Community > Posts By > Dionaa

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:02 PM
Hey Rene, Sunny and Jack!!

Yep, Rick is way cool..even though he IS a Cowboys fan!! (Poor

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:59 PM
Geesh SMART move on the 'Boys giving away Julius Jones to Seattle, Rick!! What on earth?? He was a WAY underrated work horse..who brought the ball down the field, so Mr. Priss TO didn't have to move from his corner!! What will he do know..MOVE?? I doubt

Oh and HI RICK!bigsmile

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:52 PM
Edited by Dionaa on Sun 09/07/08 10:57 PM
Hey Debra Jean!!! Thanks, babe!!

Yep, we beat the Pats as our last pre-season game..then the Skins for our first!

How you doing there, without Brett? You guys must be sick!!!:cry:

Oh and Clint said Brady hurt his knee, may be out all year! Wonder how the Pat's backup QB is??

I hold my breath each game..that no one gets hurt.

Strahain retired and we lost Shockey, you know. He was traded to New Orleans. Guess he got mad that the younger guys were moving in. He always had a hot temper, but he's never been anything but a Giant, and I love him. Miss both him and Stra! The opening of the game was awesome! BUT the announcers big talking heads, ruined it...we couldn't see it all. Sux.

Sooo, sorry about Brett, babe..I truly am. I can't imagine how it must be for you guys after all those years!

I've never liked the Jets..but are they happy to have him! They have sucked since Joe Namath left..THAT is how long it's been since they had a good team! And since I'm stuck with a Jets game each week, IF Brett had to go, I'm glad he's here where I can see him. Are you rooting for him as a Jet? I know some Greenbay fans are..Derek said he was.

We have to talk..been way too long, Deb!

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:48 PM
Edited by Dionaa on Sun 09/07/08 10:49 PM
It's VERY sad, Phil...broke my heart!

But banning Robin for welcoming Venus??? That was the last straw! And HOW was our prayer and positive thought thread against any rules??? Or a dang good night thread?? I don't get it! It's like he wanted us to leave.. WEIRD!

So much for valuing loyal members, eh??

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:29 PM
Geesh, going down the line and have to stop in and say HI to yet more friends coming on over!

Glad you're here with us Keefer!!

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:23 PM
YAY Aletia is here!!! Now drag Gail and Jinty over here, hon!

Oh and Belated Happy Birthday to those twinnies!!flowerforyou

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:20 PM
Hey all!!!

This should be "new home" corner topic!! lol

And I wasn't excommunicated..I choose to not go there..and I always thought I'd be a "lifer". It's awful there now, though.

I even resisted posting in the football pool! Are you guys impressed?? I am! lol

Haven't posted and won't. This is our new home! I just keep the profile to keep in touch via mail with my old buds who are they won't leave there. More and more come every day, here, though.

So very happy we found HERE...60 people on my page..all but 2 are from over there and in just TWO weeks!! Good stuff!

I'm jonesing for the football pool..wish they had one a clickable url in the music..other than that..I love it!!

Wonder why they don't have a football pool? Seems like there are tons of fans here! Even Giants fans! lmao I am FOR ONCE not the only one! But I imagine, that many, became "fan agains" once we won the Super Bowl. Fickle fans all over..
I've been a rabid Giants fan, since forever it seems, though! Game One..we beat Washington!!

Oh and Welcome Dan!!!biggrin

Off to post in Rick's now..have to be fair!!winking

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 03:07 AM
Edited by Dionaa on Sun 09/07/08 03:17 AM
WOW!! Guess, I can't "assume" my grandfather was half Mohawk, since my Gram said "Candian Indian" and so many of the nations were pushed up into Canada!

I HAD a geneology disc here, but never used it. I'm going to try to find it.

All the woman on Grandpa's side had jet black hair..and he always loved to fish at Lake Champlain with Gram (quite a long way away from where they lived..near Canada). She told me, that when they were young..they went there very often.

Unfortunately, all my elderly relatives on Grandpa's side are gone now. Gram died at 99, 2 years ago. But I remember her fondly remembering the early years, before Grandpa fell into the throes of alcoholism. He died at my age..55..of a massive heart attack. His sisters and their daughters and his daughters all had black hair and tanned easily.

