Community > Posts By > netuserlla

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:09 PM
I have been a die hard windows fan for years while exploreing the
gnu/linux distros. Now, Microsoft windows seems to be losing thier mind
with thier new OS, Vista. It is awsome as far as the visual aspect, but
it took microsoft untill Vista to add additions to thier OS, that most
Linux distros have had for years. This isn't including all of the
digital rights that Microsoft is taking away from us. People didn't
realize it as much with Win XP, but now with Win Vista, Microsoft is
starting to show thier true colors. Me being a local OEM, in the town
that I live, even small things matter. Really they always do. I can say
this also, most of my customer support that I have to deal with are on
the Windows boxes that people have. With Linux things just work. When
will people really realize they should get what they pay for, and
realize that they should at least try something that is FREE that works
BETTER without restrictions??????

reserch link no 1

reserch link no 2

netuserlla's photo
Sat 09/30/06 06:12 AM
I am sorry that you took me wrong miss jane. I simply ment that there
are alot of guys out there that would jump into bed with any girl that
would give them the time of day. That being the case, then it's the
woman that decides that it's time for bed. Again I am sorry, for your
misunderstanding, and my lack of clarity. I hope that this explains what
I ment a little better.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 09:26 PM
Lol. :) good one.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 09:21 PM
Thanks loves. I was just tring to give some advice for the future
and all and get attacked by some one that don't know me at all. But yes
daddy should support. That's the right thing to do. And if he was any
kind of man he would.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 09:13 PM
First of all I don't point things anywhere. I actually think and
consider my actions before I take them. Don't insult me because I have
made some good decisions for my life. And yes women do decide when the
sex is on, and I already see that some of women cain't even fathom that.
To straight up atack me shows your immaturty when you don't know me or
understand me or what I am saying. It is the prejudgement of others
that dooms us in the long run. Sure, all of us make mistakes, and that
is acceptiable. But to straight up challenge me in an intellect duel is
immature on your part. You don't know me. And for your also unknowing
imformation, I have been in love, married, and have had a kid before. He
was still born. That was one of the worst moments of my life.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 08:10 PM
Will. U R a true poet and should know it. I would like to hear more.
Perhaps start a poet topic so that all can enjoy your talents.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 07:27 PM
Yes. This is another example of true love, because it is

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 07:13 PM
Great opinion Jim. Good input. More people need to think about this
and the evils that 'men' do.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 07:07 PM
Yes. But it takes two people to make a child, and each has thier
duties that need to be performed. What people need to do is think about
the repercussions of thier actions before they do it. The dad is wrong
not to help, but it is just as much the fault of the mom. Of course
there are exceptions like rape, but I mean, who really decides when the
sex is on? The woman. I am not sexest, But truth is truth. And for the
record, I have no kids that need my support.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 06:35 PM
True. But the point is that It is all just a definition To make us
feel more comfortable about ourselves and our own sins. We should not
'feel' different about other peoples different variations of sins. For
all sin and fall short. Does that make it right? Hell no.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 06:12 PM
To start off, I don't believe in child mols, it is not right, but
in the chirstian view of things, If he made the sinners prayer, he is in
heaven. When Jesus saves a person, they are not only saved for thier
past sins, but also for the sins that they haven't done yet. If that is
not true, then none is saved at all. Because the death was for the past,
preasent, and future sins of all. We are in the future. That is Gods
promise in His Son, and His greatest gift. If you belive that even a Mol
should go to hell, then that's a reason to think that you should to,
because Jesus was sent to earth to save the sinners, the Gentiles, not
the Jews. It's the blood line not just the indivuals wrong and very bad
immoral decisions that they make. Sure it's not right, but we all do
wrongs. Orangially we were all going to hell. A sin is a sin. I am not a
Mol. It's not right. But would killing the child be worse? I think not.
Mankind puts the different degrees of sin on the table to make
themselves feel better about the sins that they have commited. There is
no worse sin or better sin, They are all bad. Does that make it right?
Hell No.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:01 PM
There are alot of ways to define true love. Many people have tried
through poetry, songs and such, But I think that true love can even be
plutonic. When sexual relations become envolved in the relationship too
early, It can really screw the relationship up, because the chemical
embalence of the brain starts viering toward a different direction. It
changes the way that people think. Some people think that after the
first time that they are sexual active with a person, that they are in
love. That is just a false feeling based on the over sensitive feelings
that they have recieved. True love is unconditional. In other words,
They love the person no matter what, and cain't see spending the rest of
thier life without them. With true love, you believe that you were born
into this life to spend the rest of your life with this this person.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 04:42 PM
War on terror is just another code word. Just like the war on drugs.
It's just another way for them to get the americian people to think the
way that they want them to think. Think about it, if there was really a
war on drugs, They would go to the other countries and remove the
druglords. That's why our borders are wide open. To me the war on terror
is a joke. If they were really serious, our borders would be secure. Any
tom, dick, or harry, can WALK across our border with any kind of agenda.
The top dogs want all the immigration and drugs in this country, because
that keeps all the wages low, and more drug busts for cash, so that they
can just get rich quicker. To them, even the dissolveness of this
country, is just another price to pay for thier greed.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 04:26 PM
It has been awhile since I have been digging around on this site,
but the only way that I know how to is ask Vanchu if he will add a serch
box to the site.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 04:23 PM
I'm online right now.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 04:21 PM
This is a very good topic that I really don't want to go too deep
but, suffice it to say that our country, the way that it was ment to be,
died a long time ago.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 09/29/06 06:02 AM
Lol. Thanks for the info. I'm sure that that will help some people,
But I don't run windows, and I don't think that my OS could be a
carrier. LOL

netuserlla's photo
Wed 08/23/06 06:16 AM
I have talked to a girl in west africa. She said that she was stranded.
I didn't go into elaborate detail with her about her situation, but I'm
not talking to her anymore anyway.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 08/22/06 10:28 PM
If she is still in the dateing scene after she is involved with you,
It seems as if she is still looking for someone else; a hint that
it's not you. If this is true, then maybe you can learn from your
mistakes on this go around, and make better decisions next time. I have
been through expirences myself. My advice would be to try and make sure
that you get to know them at least a little better than you think you

netuserlla's photo
Mon 08/21/06 04:55 PM
This is a very great thread lloudogg. It seems that you have alot
of great insite in on this thing. You are right that people look on the
outside first, for what they are looking for. Only to realize later that
it's the inside that they need to look at. That's where they will truely
find what they are looking for.