known them your whole life, or a week. Because in they end nothing is 100% sure. Peoples attitudes and feelings change from time to time. Some even change quicker than others. But we can be smart about who we take a chance on. Personaly I think that actions speak way louder than words.

Another thing I've noticed is the fact that alot of people tend to mis-interpret love for dependancy. If I could sum it up I'd say it would be sticking with a relationship not for the sake of the relatoinship, or because they love some one. But rather being with some one for what they can give you not for the person themselves.

But then agian I could be wrong. I could have it all wrong so what do yall think? Am I right? Wrong? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Wrong!!! A Moron for even Posting Something Like this? Or should I just stick to my cheesy poems?

Your opinions and views are greatly appreciated thank you

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Mon 11/19/07 06:14 PM
The reason I write it to forget my pain.
For some one to know my name.
To drown my sorrows.
To see another tomorrow.
For some one to hear me out.
For the inspiration to lift me up when I'm filled with doubt.
Laying awake in my dark room and my heart is low.
I let the pen touch the pad.
My mind goes out of control.
With black ink and white paper I'll show you my soul.
This is the story of my life they way it's ment to be told.

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Wed 11/14/07 03:15 PM
Really? how so?

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Wed 11/14/07 03:12 PM
Undisputed King Of ugly has arrived!!!!!


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Thu 11/08/07 11:43 PM
Well, I've made them with my mom in the past and let me tell you. It ain't easy. But, as to how they are made honestly I have no idea.

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Thu 11/08/07 11:41 PM
My guess is that some people already have an idea to what the "ideal" guy/girl would look like, act, dress. So we tend to try to change our current b.f/g.f into out "ideal" person. Some people change on the spot, while others take longer, or don't change at all. Instead of just accepting some one for who the are. But that all depends on the person and the circumstance the relationship is currently in. For example, alot of guys ask for a "normal" girl. But what we see as normal, might seem weird to others. It all depends on our views, and how we think a relationship should, and should not be.

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Wed 11/07/07 10:40 PM
I know it may be hard but unfortunetly it wasn't ment to be. The way I see it one relationship prepares you for the next. It's gonna take some time if you really felt close to him. But, you'll find some one, so don't worry.

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Wed 11/07/07 06:01 PM
Welcome Butterfly

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Tue 11/06/07 11:21 PM
How would you define normal? I mean if there was a "NORMAL" then what would happen to diversity? It would be gone. If you can't see past some ones' faults, and actually see them for who they are then I'm sorry many, you don't deserve them at all. Ladies, if a man doesn't accept you at your worst he doesn't deserve you at your best. That's just the way I see it.

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Tue 11/06/07 11:11 PM
Missing You........................What else can I do?
Your beauty is my oasis, and your smile is my comfort. Your laughter is a symphony which I never tire of hearing. Fearing in my heart wondering if this is too good to be true. A life time I've spent searching for some one like you. I ment what I said when I told you I love you, and that I couldn't picture myself with anyone but you. But now all that is over, everything is said and done. Sometimes I think it's crazy what we do for the people we love.

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Tue 11/06/07 10:28 PM
rap all the way

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Tue 11/06/07 10:26 PM
Good man, welcome

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Tue 11/06/07 10:24 PM
I'd much rather slide into you shawty, than a razor coverd slide