Community > Posts By > netuserlla

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/20/07 07:38 PM
Well if it don't work, and you have win XP then the system restore
thing might work for you.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/20/07 07:30 PM
True that Kevin.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/20/07 07:27 PM
I'm sorry, but I am not too familiar with ZAPP. I do however know a
bit about MP3s. Are you downloading the MP3s off of the net, or are you
coping them off of a disk? Was it your internet connection that went
down, or just the programs connection to the net(for the download)? ONE
possible solution to your problem if all else fails, assumeing, I guess,
that it might be the program in question, that if you have a version of
windows that supports it, then you might be able to do a system restore
back to the point before you installed the program. I hope this might
help you.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/20/07 05:04 PM
I am a capricorn. I know little about this, but I think that this is a
good sign.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/20/07 04:58 PM
I think that children are in Hook, Line, and Sinker. I think that
brianwashing a child in a positive aspect that introduces and instills
good moral values into the child is a good thing. A childs mind is like
a sponge, that absorbs all of it's surroundings like water.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/20/07 04:45 PM
LOL Kev. World of warcraft has been around for awhile though. I
remember before it was popular. I even had the demo then. But, since
this is a new thread, logic assumes that WoW would have to referr to
Vista. That is unless of course there is a new Wow that I haven't heard
of yet. I guess only kabukan knows what the reference is. Kabukan

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/20/07 04:32 PM
WoW can mean alot of things that are popular. Including World of
Warcraft. But, I think the newest def. for Wow lies in the new Windows
Vista Operating system. They tried is on for size on the WinXp OS. It
fits better with Vista though. I do have a Win Vista PC, and I have to
say that is cool with all of the features that it has.If it was more
stable and bugless, and not made with windows standards that is.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/20/07 04:23 PM
Sorry CCG. I didn't mean that you said that God was evil. I was just
tring to make the point that I believe in free will. I think that we
have to. But there is a certain 'kind of destiny' for sure.
According to the beliefs of the bible, the two wittnesses that never
saw death will come back at the apointed time and preach again. Speaking
in 'Real Tongues' so that everyone can understand what they are saying
no matter what language anyone speaks. Thier destiny is suppose to die
at the hands of the antichrist only when God appoints the time right.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/20/07 05:07 AM
Science is on a continuious questionallity. It has to be so that it can
evolve. But according the the biggest student of the time line of the
christian faith, the earth is not as old as it is. But its older. And
yes we can date back alot longer than that. Our star itself is over 250
billion years old, and is only a mid life star. But time is a
'man/woman' thing. Because God does not exist in our space time reality.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/20/07 04:53 AM
According to the law the churches are just another business that are
exempt from most taxes.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/20/07 04:40 AM
Let me get this straight. God being all knowing, creates us.If destiny
is injected in this, and God knowing that he is creating something evil,
and know that it is evil, then why would He create someone like that.
(creating evil is an evil act)Just so He would have someone to punish?
And what about the sorry saps that were created to be evil, can they not
choose what to be? The bible does say that we can choose life or death.
I beleive that God is all love. I don't think that God is evil.

netuserlla's photo
Mon 03/19/07 09:27 PM
Thanks for the comments, oh and sorry about the 'Mr'. I am a bad typer
as well as speller.

netuserlla's photo
Mon 03/19/07 09:01 PM
Thank you Mr. Redykeulous, I stand corrected. I guess more accurately I
should have addedd 'that still exists today'.

netuserlla's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:15 PM
By the way, I forgot to answer my own question. It was the first one God
religion. Cathloic. The same ones responsible for voteing 'in' the books
of the bible, and the same ones for hiding books 'from' the bible.

netuserlla's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:11 PM
Yes. Satin walks into the holy temple and basicly props his feet up on
the holy alter and says I am god. Even the two profits that never saw
death prophsie this. Also, of course God knows all. He is pure energy
whitch exits every where all the time, but I think that this just all
brings us back around to the thought that we are all good and evil. Just
like protons and neutrons. It is the negetive and positive forces just
pulling and pushing on each other. It is in our nature. Because we have
been seperated. But in the end we all realize that we are all really all
one in the same. The very iron in our blood is the result of a once
existing star, and the very metal we know as gold would not even exit on
our planet if it weren't for a star that exploded years ago.

netuserlla's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:24 PM
Cool. But how evil is it for God to predestine 'Hell' for His
children. That does sound bad. All this is very interesting to me. I do
believe in 'some kind' of destiney, but I do believe in our choices
more. (that free will thing), because reality only exists when thought
has been entered into the equation. So, I believe that maybe I am here
to maybe relieve alot of the misconceptions that the non-understanding
man/woman may have about the real truth of God. I think too much has
been twisted by man. There are still missing books from the Bible. Or
maybe they are not missing at all. Just not included. What was the first
One God based reglion?

netuserlla's photo
Mon 03/19/07 06:55 PM
Very good Christin Country Girl. In assumeing your out of context
words say what I think that they are saying, then I thought that God the
Father was God and Father of everything, and that He is pure good. How
can pure good create evil? In a way I think that we are the evil. We
just have to have some entity to blame our faults on. Perhaps another
one of the fathers creations from himself. Because we humans are quick,
and know that it is easier, to place the blame eleswhere besides us. God
loves each and everyone of us. Because we all are a part of Him. And no
matter how evil we are, (some of us are really messed up), He will still
be there waiting for us with open arms. TRUTH. Not interputations that
someone has taught. Gods truth expands alot more than just a few books.

netuserlla's photo
Mon 03/19/07 05:43 PM
How do you think that you are going to get any thing for free. The
money grabbers have to get payed some how, advertiseing. That's all AOL
is good for now. You couldn't pay me to use AOL. As a matter a fact they
should be paying you to use AOL. Besides, you really just about have
more security built into your OS. So why do you need a third party APP.
Oh you use Windows. Sorry. Besides, I think that dial up should be free
anyway. I have said that for years. What a joke. Especially since the
Net evolved to 2.0, you cain't even access half of it without broadband.
I love cable net. But even it is slow compared to T1 or even IDE.

netuserlla's photo
Mon 03/19/07 05:04 PM
I am in alot of agreement with you MD. I don't believe that God can
or will send anyone to hell. This is what I don't get about the logical
aspect about reglion. (Where I don't think that there is much logic.) By
placeing anyone into a dungen of fire to burn for any peorid of time,
then that would make you an evil person/being. If God is all good all
the time, then that is a contradiction. I think that God is all Love.
Pure Love. And since He loves all of us, then he could not torcher any
of us for any thing, or in antway. Why? Not just because He created us,
but because we are a part of Him. All of us is a part of each other. We
just seperate our selves from each other and everything. Everything is a
part of everything else. And to say we are not, than we are selfish.
One of my layman term examples, that prove that we all are a part of
everything, that will help others understand is that, on an atomic
level, the trees are a part of us and we them. We breath in Oxygen and
exhale Carbon Dioxide. Trees inhale Carbon Dioxide and exhale Oxygen. So
this exchange of molecules makes us a part of each other. Everyone and
everything is connected. I could go on and on, but this is not my
thread. But, if any one is courious about my reglious or scientific
philosophies, then feel free to ask. I am an expert in these fields, and
have the paper to back it up. I'm sorry if I have stepped on any toes or
anything, but I just want to help people understand, while they teach me
even more that I know. There is always Something that you can learn from

netuserlla's photo
Sun 03/18/07 07:10 AM
I'm sorry, more accurately it is a Unix derivative. Apple has found a
way to use other peoples code, improve upon it, then hord the code to
themselves, legally. For the record, it's still better than microsoft.