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Topic: relationships2
TERRANCE0's photo
Sun 10/08/06 04:08 PM
are there any single women in Austin Texas that dont play games

Ontario's photo
Sun 10/08/06 04:12 PM
No...or anywhere else for that matter.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 10/08/06 04:20 PM
Humm, Ontario you sure seem to be down on women. Seems you are giving
the answer for ones you have never meet. I'm sorry that the ones you
have found so far have not been honest with you. For that same question
could be asked for men also and has been many times. I'm very honest and
dont believe in playing games even though I have ran into my share that
do I dont label that all men do that for I know there are ones that
don't I just have not found the right one. Seems funny if you feel that
way about women then hummm is that not what your looking for?

Ohhh and Terrance, I'm sure you will find what your looking for best
wishes you will find one when you least expect it. Honest Texan here
from Ft. Worth.

Ontario's photo
Sun 10/08/06 04:29 PM
Well, you are wrong!
I love woman, but the truth is that few are sincere.
And If you had read my post...( dating my ex-girlfriends friend) you
would know I am not without.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 10/08/06 04:34 PM
Sorry but... I was not answering another post I was refering to the
answer here and had read your profile before I had answered.According to
your answer here there were no women that did not play games but guess
maybe you have found that there are after all. Thats all I was saying.

Ontario's photo
Sun 10/08/06 04:38 PM how you doin?

TERRANCE0's photo
Sun 10/08/06 05:22 PM
txsgal yeah i hope i find what im looking for its really hard being

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 10/08/06 07:20 PM
Lmao Terrance, believe me I know that feeling very well. But I still
believe there is someone out there for everyone all we can do is keep on
believing. Maybe I'm a dreamer but ya have to keep your dreams alive for
if we quit dreaming we quit living!!

Ontario, I'm doing good and hope the same for you. Now since we are on
the same level lol. I know there are a lot out there that play the game
of life and dont care who they hurt as long as they get what they want.
But... we have to remember there are still alot out there that are very
honest it just seems at time we get out fair share of the ones that are
not. So the best to ya and hope all find the honest and caring ones and
if they are just to be friends then hey ya can't have too many friends
in this world.

TERRANCE0's photo
Mon 10/09/06 05:12 AM
yeah its like you have to set yourself a goal and keep pushing tword it
i understand what your saying

TERRANCE0's photo
Fri 10/13/06 06:00 AM
are there any single women in Austin

jerr7's photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:26 PM
Tx gal we all have been hurt at one time but not all are bad all people
play games and unfortunate but you nhave to weed out the bad

Usadad's photo
Fri 10/13/06 11:42 PM
Yes Terrance.. there are single women in Austin.

TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/14/06 08:13 AM
usa dad well i cant tell why do women like to cheat so much and talk to
there exes they act like guys dont have fellings

TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/14/06 05:12 PM
man this is lame you mean to tell me there are no women in austin

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/14/06 07:26 PM
Hummm, Jerr guess ya better re-read what I said for I know we all have
been hurt and ya have to keep on keeping on for there are good ones out
there just as there are bad ones. I never put either sex into a group
for I can't speak for all only my self and what I believe.

Terranceo, there out there just don't look so hard it could be the one
you see at the coffee shop in the morning or one you pass on the street
every day but never took time to notice. Take the time to look at people
in the eyes and just say hi or good morning ya never know what might

TERRANCE0's photo
Sun 10/15/06 04:38 AM
yeah but im kind of the shy type

TERRANCE0's photo
Mon 10/16/06 05:09 PM
i just cant walk up to a feamale and start spitting game thats not me

Usadad's photo
Tue 10/17/06 05:49 AM
Odds are you're not going to find one sitting online. 30 and 40 years
ago, we actually had to go places where other people were and meet them.

Nervesgone's photo
Tue 10/17/06 05:57 AM
Good one usadad, in my 50 years expierence, I haven't had one woman
come to my door to meet me yet, well maybe the married neighbor when I
moved in! LOL

TERRANCE0's photo
Tue 10/17/06 10:08 AM
YOU ARE WRONG i cant find one online the are phone personals to

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