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Thu 10/25/07 10:13 PM
are we limited to just one song and one artist?

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Thu 10/25/07 10:07 PM
I listen to bands like Evanescence, Linkin Park, NickleBack. I blame my younger brother for that.

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Thu 10/25/07 05:26 PM
Naw I don't watch doctor Phil. I'm sorry

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Thu 10/25/07 05:23 PM
How many guys on here blame thier inadequecy to establish a relationship with a dame on others rather than themselves. Why? I mean if you don't know what the problem is and ask others for help. And you get the truth rather than a whole bunch of pity and awwwww. I mean c'mon lets be serious now.

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Thu 10/25/07 05:14 PM
Listen if some one isn't willing to except you for who you are. Why bother? Why force be persistant in forcing a relationship with some one that clearly isn't interested? I mean it's not worth it.

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Thu 10/25/07 02:22 AM
Very true stranger. I'm still at the point in my life where I am stuck between who I am and who I want to be. I also understand that one day I'll have kids and as a parent I'd want to give them the best there is to offer. I just want to make sure that I'll be in the position to do that, and I want to make sure that they don't have to go throught the things I did growing up. I can't say I'm a full grown adult, because I still have a life time ahead of me. I just want to stop being treated as a kid.

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Thu 10/25/07 02:04 AM
Honestly I don't know what kind of person would blame thier inadequecy to meet other's or make relations with on other people.

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Thu 10/25/07 02:01 AM
Thanx Adj4u, I try to keep it as real as possible, because their is no point in living a lie, because sooner or later the truth will come out. That's why I chose that name.

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Thu 10/25/07 01:57 AM
And just as a clarification, I am in no way a player, nor do I have any respect for those people. Simply because the fact that some one can not call them selves a man if they don't know how to value a good woman.

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Thu 10/25/07 01:50 AM
Ahhhh, I see well I'm just getting tired of people looking at me and just seeing a kid. I try to approach every situation as an adult, so that I get treated like one. But unfortunetly that hasn't been working for me. I'm they youngest person working in my company and it's very hard to get taken seriously by my peers. My views and oppinions often get over look simply by my lack of life experiance, but you don't have to be 25 to be able to go through all the mess I had to growing up.

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Thu 10/25/07 01:44 AM
Gypsy when I said I didn't follow you I ment when you said "ok what is the date today????"

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Thu 10/25/07 01:43 AM
I see what you mean Gypsy I guess you can't look at an 18 yr. old like you would some one who's 25 as a means to provide stability in a relationship, be it finacial, or emotional.

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Thu 10/25/07 01:41 AM
I'm not sure i'm following you Gypsy

Quake: How have you come a long way?

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Thu 10/25/07 01:39 AM
And another thing I'd like to understand is why some (not all) women go for older guys. I mean us younger gents. can be just as mature and articulate. But I guess it all depends on the person, and what they look for in a man.

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Thu 10/25/07 01:35 AM
To be honest, yes I wouldn't mind an older woman. But I'm just trying to gain some understanding. I've tried emailing several females and hardly get any responses. THIS IS NOT A PITTY TREAD!!! I just need to know if I'm going about this whole thing all wrong.

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Thu 10/25/07 01:32 AM
I have a question for all the folks here in Jsh. Do you find it hard to take people my age serioulsy? If you do why? If not. Then why not?

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Thu 10/25/07 01:23 AM
I see where your coming from Jess, I work a 12 shift, but I usually work 15 or 16 hrs. I'm not complaining it's good pay. But I'd rather be with my family, or my friends. It kind a sux when your life consist of mainly eating, sleeping, working, and everything else in between.

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Thu 10/25/07 01:20 AM
Well idealist if your looking for some one to baby you, powder your bottom, change your diaper lemme just tell you this homie. You got better chances looking else where.

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Thu 10/25/07 12:57 AM
Well for some people a job is getting paid to do what you don't want to do. But there are some people that have the luxury of doing what they love. But props to you Jess for enjoying life.

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Thu 10/25/07 12:54 AM
No I win

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