But his last name was Dutch..and so they had ice blue eyes.

Gram was Dutch and Irish, so she was very, very fair with ice blue eyes.

This is my Mom's side. As I said, Mom just says "We're American" when I ask about the Canadian Indian roots, Gram spoke of.

You have me so enthralled here, Tribo..I'm loving these histories.

Sooo, it appears Grandpa's roots could be from any of the Iroquois Nation, since nearly all were pushed into Canada. I'm not going to assume he was 1/2 Mohawk until I research it further.

I so loved the stories/histories of the gentle, strong and spiritual Mi'kmaq.

I still have a lot of reading to do, to catch up. But thanks again for the "bedtime" stories. I love them! I can tell this is a passion of yours too, Tribo...and you are passing it on to me.

Thanks, friend! Or rather, nia:wen...for now (Mohawk for thank you.)

You're fortunate you know your Native American roots. My Mom is very stoic and she and I are like oil and when I ask questions, of any sort as to the family, she dismisses it. She and my sister are convinced I'm from Mars! LOL

That's okay...I'd rather be like my Mom's Mom...sweet Gram and my dearly beloved Dad. Gram taught me the gift of love and laughter and Dad taught me principles, laughter, and love of cats. Yep, he was a cat man. Loved all animals, really. I miss him.

Happy Birthday Dad..officially Sept. 7th, and it's his birthday. Gone 15 yrs in October, but not a day goes by that I don't think and/or speak of him. Look just like him, so when I look in the mirror I SEE him daily, also.

Nia:wen Tribo...wonderful friend! I plan to read every bit of all of this..have been skipping around, as something catches my eye and so have missed a lot. I want to go back and read more of Black Elk, too. I became intrigued with the Mi'kmaq, what an amazing ancient people!

I've learned so very much by just reading what you are sharing...and it's making me want to learn more and more.

We have various ethnic celebrations at Hunter's Mountain, here in New York, not far from Woodstock. Most go for the German and Irish ones, for the booze and

I went to Native American one years ago. I couldn't fully appreciate it, as it was prior to 1987, when I got sober. I'm going to find out when the next one is and go now..sober..and soak it all in. It's wonderful! Traditional dancing and all sorts of wonderful, proud people.

With your love of the Native American may want to make a trip to Hunter Mountain for it..if not this year, maybe next year. I didn't pay attention to details, as I was drinking then. Next time, I will..and it will be a wonderful time..I'm sure!

Heading to bed, friend. The cat lady has been lulled to sleep with your "bedtime stories", and I appreciate the time you've put into this so very much.

I'll be back tomorrow..backtrack and read everything in order (I'll try The Mi'kmaq captured me tonight.

Nia:wen again...

My fellow Arian Karahkwa (Sun) friend!

I'll hunt down some Cherokee words..since I don't even KNOW if my roots are Mohawk, as of yet, after reading that basically ALL of New York's nations were "pushed" into Canada! I DO know it's "Canadian Indian"..which means nothing, I now it could be any of many.

That way I can speak YOUR language! happy

I just discovered THIS..that Cherokee is the same basic language of the New York Iroquoian nations.

Language: Cherokee--more properly spelled Tsalagi--is an Iroquoian language with an innovative written syllabary invented by a Cherokee scholar. 22,000 people speak Tsalagi today, primarily in Oklahoma and North Carolina. Though it is one of the healthier Indian languages of North America and the one in which the most literature being published, Tsalagi is still in imperiled condition because of government policies as late as the fifties which enforced the removal of Cherokee children from Tsalagi-speaking homes, reducing the number of young Cherokees being raised bilingually from 75% to less than 5% today.
HOW SAD!!:cry: But thank God for the Internet...and the links I sent you for kids. I learned a lot from the Mohawk's "kid's" page. The languages may yet be preserved!

Here's a link as to the may have it, but just in case you don't...

Okay, in Cherokee..via word interpretation:

gega, oginaniliwavingsmile2

Dionaa's photo
Sat 09/06/08 09:54 PM
Edited by Dionaa on Sat 09/06/08 09:54 PM
Joined in June of last year with my buddy Mark..but never posted. Came back 2 weeks ago today and absolutely love it.

