Community > Posts By > timp_2

timp_2's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:08 AM
I feel like it kind of has a place, but if you're going to honor one, you should honor them all.

The US was founded on the idea of religious freedom, so everyone has the right to worship as they please, but going with one specific religion to use as the backbone as we seem to be doing is more or less casting a shadow over that religious freedom.

I do, however, feel like some things are being addressed too much on the subject, while others are addressed too little.

timp_2's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:03 AM

Ok - Look at me, Look at me

look what I can do drinker (SNL)

actually, it's from Mad TV, but it still made me laugh.


timp_2's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:13 AM

we are doing the page on facebook, (no particular reason why) not my space. Aren't they about the same?

i think facebook is mostly college age and older...

and i've heard that its pretty confusing to navigate
(facebook, that is)

about a year ago, it required a college-based email address to get an account there... recently they've started allowing anybody with an email address to sign up.

It is a bit harder to navigate than myspace, but you can put applications on your page that (I think) would keep a kid more easily entertained than myspace would with just pictures/bulletins/blogs to read...

I prefer myspace over facebook, I have both, but myspace is spammed (and hacked) waaaaaaaaaaay more than facebook is.

timp_2's photo
Wed 03/12/08 08:42 AM

fplgers also black most the time but every now and then ill put irish cream in it

oh man, if we're going that way...

I loves me a nutty irishman... coffee, bailey's, frangelico, & whipped cream. they make me happy.

timp_2's photo
Wed 03/12/08 08:37 AM
go facebook for him.

myspace gets CONSTANLY bombarded with spam... every day i get 2 or 3 friend requests from some half-naked chick who wants me to watch nude webcams and stuff.


timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:43 AM

travels with portable TV in order not to miss "Family Guy"

that's not a bad idea.

maybe I should put a tv monitor in my car and mount a satellite on top...

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:34 AM
eats babies.

(family guy reference)

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:33 AM
Edited by timp_2 on Tue 03/11/08 10:33 AM


do you even know where you are right now?

ok, so the new alphabet as dictated by JSH:


not counting the double-letters...

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:28 AM

Great ~ thanks! I'll check that out....see what happens when you listen to CD's all the time. Don't know the songs on the radio!

More jazz/blues, but I'm excited that Etta James and BB King are coming to Denver in the next couple of months. drinker

I saw BB King a couple years ago... it's amazing that he's over 80 now and still good.

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:27 AM

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:25 AM
Edited by timp_2 on Tue 03/11/08 10:26 AM
R: Racing Evolution

(that's the actual name of the game, R: and all. do i get bonus points?)

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:07 AM
judging by my current grocery situation, my guess is ramen noodles.

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:07 AM
i've got a BBVD album or two... also Brian Setzer Orchestra...

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:27 AM
ever see "The 40 Year Old Virgin"?

'nuff said.

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:25 AM
I like my cat, Sprocket. she's weird and super friendly. I can't sit on the couch for more than 5 minutes without her being in my lap

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:33 AM

you have a good profile, kinda covers everything do you cook cajun food in penn.??(i am a new orleans native)post a pic of the bike!!

I actually just started there, so I'm still learning it... it's interesting how much stuff you can get through today's market... we get live Crawfish in and Gator Tail and rocky mountain oysters and frogs legs, and all sorts of stuff that aren't at all native to this area... we're the only restaurant in the area doing cajun food and are voted the favorite restaurant in Lancaster County... also, the owner's uncle is Chef Paul Prudhomme.

pic of the bike is located here (i'd just stick the picture in, but i'm not sure if it's an img code or html or what:

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:28 AM

coimbatore at tamilnadut.

is that near Rand McNally?

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:14 AM
good old texas...

I spent 3 months there last summer doing my externship from culinary school (DFW area).

Interesting group of people, friendly, but it's definitely a different lifestyle.

Cool place to visit, but I don't think I'd want to live there... nothing against Texas, but I'd miss the trees/mountains/etc. know what I mean?

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:11 AM

I like food, so sounds good to me. lol

lol who doesn't? food is the....... food... of life...

timp_2's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:10 AM
just said a silent prayer for your grandma just now.

I hope it all works out for you.