Can you write a Song?
i've written several, but they deal more with specific points in my life than an overall view...
23-window Volkswagen Microbus.
Grilling season is upon us
try grilling banannas, still in the skin. they're pretty awesome.
ok, who hates them....
they're inconvenient, but at this day of the internet age, you pretty much can't do without them, if you don't feel like being bombarded with spam.
Grilling season is upon us
I prefer charcoal, but my grill is gas... It just made more sense for me, since when I get home from work and I want food, I want it to be as quick and easy as possible... I work with grills all day at work anyway, the less time I have to spend cooking after cooking all day, the better.
cool. she was so hot, he turned from a scotsman into an irishman, back into a scotsman, and back into an irishman again!
Mel Brooks
I just got to watch the Life Of Brian. I thought it was as good as Wholly Moses. I like the great parodies. ![]() yeah, it's a great movie, but it's Monty Python, not Mel Brooks |
Mel Brooks
Oh great a " Drewish Princess" ![]() ![]() ![]() funny, she doesn't look Drewish... |
Do a barrel roll
odd... this is the second forum I've seen that posted on in the last hour or so...
Mel Brooks
Mel Brooks has a lot of great movie moments, so it's hard to pick my favorite...
the first one that came to mind, however, was the Naughty Nazi play from To Be or Not To Be, where he's got hitler singing, "all i want is a little peace.... a little piece of poland, a little piece of france..." |
What is the strangest....
my initials are TSP. |
Myspace Music
Myspace is for 22 year old whores that make $2,000. an hour!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() yeah, i definitely get tired of all the friend requests from girls who are waaaaaaaaaaay hotter than are generally interested in me, trying to get me to pay money to see naked chicks on webcam. |
hurricane katrina pics(new)
I was in Biloxi & New Orleans a few months before Katrina hit... we flew into Biloxi and drove to NO for Jazzfest that year. New Orleans is an awesome town, the food alone is worth going (but then again, I'm huge on food). I haven't been back since, but would like to sometime in the near future.
It was weird seeing pictures on TV of the wreckage (particularly in Biloxi) because I was watching it, and recognizing certain places since I had driven down that particular road or whatever just a few months prior to it... |
Myspace Music
I posted this in a different thread, but thought I'd post it here too...
I've got a myspace music page that I'd like people to check out, if you like it, add me as a friend. If not, that's cool, I know it's not for everyone and most of it isn't recorded very well (I've done most of my recording in my living room with what I have available to me, never have gotten into a studio, I don't think it would even be worth it if I did) so anyway, here be the link: |
Hi from Heidelberg, Germany
Guten tag!
I took 5 years of German in High School... I've forgotten most of it now, not a whole lot of chances to use German in the states... except for the fact that I live right in the middle of Pennsylvania Dutch country, but their German is a bit different... it's weird. |
Any musicians out there?
Started playing guitar when I was 11... i'm 23 now and wish I had stuck to learning about guitar theory more because I'm still pretty useless as anything besides a rhythm guitarist.
I also play bass, drums (poorly, but it's actually probably the instrument I enjoy playing the most), and I mess around with other stuff when I have access to it. I can also play the spoons (as someone else mentioned) and was taught by the best. lol I've always wanted to learn to play piano. I've done some amateur recording, mostly in my own living room with what I have available to me, but a bunch of it is on myspace. A bunch more of it is on a CD that I've burned and have made liner notes for, and I've distributed among my friends and family. have a listen, let me know what you think, and if you like it, add me as a friend or something. |
Man Law! - part 17
spleck, corona.
actually, I don't go with that "don't fruit the beer" manlaw... a good Hefeweisen is just screaming to have an orange/lemon slice with it... that's just how it's made. and really, I love a good fruited wheat beer... a place near me (Lancaster Brewing Company) does a pretty awesome Strawberry Wheat. |
With all due respect timp I do not understand why people say that evolution is a theory it's a FACT and a very well established one in the science community. We learned ancient history in school and that involved myths and the religions of cultures. That is all children need then let them follow their own path. in order to be made a scientific fact, it needs to be put through the scientific method several times under the same circumstances with the same outcome, which in this case, is completely impossible. There are a lot of arguments on it that I won't get into, missing links, arguments over some of the specimens they've found, etc. |
What really sets me off is this trying to push religion in our schools with thid stupid Creationism crap! Religion has no place in public schools the way facts have no place in organized religion. well, evolution is still just a theory at this point, it's the responsibility of a school to teach all sides of the argument, not just creation vs. evolution (or just evolution or just creation), but also whatever the other religions believe as well. It's best to show it from all angles, and the children should believe what they feel is the right answer... they're all theories, however the universe came to be as it is, it's completely up in the air. |