Kojack..thanks for your (and the site's) respect of we ladies. What a refreshing difference, to NOT be bugged by pervs everytime I sign in.

Love the site, and love the respect of ladies aspect. Also, like the way the site is moderated. I don't feel like I'm in grade school in here.

Our "gang" is growing..flooding over from another site and I do believe we will be staying.

Kudos to the site owners and the mods. Markecephus and Kojack have always been gents, so can't say I'm surprised.

I believe all of your hard work has paid off nicely. And hello to the oldsters and newcomers! I have already settled into my new "home", and made a wonderful new friend, too. Look for more of our "gang" as word is quickly spreading.winking

Dionaa's photo
Sat 09/06/08 12:55 AM
Ha! I found ya, Jack! Glad you joined us!

And how about those Giants, eh?? :banana:

Dionaa's photo
Sat 09/06/08 12:44 AM
Okay, finally got online, Rick..

Rick is my Aries bro! Love him! I agree with the rest, he's a good dude all the way around.

AND the rest of the crew here! All good people, and I've met them all, too!happy

Dan is very sweet in person, too! Shocker, eh?? lmao

Dionaa's photo
Sat 09/06/08 12:07 AM
New York Giants..of course!:banana:

Dionaa's photo
Fri 09/05/08 11:59 PM

We wupped Washington, Game One a win!!:banana:

Dionaa's photo
Tue 09/02/08 10:16 PM
I got lost reading in the Native American no nap. Good read! And good thing, as I have to get up and run errands no nap and no Vampiring it tonight, bro. Sorry!

Have fun!! Talk soon..

Dionaa's photo
Tue 09/02/08 09:27 PM
You have me enthralled here, Tribo. I read the OBE post, then went back and read Black Elk's writings. I skipped all over, it seems, but am loving it.

I have greatly missed my reading (used to be an avid reader), so it's nice to just sit and read such wonderful history.

Thank you for taking the time to post this, I am going to go back and re-read the entire thing from the beginning tomorrow.

Lovely reading before going to bed.

Plus, I want to talk to you as to correlations I saw, being an Astrologer...much is consistent with Astrology. The four's and 12's. The west being water, the north air, the east fire and the south earth..all the elements of the 12 signs...4 elements, with 3 signs each..equaling 12. Plus the 12 houses of the chart..each ruled by a sign. Plus the symbolism..the constant reference to the sky and the stars. Wonderful stuff!

Fascinating read..please continue to post, as you have an avid reader, loving it here. Thanks again!

I'll re-read it all..and we can talk.

I need to go to bed soon, as I have errands to run tomorrow. But I sooo enjoyed this. Spent the entire time, since you wrote me reading as much as I could.

It's quite amazing and admirable that these "historical facts" have remained entact all these years, simply by one generation telling them to the next. Sad, very sad...but lovely, too.

And it made me sad that my family knew (or even sought to know) so little of their ancestors...makes me want to learn more.

Sleep well, and thank you again, friend Tribo.happy

Dionaa's photo
Tue 09/02/08 05:15 PM
Finally off for that wee nap, bro.

See ya later, my fellow Vampire!!:banana:

Dionaa's photo
Tue 09/02/08 05:13 PM
Enjoy, Tribo my friend! lol:wink:

Dionaa's photo
Tue 09/02/08 05:11 PM
To quote the wise ole Billy Boy Clinton.."Well, that depends what IT is.."rofl

Dionaa's photo
Tue 09/02/08 05:07 PM
Funny, I've never had that problem..nor have my women friends. We all speak our minds.

I've heard the reverse..that the men sit and pout and expect THEIR minds to be read. Heaven forbid SOME men (I won't generalize here, as OP did) speak about their feelings! Women are supposed to just KNOW why they are sitting with a puss on! lol

Oh yeah, this thread is REALLY going to send women flocking your way!! NOT! laugh

Dionaa's photo
Tue 09/02/08 03:05 AM

I'm single (as in not married) as I prefer it that way. Seems the piece of paper changes things, and not for the better. Was married 25 feel no need for marriage.

Have a man, lots of great happy...why ruin it??

If it ain't broke

Why fix it ,ah?
