Community > Posts By > Usadad

Usadad's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:43 AM
Sorry it didn't work Jenn... but are you beginning to see a pattern??

Usadad's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:33 AM
It's interesting that William joined, left those few messages in a few
minutes time span, and was never heard from again. Their banter went
back and forth for 8 minutes and that was it!
Slow day, Britt??

I find it amusing that in Britt's profile... she is looking for a "fairy
tail guy".

Usadad's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:08 AM
In all honesty, I'd like to think that I would.. but you're never going
to know for sure until you're in the situation. It's pretty easy to talk
the talk, but when your life is on the line.. it's only then that you
find out if you can walk the walk.

Usadad's photo
Wed 10/04/06 05:13 PM
Well, Snopes appears to agree with me. Here is the information that they
have on this specific story. If you wish to see it all, you can read it

Origins: This tearjerking tale of teen love and traffic tragedy began
appearing in our inbox in February 2005. Often titled "What is Love?" or
"The Meaning of True Love," it remains unattributed at this point, its
author unknown to

The story appears to be a work of fiction in that we've been unable to
find any news stories of such an accident. (Mind you, the lack of
details such as the names of the people involved, the approximate date
of the accident and so much as a rough idea of which city or even
country it happened in make searching for information akin to looking
for a needle in a haystack.)

Numerous folks who know far more about motorcycles than we do have
pointed out that most (if not all) bikes have two braking systems which
are independent of one another, so it would hardly be likely for both to
fail at the same time. Even if they did, a motorbike that has lost its
brakes can be brought to a stop through downshifting (gearing down) or
even through turning off the engine (although the fact that a brakeless
bike traveling at high speeds can be safely halted doesn't necessarily
rule out this account, because panic could cause the driver to think he
had no other option but to crash into something).

As the narrative has passed from one person to another, it has picked up
a coda that has since become part of what now gets forwarded:
"Love is not selfish so
Love is not being happy
it is to make happy to whom you love
even if you are unhappy with it."

So take five minutes out of your time to tell someone you love them
because you really never know if this is the last day of your life....
Hope everyone realises and feels what true love is....
Another coda, one less often seen, reads thusly:
No one really knows what tommorow holds in store for you, you might not
live to see the next day and sometimes you have to tell someone
something but run out of time to do so. So take five minutes out of your
time to tell someone you love them because you really never know if this
is the last day of your life.
These endnotes explain the moral of the tale, that it is important to
frequently reassure the folks who are important in your life that you
love them. While you won't catch us preaching against the value of
constantly repeated expressions of affection in successful
relationships, the premise of the story about the helmetless swain is
flawed — failure to utter "I love you" does not mean you risk your
nearest and dearest not knowing such information if you were to suddenly

Usadad's photo
Tue 10/03/06 12:16 PM
It's just a way of meeting people... you still have to sort them out....

Usadad's photo
Tue 10/03/06 08:28 AM
This is from the San Diego Zoo:
Mountain lion, puma, cougar, panther—this cat is known by more names
than just about any other mammal! But no matter what you call it, it’s
still the same cat, Felis concolor, the largest of the small cat
species. So how did it get so many names? Mostly because it has such a
large range, and people from different countries have called it
different things.

This is from knowledge gleaned through the years:
And as for throwing a boulder, it is not a necessarilly a large rock..
that's just a common intrepetation of it so yes, you can throw SOME

Usadad's photo
Tue 10/03/06 08:09 AM
It's not just a paper. Marriage gives you many legal rights.
I would also venture that most people try harder if they have that piece
of paper. Marriage is a contract, and only as good as the people who
enter into it.

Usadad's photo
Tue 10/03/06 08:05 AM
Just living with someone is not in itself enough to make you a common
law couple. You must live as if you are married...
for example, filing taxes together, joint insurance policies, even
introducing the person as your spouse.
Interestingly enough, there is not a common law divorce. You must still
seek a legal remedy if you choose to end the relationship.

Usadad's photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:27 PM
The premise is sad... but it's not plausible that it ever happened.

Usadad's photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:18 PM
Well, yes it would be sad because the guy was apparently an idiot. He
had time to have a conversation and have his helmet taken off and put on
someone else.... but couldn't figure out how to slow down the bike?
Like.... switch it off for one....
shift into lower gears.....
even lay the bike down and get scraped up a bit.... but no... he rides
into a wall.....
and if he's so loving and caring... why did he allow her on the bike
without a helmet... and why was he apparently speeding???

So, NO... i would not have done that because I would never have been in
that position....

