Community > Posts By > Dionaa

Dionaa's photo
Fri 09/12/08 09:49 PM
Dang, did I miss you Andy boyo???

I am SO happy you are here, luv!!!

You've been missed! And yep, nearly the whole gang is here!!


Dionaa's photo
Fri 09/12/08 03:09 AM

True Path Walkers
Obligations of the True Path Walkers
To bring back the natural harmony that humans once enjoyed.
To save the planet from present practices of destruction.
To find and re-employ real truth.
To promote true balance between both genders.
To share and be less materialistic.
To become rid of prejudice.
To learn to be related.

To be kind to animals and take no more than we need.
To play with one's children and love each equally and fairly.
To be brave and courageous, enough so,
to take a stand and make a commitment.
To understand what Generations Unborn really means.
To accept the Great Mystery
in order to end foolish argument over religion.

As I went back, this one leaped out at THAT is what I always say in a religious "debate"...that I love the "mystery"..and accept that we are not to know..for then there would be no need for faith.

Many gems in this topic, T. Have a feeling I'll be coming and reading and re-reading..I enjoy it so very much!


Dionaa's photo
Fri 09/12/08 02:38 AM
A Cherokee Blessing Prayer

Yigaquu osaniyu adanvto adadoligi nigohilvi nasquv utloyasdi nihi

May the Great Spirit's Blessings Always Be With You agayuli wahyaw!


ugauhiu gudodi ehisdu

Lots of reading to do and catch up..but rest assured I will!smile2

Dionaa's photo
Tue 09/09/08 08:20 PM
Edited by Dionaa on Tue 09/09/08 08:21 PM
Hey, glad you're here, Robin! You can type any ole way you want..painkilled or not, we'll understand. Scary, eh?? lmao

Hope this one is the last as to that. Sorry, you had to endure yet another, sweetie.

Painkill away!! Smoochers!

Dionaa's photo
Tue 09/09/08 08:09 PM
Heya, dude!!

We have one of our last remaining knuckleheads here..Rich is here!!smile2

Dionaa's photo
Tue 09/09/08 08:03 PM
The absolute worst I ever saw (and laughed until I almost peed) was on aol news forums. One person had a fat cat picture as a profile pic..and the thread was about cats! Welll, they even brought neocon/kooky leftists crap into THAT. Said "Well, you have a fat you must be a Republican!" lmao

I used to read them, just to see the wingnuts!

I think, unfortunately, that's the way our country is now! Go to any forum and it's the same! All I've seen anywho..

Pretty pathetic, eh?

Dionaa's photo
Mon 09/08/08 02:49 AM
Edited by Dionaa on Mon 09/08/08 03:02 AM

The True Peace

The first peace, which is the most important,
is that which comes within the souls of people
when they realize their relationship,
their oneness, with the universe and all its powers,
and when they realize that at the center
of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit),
and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.
This is the real peace, and the others are but reflections of this.
The second peace is that which is made between two individuals,
and the third is that which is made between two nations.
But above all you should understand that there can never
be peace between nations until there is known that true peace,
which, as I have often said, is within the souls of men.

Black Elk, Oglala Sioux & Spiritual Leader (1863 - 1950)

I also love this, posted by Smiless, early in this topic.

It may be fun to post "The Last of the Mohicans" in here, for us to read..I found it in one of my Mohawk links, as it tells much about the Native American way of living and the whole book is in that link..I could copy it and we could read it and learn more. But, for now I'm enjoying and very content with your posts, especially Black Elk. Wonder if more stories like that from other tribal spiritual leaders can be found. Something else to explore down the road, to keep this wonderful topic alive. After I catch up on your readings, I'll help and see what I can dig up, too. I love the Black Elk story, as it brings the whole experience to life for me. Guess it did for you, too, since you posted it.

Again, Nia:wen friend. I need to stop jabbering and get a snack and SLEEP, so I don't sleep the day away.

Dionaa's photo
Mon 09/08/08 02:07 AM
Edited by Dionaa on Mon 09/08/08 03:05 AM
"But if the vision was true and mighty, as I know, it is true and mighty yet; for such things are of the spirit, and it is in the darkness of their eyes that men get lost."

From "The Story of the Pipe" by Black Elk and posted by Tribo.

How true is this statement!!

Still reading from the beginning of your posts, Tribo. I told you how I used to be such an avid reader and the internet ruined that..well, your posts have me back to reading at night again...and learning of "the first people".

