Community > Posts By > JoeKur

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 08:58 AM


PLEEEEZZEE tell me ur kiddin'....

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 08:57 AM

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 08:51 AM

Well regardless what is said the one that has to make that decsion is you. You said you were aware of some of these things when ya got together. First you should have found out the complete details but you did not that is in the past now. So you must make up your mind either stick with him to the end or walk away don't do the iffy game one way or the other give it your all or walk away. But yes your little girl comes first and her future. Assualt charges is not murder and you can get that against you just for being in a heated discussion and just touch the other person. Good luck in what ever you decide to do.bigsmile

Totally agree - ultimatly, the decision (and the responsibility) is yours.

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 08:43 AM
1) Watch
2) Go out with friends
3) Take your kids to the park (if they're 20 and on their own, make them go anyway!
4) Surround yourself with optimistic things
5) Turn on the lights in your house - all of them
6) Get OUT of the house! Go for a drive
7) Write down 10 things that a GREAT about you - there are at LEAST that many
8) go to youtube, do a search for "Jeff Dunham"

the list goes on...

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 08:37 AM

Well,the charges were aggravated assault,no sentence has been put out yet and he's in county jail.When we met he was a born again christian and was a totally different person afterwards.He was arrested before but for traffic tickets and once for being drunk in public.This was before we met.He was in jail before for a yr but I forget what that was forhuh I just hate that after all his hard work to be a better person this has to happen and now I don't know what to do.I thought about my babygirl and she loves him to death.He's the only real daddy she knows.
If he was a real born again christian, why didn't he turn himself in and come clean with you before he was arrested?? He should have told you before all of this started, then you could have made the decision to stay or not instead of being thrown into it blindly.
If it was me... I would probably leave.

Amen Sister! I'll go ahead and add something I meant to add before - As Christians, we're responsible for our actions. While we're forgiven, we're responsible for the consequences.

Relating to my last post - lots of men like this play the "Born again Christian" card, and sometimes even mean it... for a while... but all too often, it's just a card, a ploy. Only time and actions are going to tell if he's sincere - and sincerety here is paying his dues for what he's done.

"Born Again Christian" is not a "get out of jail free" card - or a right to dismiss all responsibility for his past. don't be too quick to give BOTD here - only time will tell if he's changed...

the catch? Well, you don't have that time, and like someone else, this is NOT the role model for your child... move on, you find someone else, let him find someone else...

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 08:27 AM
Edited by JoeKur on Fri 12/07/07 08:32 AM

Well,the charges were aggravated assault,no sentence has been put out yet and he's in county jail.When we met he was a born again christian and was a totally different afterwards.He was arrested before but for traffic tickets and once for being drunk in public.He was jail before for a yr but I forget what that was forhuh I just hate that after all his hard work to be a better person this has to happen and now I don't know what to do.I thought about my babygirl and she loves him to death.He's the only real daddy she knows.

From an objective perspective, it sounds like someone who's had a lot of run-ins, and may have more. And if I'm wrong, then that's Great! I'd love to be wrong about that.

Your daughter is only two - be very careful here - don't dismiss what you objectivly see just so your daughter can "have a dad." There are better options out there.

I know I'm comin' off as a judgemental jerk - but I've seen lots of women get involved with lots of guys like this... one thing here, one thing there, before you know it, you're in too deep and there's a whole mess... You say you've already spent a fortune on him...

If I'm wrong about him, I'll be the first to eat the crow, just pass the catchup - but I've seen this pattern a LOT. There's more here than you know - you're still young, lots of life ahead of you, and more opportunities...

P.S. I've never had to eat that crow...

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 08:14 AM
that's a tough situation... my first and best advice is to be careful - you're responsibility is to your daughter first and formost. Don't make decisions that may negativly affect her future.

Second piece - be careful here... you're young, and you knew him 3 years before that, and you say he's in jail for something he did in his past... it sounds like he's a bit older than you.

everyone deserves redemption - but that doesn't obligate you to throw your life away to give it... be very careful with your life and your daughter's life.

MY insticts tell me, get away from the situation... but I don't know the whole situation... it just sounds bad, and you have other responsiblities (and you're young) - you may have a very difficult decision to make here, and you're a very young making it.

So there's no easy answer here - and when that happens, fall back to what's most important.