Usadad's photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:51 PM
I drove an 18 wheeler until 2 years ago when a hert attack sidelined me.
I miss it sometimes.

Now, I am disabled, but I do some mystery shopping to help pay the
bills. I can usually do it at my own pace and it can be quite enjoyable.
Last summer, I was paid to mystery shop 6 Flags. I also shop many
restaurants and convenience stores. One of the accounts I do presently
allows me to award cash cards to the employees of stores that meet the
criteria and are gold certified. So, I give away money for a living!!

Usadad's photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:29 AM
From seeing pictures on here, I have come to the conclusion that there
is a severe shirt shortage among single guys here! In that interest, I
have started a fund called SHIRTS FOR SINGLES so we can keep these guys
from catching cold. For just 73 cents a month (less than the cost of a
cup of coffee) you can help clothe a "hunk" in Texas, Connecticut, or
even New York City. Consider this picture of Tony, a civil engineer from
Vermont. Without a shirt, he will certainly freeze to death as winter
approaches. Help save Tony! Give him the shirt off your back!

PS: The only other place I have seen so many guys without shirts is on
COPS!! Coincidence??

Usadad's photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:18 AM
I'm curious if you plan to keep this a free site and if so, how?
You've invested a lot in this so far and I'm sure at some point you
expect a return on that. Will that come from the users or advertisers or

Usadad's photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:16 AM
I signed onto a dating site the other day and had to go thru all of the
profile stuff. For my profile, I put that I would fill it in later.
Since I signed on, I keep getting advised that I have emails at the
site, but of course I have to PAY to read the emails. Some things are
better left unread I guess!

Usadad's photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:10 AM
I did not mean to infer that you were not Bunny material. I meant that I
usually only fall in "love" with profiles in Playboy magazine. Anther
attempt at humor gone awry!!!

Let me add that I get a ton of emails from supposedly gorgeous Russian
and other girls on another site. Apparently, from my profile, I am just
what they are looking for. I am a 53 year old male with thinning hair. I
am disabled and can't work. I survive but my finances are poor and not
going to get better.
I'm really suspicious of someone that's looking for a person like me!!!!

Usadad's photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:04 AM
My opinion....
It sounds like a canned e-mail that may have been sent to many people.
At no time is he specific about anything in your profile. And I don't
like the fact that he urges you to "act quickly". I also don't like that
he's "fallen" for you from your profile. I usually reserve that for
Playboy Bunnies (lol)The English does not sound right. He uses the wrong
tense which many foreigners do. It's funny about the grammar and
spelling. I was just chastised on here by someone for making a statement
about a guy that couldn't spell worth a hill of beans. He was ALSO a
civil engineer!!
I would say.. be very careful with this one.
I am also curious if he is a civil engineer with Shell or if he just
works for Shell. It's just funny how that was worded.

Best of luck

Usadad's photo
Wed 09/27/06 07:40 AM
Hey ghost.. I think what you meant was that one theory was that
adulterers would be put in the stocks and were marked with the letters
FUCK (For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge) so people were aware of their

Usadad's photo
Mon 09/25/06 11:35 AM
Dannys mind is faster than his fingers?? That's some mighty slow

Usadad's photo
Mon 09/25/06 11:20 AM
I enjoy music of all types. If metal (or any other genre) is your life..
you may want to explore your priorities.

Usadad's photo
Mon 09/25/06 09:41 AM
Maybe this should be a pre-date date.
For a first meeting with a casual acquaintance from online, I would say
meeting for coffee or a drink or a light lunch in a quiet place where
you can talk would be appropriate. The object being to see if there is
sufficient appeal by both parties to continue. If the date is so busy
doing things, you wind up not knowing anymore than you did before the
date. I think anything beyond that should be on a "dutch treat" basis.
I've gotta be honest here... it's not only men online that can be
deceptive! There seems to be a real disagreement about what "a few extra
pounds" is. And maybe someone can come up with a dating site program
that would reject those "Glamour Shots" that are more than 3 years old!!
I really think I'm entitled to see what I'm getting before I decide to
shell out my hard earned bucks. (no, not sexual). Some people do
misrepresent themselves or embellish. You do need to "sell yourself" but
let's keep it within some sane distance of honest!
If they are not truthful about simple things like this, then will they
be less than truthful about other things?
And NEVER rent a limo for a blind date!!!

Back to the question.. other than the above pre-date. I used to
routinely take my first dates to a small amusement park where we could
ride go-karts, bumper boats and check out the arcade or play mini-golf.
Have a corn dog and share some cotton candy.