Topic: Is there anybody out there that actually believes God is any | |
It's amazing how often we hear people say that God hates gay people or non-believers as if they have a direct line to his mouth.
Just wanna hear some good responses. |
Topic should read "Is there anybody out there that actually believes God is anything but love.
GOD does not hate the sinner, he hates the sin.
how can god hate something he created??????
religious debates such as these have been talked about for thousands of years.....doubt a topic on JSH will resolved this issue :P
I created something out of legos one time that i absolutely hated.
God is love. Who are we to judge anyone? I have done so many things wrong and yet He continues to love and bless me. Our job on earth is to love our fellow man and witness for the Lord. I will continue to sin-I am human. God does not hate. Are there consequences for our choices? Absolutely. But it is not my job to dole out punishment or hate. Judgement day will come then we shall see how we measure up. Until then I will pray,hope,love. Have a blessed day.
"god is a concept by which we measure our pain"- John Lennon
all higher powers r manmade concepts used to justify human behaviour |
I like the saying "God did not create man in his own image, humans created a god in their own image"
I believe god is only a way to pass on teachings of good faith.
Yes, if you trust the Bible, God is also merciful, just, vengeful and jealous.
oh jesus.
"Is there anybody out there that actually believes God is anything but love?"
If "superstition and myth" qualifies as something other than "anything but love," then yes. |
nothing like a loving God who's vengeful.
Amen Lex
i dont think so god love us for whowe are, godis too kind to be mad..or hatehe is perfect soi dont hink he hate gay,,,,
Thank you Aiza
Vengence means "Righteous punishment". God has laws, if we break those laws, then we receive "Righteous punishment" for our crimes. Makes perfect sense to me. Have you ever met a child who was allowed to break rules without punishment? That's not love, that's lazy. God has rules in place, because he loves us and He must punish us when we break the rules because he is just. |
AS SOMEONE ALREADY SAID GOD HATES THE SIN,he wants love and true love comes from freewill,he gives us a choice.He wants you to decide,his will or yours.If you know sonething that is hurtfull or wrong and you still do it then you sin.In the Bible it say to not act in that manner,but he doesn't hate you he hates you choice and that you decided to make it.
Religion is an outdated contest between superstitious people claiming to have the better invisible friend. Religion isn't meant to teach tolerance, just fear and unwaivering obedience. But when people claim to KNOW what God wants, that's when you have to ask yourself seriously, "How could they possible know that!?!?!"