Community > Posts By > JoeKur

JoeKur's photo
Tue 12/11/07 09:01 AM
no stealin' at all... I give this gift freely to the world (until my ex clobbers me! haha!)

your kids will love it...

Think about it...

Meat - Cheese - Bread... What more could you ask for?

JoeKur's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:52 AM
laugh laugh Cousin... yea...

you can do better...

like the wise British girl said... be brave, say bye bye

JoeKur's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:26 AM
uh... yea!

JoeKur's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:11 AM
(My ex'll kill me if she finds me posting this, it's her Recipe! LOL!)

The Secret is in the simplicity. Do NO muck with this until you'll made it a times, then try the variations I offer... Otherwise, don't try to Doctor this... Keep It Simple!

Baking Dish
2 cans Pilsbury Croisant rolls - blue can... Nothing Else... Dont' get fancy, just get these!
1 or 2 cans tomatoe sauce (not paste)
2 lbs hamburger meat
1 pack of finely shredded mild cheddar (go ahead and get two if you really like cheese)

preheat oven 350
brown hamburger meat
open one can (leave other in fridge) of rolls
line bottom of pan.
When oven ready, prebake bottom for 5-8 minutes (give's it a head start, wont be guey)
when hamb meat done, mix with one can of Tom-sauce, and one bag of cheese... mix with fork. It'll turn out like a paste... if it looks too dry, add some sauce from second can. And some cheese if it looks too runny.

Now pour this paste in the pan

put layer of cheese on top if you're really into cheese.. (not TOO much though)

Open second can of rolls. lay in layer over top. It's ok if you don't have 100% coverage.

Butter top of rolls for browning.

Bake for about 20 minutes (watch top rolls.. let them get a little gold or maybe brown)

Get good at making this - it's simple, and the secret is in the simplicity...

one option - mix in a little Prego, and use an italian cheese mix.

Second option - put in a little hot suace in the mix (maybe a LITTLE salsa) and use a mexican cheese mix...

Niether of the options will likely turn out like the original, but it'll give you some choices...

JoeKur's photo
Tue 12/11/07 07:50 AM
HEY! That's MY pic back from my modeling days!

JoeKur's photo
Tue 12/11/07 07:49 AM

Yep we get mad at God, and walk away from him, this happens. What happens to most atheists is in fact they were once Christians, in my experience. They just kept walking, and this makes them happy, which would make me happy true, we as humans run from our problems and this allows us to hide the hurt inside us. We are happy but we have secrets that hurt too much to talk about. After i walked i came back and my secrets are no more. I am much happier now than i have ever been, and only feel sorry for those who have not experienced what i have.

Isn't that the cool part - we walk away, but as soon as we turn around, He's right there, loving us as much as He ever did...

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

I know that's going to earn me a flame, or a comment from someone, "yea if you beleive in the Bible.." Well, I do... and it gives me encouragement, wisdom, peace, all kinds of stuff I can't find anywhere else...

I had a philosophy professor, BRILLIANT man. He'd come into class, yell at us, "God Doesn't Exist." etc... and make us argue with him... Turns out, he deeply beleived in God. A brilliant man, with all the secular credentials in the world, in a profession that questions God ALL the time... and he was Convinced that there IS a God...

The debate is great - but when folks talk about how "stupid" it is to beleive in God, I just chuckle... I know I'm not stupid - I'm very well educated, and a lot of people I know and respect who are very well educated beleive in God... the "you're stupid" argument doesn't hold any water...

But the premis of the thread is great - it's when we question we get our best answers... just like my college Philosophy professor did for us...

JoeKur's photo
Tue 12/11/07 07:36 AM
jump in! (like ya just did) - welcome - have fun - and when you come through Alabama - look me up...

BTW, single-mom - quite common... don't give it a second thought...

The first thing you need to do, of course, is to email me... hehe...

JoeKur's photo
Sun 12/09/07 09:16 PM
yea, let HEr worry about that... she'll teach ya what you need to know...

You just have fun learnin' it...

THEN, if for some reason it doesn't work out, you've know way more than your peers... and won't have ANY trouble with women in the bedroom...

This is a good thing dude... enjoy it!

JoeKur's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:17 PM
a pic might help your cause... lol...

JoeKur's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:08 PM
kewl... so you don't have to "Transition" to the south...

lots' of bham folks around here.. enjoy!

JoeKur's photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:54 PM

The Bible was inspired by God through the holy ghost.

....and penned by humans and collectively added to the book that today we call the Bible...but it was still penned by humans that are well known for not being perfect.

I am not slamming the Bible or belittling the content, just stating that it was penned by humans.

This is why I feel it's important to Pray before reading... It's a living document.

