Community > Posts By > arealman4u

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Mon 11/12/07 11:04 AM
who the F@@K is Joe Thomas?

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Sat 11/10/07 09:28 AM
C'mon Marge look at how fake that is. I mean you can see the string on the submarine.....AAAAAHHHHHH an Octopus.

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Sat 11/10/07 08:10 AM
Hey Josh. I've got bad news for you. We're all wrong. And we're all right. When we die we'll live forever.........through the memories and the impact we left on others. There is no place called heaven. Heaven is leading a good life. Heaven is your great, great, great grandson learning about the first time you took his grandfather to a ball game. hell is on Earth. Hell is the fact that you were such a miserable person that people were happy you died so you can be quickly forgotten

Stop shoving this Militant Christianity down peoples throats. We're sick of it. Sick of hearing that if we don't put your salvation in the hands of Jebus (thank you Homer Simpson) that we're damned. What I'm trying to say to YOU Josh is.........YOU NEED TO GET LA*D.

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Sat 11/10/07 07:35 AM
I have to're awfully cute. Love the TAT.

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Sat 11/10/07 07:27 AM
Sorry. Thought you were disgusted by my joke. Thanks for the welcome. If you really wanna laugh, read "Polish Subway". And please, leave a reply.

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Sat 11/10/07 07:17 AM
No, Matt.

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Sat 11/10/07 07:15 AM
is that the grossest joke ever?

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Sat 11/10/07 07:07 AM
Midnight Run
The Cannonball Run

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Sat 11/10/07 07:02 AM
OK this is really gross.

A couple were in bed one saturday afternoon when the husband turns to his wife and says "You know Honey, I could really go for some 69." The wife replies "OK. But I have my period". The husband, horny as he is doesn't mind and soon they are feverishly going at it.

In the middle of all this action, the door bell rings. The wife climbs off of her husband, looks out the window and says, "It's only the mailman. Go answer the door." The husband, shocked says "Look at my face. I can't possibly answer the door." The wife says "Thats ok. Just tell him you're eating a jelly sandwich". To the husband this makes sense so he goes downstairs to answer the door.

As soon as the husband opens the door the mailman begins to stare at his face. The husband notices this and says, "i know. I was eating a jelly sandwich". to which the mailman replies, "I'm not looking at the jelly on you're mouth, I'm looking at the peanut butter on your forehead."

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Fri 11/09/07 12:16 PM
Good Joke. Have you read my Polish subway? Please tell me what you think.


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Fri 11/09/07 11:51 AM
Ladies and gentlmen the new Benny Hill. Bravo.

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Fri 11/09/07 11:15 AM
Thats absolutely disgusting.

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Fri 11/09/07 11:02 AM
This is a bit long so bear with me:

Picture a subway car full of people. A man runs intothe train brandishing a hypodermic needle and shouts "Give me all of your money now or I'll stick you with this AIDS tainted needle."

Well of course everyone hands over their money except this one Polish guy. So the robber walks over to the Polish man and says "Did you hear what I said? Give me your money now or I'll kill you with AIDS." The Polish man says "I'm not giving you my money".

The annoyed robber screams "This is your last chance. Give me the money". The Polish guy defiantly says "NO". With that the robber sticks the Polish guy with the needle and runs off.

A man standing next to the Polish guy nudges him and asks "Hey Buddy. Aren't you afraid of getting AIDS?" To which the Polish guy responds "Nah man, I'm wearin a rubber".

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Fri 11/09/07 10:53 AM
Very good.

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Fri 11/09/07 10:46 AM
So marjie, how do you explain loving couples who can't have children? Are they not allowed to have sex together because they can't procreate?

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Fri 11/09/07 08:22 AM
Thank you Aiza

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Fri 11/09/07 08:19 AM
Amen Lex

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Fri 11/09/07 08:18 AM
nothing like a loving God who's vengeful.

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Fri 11/09/07 07:58 AM
Topic should read "Is there anybody out there that actually believes God is anything but love.

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Fri 11/09/07 07:56 AM
It's amazing how often we hear people say that God hates gay people or non-believers as if they have a direct line to his mouth.

Just wanna hear some good responses.

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