Community > Posts By > Usadad

Usadad's photo
Tue 10/17/06 06:11 AM
If a person from Europe or elsewhere were to visit your state for a
week.. what should they be sure to see?

Usadad's photo
Tue 10/17/06 06:03 AM
I think publicanimal has a good point. Perhaps there should be a set of
adult forums with the appropriate warnings for those that wish to see
that sort of thing.
People are going to judge the site mainly by what they see so if it's
all kinds of adult language in the general forum, they may just leave
and not show their face again.
You need to define what the objective is for the site and perhaps have
sub-sections for various "activities" like dating, friendship, etc. An
all encompassing site tends to be a little messy.

Usadad's photo
Tue 10/17/06 05:49 AM
Odds are you're not going to find one sitting online. 30 and 40 years
ago, we actually had to go places where other people were and meet them.

Usadad's photo
Fri 10/13/06 11:42 PM
Yes Terrance.. there are single women in Austin.

Usadad's photo
Fri 10/13/06 11:36 PM
Some of the women might. The ladies don't.

Usadad's photo
Fri 10/13/06 11:35 PM
Sorry to hear of your problems.
I have been a stepfather and it's not an easy thing for anyone involved.
It sounds like you're between a rock and a hard place and you're
probably going to have to back off to maintain the peace until you have
other options. I would refuse to get into the squabbles. Go for a walk
or a drive. A hasty decision made in anger may do more harm than good.
Someone has to be the adult.. and it doesn't sound like it's going to be

I think you need to research the legality of hitting someone even if
they tell you to. There are laws pertaining to provocation, but it would
be up to a judge to intrepet them and make a decision. First of all,
it's not going to solve anything and second, in most jurisdictions,
involvement in a domestic dispute will result in someone going to jail.

Usadad's photo
Fri 10/13/06 11:24 PM
A bit judgemental, are we?? I assume you know all these people that you
label cheaters?
There are many sites such as this that have many purposes, not just for
dating. I visit this site to read the forums and share in conversation
and opinions.

Usadad's photo
Fri 10/13/06 11:09 PM
Give it time. I think you need to work on finding yourself before you
start trying to find love. It sounds like you pretty much went from
being a daughter to being a wife. Take some time to just be you. Don't
look at dating as a search for your next mate. Just enjoy it without the
pressures of "is he the one?" I think way too many people try to force
relationships where they shouldn't and they end up with disappointment
after disappointment.
I have been married twice for 19 years and 7 years. Trust me, you will
find someone again. But first... find YOU.

Usadad's photo
Fri 10/13/06 10:57 PM
I have seen that there are quite a few people on here that have
disabilities and some have found relationships very hard because of

Well, maybe this will give you guys a bit of hope....

2.5 years ago, I had parked my 18-wheeler in a rest area in Louisiana
for the night. In the middle of the night I was awakened by severe chest
pains. I called 911 and was taken to a local clinic and they immediately
called Lifesaver to transport me to Shreveport where I required a
quadruple bypass. After a week or so I returned home and a few weeks
later I had another episode that required that I have an Implanted
Cardiac Defibrillator put in. I have recovered fairly well but was
forced to apply for disability so my income is extremely limited.
A few months later I was talking to a lady that I had met on a dating
site. We had dated a few times and called it quits because neither of us
was willing to move. We started talking and dating. Then a year and a
half ago, she moved here to Alabama to be with me. She found a job and
we work together here at home to make our lives the best they can be. I
am so thankful that at one of the lowest points in my life that I was
able to find such a wonderful woman. There's not many that would enter
into a relationship with a person in my financial and physical
condition. And I know that she cares about me for ME! She's definitely
not after my money!
And the reality is that now we seem richer than ever. I surprised her on
Christmas by fulfilling a dream of hers of taking her on a cruise. I
used money I had been saving for the down payment on a motorcycle. Then,
at tax time, she helped fulfill a dream of mine by letting me use the
tax refund for the down payment on my bike. Money is tight but we are
enjoying life. Her birthday is this month and I am taking her to see
Cats (the play, not at the animal shelter.) since she has always wanted
to go to a play.
So hang in there. It can happen. Physically, I'm in fair shape.
Financially, we get by. But in life, I'm at the highest point in my
life. And I wouldn't trade what I have now for perfect health and a
winning lottery ticket!
As the saying goes, it's always darkest before the dawn.... so hang in
there and I hope it dawns for you guys too!!

Regrets? I have one.... my helicopter ride that night cost 27 grand and
I didn't get to see a damn thing!!!!!

Usadad's photo
Fri 10/13/06 10:43 PM
Re: Mystery shopping

Yes, many of the restaurants that are mystery shopped are reimbursement
only. I do a lot of convenience stores. I have 150 that I do 3 or 4
times a year plus some others. I've also done quite a few hotels and
some retail stores and even the US Post Office. I have even seen mystery
shops available for casinos and they pay you plus reimburse $100 of your
gambling losses.
Here's a little information that I put together for people looking to
get into it without paying fees:

Usadad's photo
Fri 10/13/06 08:01 PM
My condolences in your time of tremendous loss.

Usadad's photo
Fri 10/13/06 09:41 AM
I always love when women say the want the following:

Walking in the rain!! OK.. wear a t-shirt and we'll walk.

Walks on the beach!! Guys walk on the beach for 2 reasons.
1. To get to the concession stand.
2. To get a better look at the babe in the thong.

Usadad's photo
Fri 10/13/06 09:38 AM

Look around. Some of us need to be molded!!!

Usadad's photo
Fri 10/13/06 09:34 AM
Interesting post Ghost.
I'm thinking my girl may be getting a Senseo for Christmas.

Usadad's photo
Fri 10/13/06 09:25 AM
I am disabled but manage to supplement it by doing some Mystery
Shopping. It can be fun and I can usually do it at my own pace.
I've even mystery shopped 6 Flags on their dime!

PS: Do NOT ever pay anyone to mystery sop for them!

Usadad's photo
Thu 10/12/06 02:12 PM
I think I read the same thing on a bathroom stall at a truck stop once.

Usadad's photo
Thu 10/12/06 01:53 PM
I found a way to hide the new matches....

First... get a roll of duct tape...

Oh... nevermind!

Usadad's photo
Thu 10/12/06 01:43 PM
Awwwwww... gee..... well, ok!

Usadad's photo
Thu 10/12/06 01:38 PM
Also gje, for your information.. There are many places online that will
give you free storage space for files, pictures, etc. Just Google free
online storage.

Usadad's photo
Thu 10/12/06 01:17 PM
No problem... it's a fine picture. You're a lovely young lady but it
just didn't go with what you were saying. You could always crop it to a
head and shoulders shot!!