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:54 AM
hyper cuddling? I'm all for cuddle parties, a hyper cuddle party sounds even better!

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:40 AM
interesting profiles help too...

Look at the ones who posted replies to you here... these girls are WAY cool - and they have fun and interesting photo's too... they probably get more email and IM than they know what to do with...

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:34 AM
Edited by JoeKur on Fri 12/07/07 07:34 AM
Peach is Wise.... Try again....

JoeKur's Wisdom: (Free - this time)

Women get ALL KINDS of messages - just saying "hi" once, man, that's like a drop in the ocean...

be different, be interesting...

And if you send 10 emails, and get 5 back, well, you've gotten 5 more than you had...

Do I get an Amen?

P.S. IM on here is hit or mis - the pop-up gets hidden... stick to email first.

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:30 AM
Zelda - Peh... Ultima I (one) rocks!

(I'm kidding, Zelda's friggin' awesome...)

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:27 AM
agreed - move on, man!

One of two things will happen:

1) you'll be much more interesting to her becasue you HAVE moved on - and if she's just playing games, she'll want to play more - if she's just not sure, she'll call YOU

2) she won't call you or anything, but you'll be so busy with other girls that think your great ('cuz you really are), you're gonna forget about this one.

What won't work is pining away or fretting over the time you've spent on her... write it off, move on... after the initial dissapointment, you'll be too busy with other women to care...

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:23 AM
well, that's the "official" record... I don't bother sending MY records in - I don't feel right not giving others a chance... 30 hours seems kinda short... (smirk)

JoeKur's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:14 AM
Edited by JoeKur on Fri 12/07/07 07:15 AM
sigh - kids...

I remember when all we had was PONG! And we were happy with it too... We didn't need no stinkin' "3d" or "1st person perspective," or silly joysticks... gimme a game console and two pong paddles, I'm good to go! LOL!

I have Atari to thank for my current vocation - it was my first nerd toy - I got the 2600, and promptly took it apart...

Then I got the Atari 400 - wrote several sinusoidal analyzers with it... then I upgraded to the Atari 800 and built an audio signal analyzer - then I totally geeked out and got the 1200, with 64K of ram! what more could I need! AND, I had the cassette tape backup - and wrote my own art program where you could actually SAVE your drawings to tape, man!

We didn't need no stinkin' 1MB of ram! what are you gonna do with all that anyway? huh? (I hope everyone can see the sarcasm here)..

NES - peh... can't even write your own games! (smirk)

actually, Nintendo with the WII was BRILLIANT... console manufacturers have gotten so caught up in the graphics engines, processors, etc... they've forgotten about the interaction... WIi doesn't have anywhere NEAR the graphics capabilities of the PS3, but, heck, they don't even try to claim anything like that - they marketed on the interaction and the family aspects... and made a big hit...

good for them!

JoeKur's photo
Sat 11/24/07 08:40 AM
Edited by JoeKur on Sat 11/24/07 08:40 AM

I remember reading something years ago about a town in Georgia (I think) that made it a municipal law to own a handgun. Not that it was so strictly enforced that if you didn't have you were fined or anything though. However the crime rate did drop considerably. Including crimes committed with firearms.

My HS teacher told us that story - one town - no handguns allowed, next town, handguns required (and if you couldn't afford one, they'd give you one - and if you didn't know how to use it, they'd train you) GUESS which town had a lower crime rate?

So, a hearty AMEN here!

JoeKur's photo
Sat 11/24/07 08:35 AM
yup, gets better...

But what's great is that our hearts are THERE to rip out... they can 'cuz we love them, and deep down, they love us too...

She's luck she has someone who cares so much... She'll love you for this in the long-run.

JoeKur's photo
Fri 11/23/07 09:28 PM
Give it time, man... it'll be alright... just doesn't seem like it right now...

JoeKur's photo
Fri 11/23/07 03:11 PM
Welcome! Visit! Enjoy! Have Fun! Be Nice! hehe...

JoeKur's photo
Fri 11/23/07 02:11 PM
This is a Classic! My Fav

P: The number three engine is missing
S: Engine found on right Wing after a brief search


JoeKur's photo
Fri 11/23/07 02:07 PM
Welcome! Jump In! Water's fine!