Oh and I read somewhere, when I was all over as to the Mohawks the other night, that the Mohawks deny that they ate man's flesh..that was said of them by tribes they fought. I wish I bookmarked the page, so I could remember which tribe it was. I'm wondering why they were called "cowards" by a tribe or tribes. They wiped out the Mohigan tribe and were fierce warriers. Guess even back then, there was bravado and name-calling between warring factions, eh??

We have an Algonquin Park up home..I just remembered that tonight, as I was reading your posts.

Also, I'm wondering if I go to Sir. William Johnson's Hall, if they will tell what tribes were there at the time he lived. It will give me a good idea of who my Native American ancestors were, as I believe my Grandfather's family always lived in that the base of the Adirondacks.

Yet, he loved Lake Champlain, though, as I said. So, although I have no one to ask..I'm wondering if he had relatives up there. That's way up in northeast NY..bordering the New England states. My Gram and he fished there all the time, when they were young. We had many, many lakes right in our for him to travel so far to go fishing, I'm thinking he may have been familiar with the area and fished there as a child, with relatives.

All my elderly relatives have passed on Mom's I have no one to ask. I'm itching to know will do a search for that geneology disc I had and do my own family tree on Mom's side.

My Dad's side will be next to impossible..intrigue there! Hah! My German Grandfather's father's family came over and all of his brother's moved out west and Dad said they never heard from them again. Sadly, all of the males on Dad's side died of alcoholism..heck, even on Mom's! So no surprise I was an sober in 1987, though, thank did my cousins. So, we broke the chain.

Anyway, my Irish Grandmother was born out of wedlock, the child of my Greatgrandfather..and his wife agreed to take her in and raise her. Odd, eh? Must have been an EXTREMELY kind woman!

So, Dad said he didn't know anything about his mother's mother in Ireland..and sadly his Mom died of diabetes when Dad was 10.

Anywho, back to my 1/2 Indian Grandfather. I think just maybe HIS father may have moved to midstate and MAY have been from the northwestern part of NYS.

My curiousity about this is making me nuts here..hope I can find that disc and do some research. I'm not counting on my cousin's wife "allowing" him to pass on what he found. IF I can't find the disc, I may give him a try, though. Why the woman dislikes me, is beyond me..I don't even KNOW her. lol People! Bah! Give me cats! lol

Have you done a family tree, Tribo? Is this all making you as curious as me? Seems so, by your knowledge seeking here.

It's awesome I met you...someone like me...who has a curious mind and loves to learn, just for the sake of learning. I've always been like that. If I don't know what a word means..I will ALWAYS look it up. Used to keep a pad on the nightstand and as I read, write down the words I didn't know and the page number. That way the story flowed, and I still could go back and look up the word and the context it was used in.

Since all of Mom's Dad's sisters were dark complected and had jet black hair, I'm wondering if Grandpa's Dad was Dutch/Indian, and he was possibly more than 1/2. Won't know until I do that family tree..and trust me I will do it now, thanks to you planting this seed!

I can be a pitbull as to seeking knowledge of something that interests me. It's how I self-taught myself with the Astrology from 19 yrs old through now at 55! (My Aries and I see you share that. Our birthdays are a day apart..and the day the Mohawk treaty was signed, was my Well, not the year. hehehe
But the day of the month. I'm a day before you.

I'm finding such a correlation with Astrology in so much of this. Astrology is based so much on the elements...and the sky...both things the Native Americans knew much of and worshiped.

The Zodiac is a real constellation...and that is how the birth chart is determined! Where the Sun, Moon and each planet was located at the time of your birth. There are ties to Greek mythology and also to Native American mythology. Interesting to see. If you are interested in Astrology..there's a great book "Parker's Astrology"..shows how Astrology and Astronomy were once one science, until the Priest grew jealous of the power the Astrologers has over the countries' leader and threw Astrology into the "occult bag". The book is a "coffee table" book..lovely pictures and contains both Astronomy and they ARE one, in reality. Also, goes into ancient Astrology, etc. It was one of my first Astrology books, and I'm on my second one, as the first one fell apart. I just mention this, as I keep seeing so many ties to Astrology in the Native American culture. Sun Sign Astology is reality it's so very deep..even after all these years, I am still learning new stuff. Something to maybe grab your interest in the future. I don't get into Tarot or any of the stuff (except the healing gem stones). Astrology just got in my blood and stayed there.

