Community > Posts By > vanillarain2012

vanillarain2012's photo
Sat 06/25/11 08:21 PM
Depends on your interest. I would visti Orlando, Florida. Go to Disney World..and take a tour of some kind. Florida is great if you like SUN. It is called the sunshine state.

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 07:20 PM
What would you like to know about me?
What more could I say?

Check mine out and email me. If I need to add something let me know.

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 07:15 PM
He is just a baby..15

I like his music..would be a fan if I were 13.

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 07:10 PM
It has been to long to remember. That is how good it was. Didn't want another.

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 07:09 PM
I think that loving God brings about a way of life full of convictions in your heart.

Hence, as a youth. I would not go to class parties due to the use of alcohol and no parents at the party.

Going out to clubs is normally a setting to "find" someone. However, as a christian..why would I want to go to a club. To feel as if I died in that club God would say. Now what were you doing there? Guilt wrong witness.(People also would say..what? Do you think you are above it? or better? Yes I do. Lost friendship.)

Convictions and witness for others that is a makes a wedge between you and others. It has between me and my family.

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 07:01 PM
Wow..I didn't know that.

What about Billy Ray Cyrus?

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:59 PM
If a guy walked up to you and opened with a one liner..

What would work on you?

My sister fell for her husband because he walked up to her in a restaurant and said,"So, where have you been all my life?"

They had 20plus years togeather and 2 bad he didn't stop saying that to girls..she caught him with one.

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:54 PM
It is better to talk in emails or online forum..

The ones I met in person..normally..the reason they use online to meet ladies is one reason.

Body Odor.


Bad Breath.

I do think that the singles community does work. You can meet people with like interest and who are like minded.

So, always be truthful and straight with folks.

No one likes a Liar.

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:12 PM
The only thing that I hate about TV now a days is that the character actors are not recognizable.

I like watching my "favorite" actors...even on TV. I hate that Big Brother type of tv with "unknowns".

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:09 PM
I like the smell of a woodsy outdoorsman. Very romantic. Deer meat is long as it is sausage.

I wonder if it was because I grew up in a sleeping bag that smelled of smoke?

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:04 PM
I shaved my head one time...I looked like Rudolph..not the reindeer. My dad Rudolph.

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:02 PM
I was back in Louisiana at work. I heard the President was to land in the city that I was in. Barksdale Air Force Base. The news actually said where he was going.
So, 13 minutes later he was flown out to another base for safety. To a undisclosed location.

News media tells everything.

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:00 PM
If you could meet up on a singles Love Boat Cruise. Would you?

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 05:57 PM
So, have you met anyone on this site? What was the outcome?

I know if I meet someone online meet in a very public place like a coffee shop or internet cafe. Never invite over ones home.

I met a few guys but was not taken a few years back.

I think this is just for fun.

Wanta have coffee?

vanillarain2012's photo
Fri 01/14/11 05:53 PM
I worry about my weight. That is why I joined a fitness center. I have a lot of weight to get off of me. I allowed it to sneak up on me in the form of eating chocolate mint chip ice cream after work. Also, cokes and more cokes. Lots of sugar and pizza..

Weight does matter to people who are seeking a relationship.

It does not matter to me as much anymore. Because I am overweight.
So, if a guy mirrors my image I can see it. However, would love to lose weight with him.

vanillarain2012's photo
Thu 01/13/11 06:39 PM
Are you from Bradenton/Sarasota Area?

Would love to meet up for coffee around town with anyone who has same interest as myself.

Drop me an email.


vanillarain2012's photo
Thu 01/13/11 06:37 PM
Guilt? Some people are intimidated by religion. They just have not let it come into their lives. So, they isolate a christian out.
Most people are not christian.

vanillarain2012's photo
Thu 01/13/11 06:31 PM
Age 43
Sex Female
Location Florida
Seeking a coffee meeting..and hang out online and chat.