JoeKur's photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:53 PM

Where you there when god created earth? Or when jesus was crucified? No no no! You were not. Your "god is real" stories are no more factual than me saying man had landed on the moon because neither one of us were there to see it, first hand.

So, your premise is that nothing exists unless it is witnessed first hand by the observer. I haven't seen Europe, but, I'm fairly certain it's there... I don't see air, but, dang, I'm pretty sure IT's there too...

And, God, in Job, tells Job much of what you're saying... "Where you THERE when..." etc... so, in a way, you're kinda makin' the point for us...

No. I was pointing out that kalamazoo asked if bryan had been to the moon when the lunar ship landed to which I rebutled had he been there to see jesus crucified or god make earth. I cannot proove evolution created man just like you cannot proove god created man but there are facts that make evolution more believeable than an "easy way out" in thinking god created us. Man has been asking this question forever but we will never have proof of anything untill we can travel through time and find out first hand.

that's our line between faith and fact... faith makes what can't be proven our fact.

I think Evolution is Man's attempt to explain what God did... really - Evolution and Creation don't necessarily have to be in conflict... like so many things we do scientificaly.

Evolution makes a LOT of sense to me - it doesn't have to negate my belief that God made it all happen.

JoeKur's photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:47 PM

Ok, then. That's your thing. I just wonder what your eternity will be like when your body is dead and gone....but that is not for me to worry about. Responding to eternalsun.

Like the saying goes... "If you don't beleive in God, you better be Right!" laugh laugh laugh

JoeKur's photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:46 PM

Now wait...Jesus died on the cross for our sins. God forgives no matter how much wrong we do as long as we confess/pray for our sins. So, does it bring me closer to god by sinning more? The more I sin, the more he's going to forgive! (I'm really just joking here)

I believe that's why Paul Wrote to the Corinthian Church - "If we sin more, Christ can love us more!" I know you're joking...

JoeKur's photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:42 PM

Where you there when god created earth? Or when jesus was crucified? No no no! You were not. Your "god is real" stories are no more factual than me saying man had landed on the moon because neither one of us were there to see it, first hand.

So, your premise is that nothing exists unless it is witnessed first hand by the observer. I haven't seen Europe, but, I'm fairly certain it's there... I don't see air, but, dang, I'm pretty sure IT's there too...

And, God, in Job, tells Job much of what you're saying... "Where you THERE when..." etc... so, in a way, you're kinda makin' the point for us...

JoeKur's photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:33 PM

I've read the bible lol. I understand not all religions don't praise god. I actually believe a lot in buddhism.

Really? The whole thing?

JoeKur's photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:31 PM
It is counter-intuitive to argue a basis in faith with fact... the arguements cannot be made, or won. If God's existance has to be proven scientifically, then it's not faith. We, as Christians shouldn't defend faith in such a way. Our perspective is differnet.

There is support for some of the arguments here... primitive cultures DO use religion to control the populace at times. But that doesn't mean there's no God. It mean's man is corrupt... well, I don't think ANYone is going to argue THAT! LOL!

It's a miricle we woke up... sure... but the mirical isn't in the waking - it's in everything that's around you that is part of it... Our lives, how we're made, how we Think, feel... to Me, that's a mirical... Could I explain it all away, scientifically... of course.. so some degree.. but eventually, you'll get to something the best scientists don't even know... Then, we'll you're in the territory of faith...

JoeKur's photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:22 PM
No flammin' here man... not from me anyway...

that's why we call it Faith... if we had "Scientific" evidence, it wouldn't be faith, would it?

As for me, in all my years of scientific study, the more I know about the details of the facts of all sorts of things in the world, the more I know about the order, the organization, and the science behind all these things...

The more I'm Convinced there MUST be a God.

You're 18 and you're questioning the world... That's GREAT!

Perhaps if you were to take the case for Faith apart from religion you might have a different perspective.

BTW, you DO realize there's a difference between catholic (little C) and Catholic (BIG C), right... be sure to make the distiction when expressing a postulate.

Like Goofy said, the evidence is everywhere... and I'll tell ya, the more you dig into the evidence, scientifically, the more you'll realize there Must be a God.

I don't think I've hit exactly what you're saying, but I think this is a good start...

JoeKur's photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:17 PM
where ya from, dude?

JoeKur's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:46 PM
I was lookin' for an amen from someone else..

you're young, and now, you've got GREAT experience... if this works out, GREAT.. if it doesn't, you've got a LOT of life ahead of you... and women like Military guys... (as you can tell from the other posts)

don't be intimidated... just be cool... the LAST thing she wants is "intimidated." If things cool off, go out with one of the other dozen's of girls that are likely after you...