I'm back to rambling..but it's very late.

I'll continue to plod along with my please know I'm enjoying very much all of your posts, my friend. This topic is my favorite place to be when I sign on..and I look forward to it.

Going to read a bit more then off to bed before the Sun rises. Fibro Cat Lady night for me...but at least I'm reading and learning..doing something productive and mind expanding.

See you later today, my friend!

Nia:wen, yet again!


PS I'm kinda hoping I find Grandpa was Mi'kmaq. I find their culture so very intriging and love their concept of spirituality...honoring all living things. I kill nothing (as you had said about yourself) except venomous insects or snakes.

I actually used to catch mice my cats were doing the "posse" after, and let them outside. Also, was teased at work, as I let a cricket outside..the gals all sang "Born Free". lol I can't even fish anymore, as I did when younger..can't kill the bait nor the fish! Real "creature" softie here.

Since the Mi'kmaq were based in New England and Lake Champlain is bordering there..could just be. We shall see, one way or another I "need" to know now. This Arian "pitbull" is on a mission now, thanks to you, Tribo!winking

Dionaa's photo
Mon 09/08/08 12:25 AM
Yes I will, Tribo! I love them!! Heading back to read some more..been skipping all over the place! lol Something will catch my eye and BAM I'm there. I need to read them in order..which I am going to begin doing tonight, friend!



Dionaa's photo
Mon 09/08/08 12:20 AM
I did think of her and then forgot to write her..glad you did Lis!

Yeppers, 60 and counting...tick tick tick

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:47 PM
Edited by Dionaa on Sun 09/07/08 11:48 PM

I'm kinda/sorta a newbie
huh which one is the real Patsfan?huh

What? The Pats are only allowed ONE fan??laugh laugh laugh

New rule after my Giants spanked your butts in the Super Bowl or what???biggrin

Geesh, speaking of which..I heard Brady is hurt. Seriously, I'm sorry to hear that!

I hold my breath every week, hoping for no injuries. How's your backup QB??

Oh and a hidee to my OTHER fav Jack!! Muuah!!

And Jack is a sweetie pie...don't worry Mingle Patfan..Jack shares his toys well! lol

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:41 PM
Somehow I can't picture my brother me crazy..but can't see it.

We don't beg in our family..right, bro?winking

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:32 PM
I'm his sister, I wouldn't know...blushing whoa

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:29 PM
Edited by Dionaa on Sun 09/07/08 11:31 PM
This is the longest page I ever SAW!!!

Page 5 become 6 NOW! BAM!

Dang, you beat me to's now 6 FINALLY!! GEESH! Was that a long page or what????

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:28 PM

Geesh, harsh, no???

Not HER fault they suck!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh 100th post declaring the Cowboys suck! I'm sooo proud, think I'm gonna cry!:cry: laugh laugh

Oh, you're gonna cry alright! The next time I see you... :angry:

:angel: flowers laugh laugh :tongue:

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:26 PM
Don't beg, he loves that. Slap his butt..he'll like that better and forget that his Cowboys SUCK! hehehehehhe

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:21 PM
Edited by Dionaa on Sun 09/07/08 11:22 PM
Geesh, harsh, no???

Not HER fault they suck!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh 100th post declaring the Cowboys suck! I'm sooo proud, think I'm gonna cry!:cry: laugh laugh

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:19 PM
laugh laugh laugh Good one, Rick!! heehee

Where is Sherry, anywho?? I think she did leave and is OOPS in her sexy Dan's thread. lmao

I'm in a mood tonight, eh??

Can't get me, neener neener...

Okay which thread am I bringing up to Dan's..this one or the other one??

Guess this one is easier for folks to find, no?

How cool..60 from over there in just TWO weeks!!

How about starting a football pool, Rickster??flowerforyou

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:15 PM
Hahahahah We could talk pages and pages about the how AWFUL the Cowboys are and catch up to Dan!!bigsmile laugh laugh laugh

Muuuahh! Who loves ya, bro!!

Just sux you are stuck with that wee Romeo and chickenshirt TO...slaphead shocked ill biggrin

Geesh sweet to have new emoticons!!

Oh, and where the heck is Andy???????

We're gonna have to hurt that boyo!:angry:

Dionaa's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:05 PM
Posting in Rick's thread..come on folks..he has to catch up to Dan! 25 pages to go! Better get jabberin in here!!

Oh I know!

The Cowboys suck!biggrin :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: