Community > Posts By > Da_Absolute_Truth
Yeah......rate it
it's a bit long but, just wondering what yall thought about it
Dear Momma
As I walk through the valley and the shadow of death.
I remember looking in your eyes as you drew your last breath. Death came to you quickly so you didn't suffer. Never thought I'd see the day when I'd loose my mother. You said things will get better. You said things will be alright. I shed tears knowing you're no longer by my side. Yesterday, I contimplated suicide. As I held that 9, my pride wouldn't let me pull the trigger. Who would of figured you're the only thing holding me back from insanity? But, right now I have to be strong for my family. I have to keep moving foward, inspite of my past. At times I smile knowing you've found peace at last. No more weekend visits to the county jail. I'm sorry for putting you through hell, hugging on you from a cell. Just look at your baby boy now mom, I made it. I just want you to know I love you even though I'd hardly ever say it. Mom, I just want to tell you you're the greatest. You where always so slow to judge, and quick to forgive. I just want to thank you for all the things you did. You knew just want to do to put a smile on my face. There's no woman alive that could ever take your place. You and dad made me the the man that I am today. If you where alive I know just what you would say. "Whatever don't kill you makes you stronger." I knew you where in pain and couldn't hold on much longer. And there's no way I can pay you back, but my plan is to show you that I understand. You are appreciated. Da_Absolute_Truth 1/16/97 with some lyrics from Tupac Shakurs' Dear Momma. |
do you see my pinky next to my lips? no, right?
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I'm plotting to take over the world
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Juggalo Here
WHAT THE BIDNIZZ IZZ FAM!!! It's truth reporting for duty. Down with the clown till I'm dead in the ground. You know the bidnizz poeple!!! MMFCL!!!!
Any Pagans Out There?!!!
Please explain the whole "pegan" thing I'm lost.
To soon?
If it's anything like what I think your implying (if that's how you spell it I don't know) Honesty I think we're safe in that department cuz what happens between them is gonna stay between them. I'm working 16 hours. out of each day so I think I'm safe.
I'll take yalls word for it and I'll start saving for a rainy day, or a flood.......or a tsunami. |
What IS it with Women!?!?
Steaks don't wear pants so we're all set Evening Kiss.
To soon?
They only thing I want is for my older brother to be happy. He's been through alot growing up. We both did. But, on the other hand. I don't want this to bite us in they ass.
What IS it with Women!?!?
I just wanna be loved not thrown on a grill, and drownd in A1 sauce!!!
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To soon?
Is a relationship doomed to crash and burn if a couple move in together after knowing each other for 3 weeks?
I'm FINALLY moving out of my mom and dads house. It's just gonna be me and my older brother. He's been going out with this girl for about ummmm....I dunno 3 weeks close to a month now. He insist on letting her move in, but I try to tell'em to give the relationship time to grow. But, being the younger sibling he doesn't care. I'm wondering poeple. |
What IS it with Women!?!?
Yeah!! What's the deal ladies? Do look like a t-bone stake?
I Lay Here
Well, put EveningKiss I like the descriptive nature of the poem very well put. Great poem
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This one's for you....
Thanx everyone I just thought It'd be a little refreshing to hear something positive for a change. Although I do respect and like all they other more darker poets of jsh. Thanx agian yall
This one's for you....
This is for those who are quick to give but slow to receive.
For those who wear their hearts on their sleeves. For the people that aspire to be great. To those that love, only to find hate. For those that spend their nights alone. For those who have no place to call home. It's time that we dry our tears, and heal our wounds. Because even when all we see is our utter doom. Soon, there will be a day. Where our skies are blue, and no longer gray. All the pain and all the misery. Will be nothing more than just a memory. So to all, are feeling low. I just want you to know. This one's for you... |
Question for All belivers
Ofcourse I wouldn't just say I don't belive in god without just having experianced first hand what religion is or what it's about. And I have studied and figured for myself. I made this choice. I wasn't led on by anyone else and it's not the fact that they force me to belive, that pushes me away. Our relationship suffers day in and day out just because I refuse to be manipulated. I'm not putting him as the bad guy. But, I just want him to except me for who I am that's all.
I've been through alot, most than some. And in all that not one knee was bent. Because I'm true to my belifes regardless of what happens. I wouldn't post this if I was lying. Because then I wouldn't be saying the absolute truth. |
Question for All belivers
Woah, that's exactly what my dad tells me.....freaky
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Question for All belivers
I'm 18, I live at home, but I'm more independent that most people would think. Everything I have I paid for it myself. I have a job. I pay rent. But my dad, and step-mom feel the need to force their belifes on me. I'm agnostic. I respect my parents, I love them to death, and I respect their religion and anyone else who belives in God. But why feel the need to obligates some one who obviously has no interest, nor is the slight bit convinced that wha you belive is real? But it doesn't stop their. I help them with anything, and everything they need. But it looks like I'm being taken for grantid.
I know what alot of you are thinking "Move out" yeah easier said than done. I find that it would complicate my personal life a whole great deal. Because I take classes so I can get my high school diploma on the weekends. And help my dad out with what ever he needs. I can't afford anything close, and what I can afford is 4 to 5 miles away. And to be able to take the classes I need I have to live in a 3 mile radius of the school. So my question is, who do I bridge this gap? Is it possible to coincide with my parent's peacefully mean why I get the neccasry resources to live on my own? |
Who at your job is crazy?
I'd say my boss he talks to me like I'm an idiot WHEN I HAVE MORE JOB EXPERIANCE THAN HE DOES!!!! Everytime we have an issue in production he like chicken little "THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!" It get annoying really fast.
what is the one thing...
Physically- my scars, and my left eye, that's it.
I like who I am as a person. But, at times I just wish I was more social with people. |