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Palghat's photo
Mon 12/31/18 05:32 PM

or Happy New 2019 Already..:wink:

Lovely, lovely picture Mystial ..

Happy New Year Mingle Friends,
I don't know how 2018 slipped out,
like money out of pocket!!

Palghat's photo
Sat 12/29/18 12:52 PM

I see your point. The chart seems obscure

May be you have the right figures?

Palghat's photo
Sat 12/29/18 10:43 AM
Edited by Palghat on Sat 12/29/18 10:46 AM

Angela Merkel's Europe? Wtf. Why do some people refer to us as a continent? I'm British, therefore I'm from Europe, but Angela Merkel has sweet f.a. to do with us. Well the whole brexit thing aside.

As for how'd they pay for the 'Berlin' , cough, sorry, 'Mexican' wall. Well how about using U.S. dollars that were given to some people in exchange for various products that are grown? Whether they're considered legal or not. Oh no wait, that doesn't fit the agenda.

Brexit aside, it may fire up your spirits to know that Indians don't view England as part of Europe or part of anything. England stands as England since the time when William Tyndale translated the Bible in English and England declared their religious independence from the Vatican. (Henry VIII leveraged on it). Others may be part of England, and in some sense the Commonwealth nations still are.

Correct me if I'm wrong but England became Britain after Newton re-aligned the planets to circle the Sun. Since then Britannica ruled the seas. (The Scots didn't want to be left out.)

Brexit is because Britain does not want to pay their share for NATO as Trump insists.

As from the chart, major part of the 700 billion (if US pulls out) will have to be borne by the British people. (Somebody forgot to tell Europe that the Soviet Union no longer exits.)

Trump saw that Crimea's annexation was just a bogey for taxpayers money. The problem is with the old deep state.

Palghat's photo
Fri 12/28/18 05:19 PM
I found it interesting how Indian Media got hold of the conversation clip (from US official and others) while it remained unreported in US media.

Wait, so they can do with LESS help what they couldnt do with MORE? ..., not buying it.

ha ha, maybe President Erdogan is asking himself the same.

Will have to wait and see how this plays out with the Russians. Putin has protested saying he wants Assad to remain. I think he may agree to co-op this time.

Palghat's photo
Fri 12/28/18 08:33 AM

Promises to keep: Border Wall - that I'm informed is for 2019

Trump has offered a deal to AMLO:

We intend taking back our companies and jobs so foolishly sent to Mexico.

Either you build (finish) the Wall or we will go back to pre-NAFTA

Palghat's photo
Fri 12/28/18 08:18 AM

In the phone call two weeks ago, Trump was expected to deliver a standard warning to the Turkish president over his plan to launch a cross-border attack targeting U.S.-backed Kurdish forces in northeast Syria, U.S. officials say. Instead, in the course of the conversation Trump reshaped U.S. policy in the Middle East.

According the Turkish account:

Trump asked: 'If we withdraw our soldiers, can you clean up ISIS?',
Erdogan replied, “Yes, my forces can complete the job”

"Then you do it," Trump told him abruptly.

To his national security adviser John Bolton, also on the call, Trump said: "Start work for the withdrawal of U.S. ..

2000 US troops may have returned to celebrate the New Year in their homes.

Palghat's photo
Mon 12/24/18 11:31 PM
I'm not sure whether American citizens realize that applying Sanctions on a small nation like Ivory Coast is not the same as on Russia. It is a slow burn down of necessities that leads on to impoverishing civilians. The same technique that General Grant followed when his army burnt down farm crops. In other words, war. The modern armchair term for this is Sanctions.

Now why would US do that; apply Sanctions on IC since 2010?

The official reason is Child Labor. The fact is that the Chocolate Manufacturers Association need the cocoa but have been embarrassed by NGOs, time and again.

So 'child labor' was rephrased as child slavery.

The real reason?

IC's other export: diamonds.

In 2011 the U.N. applied sanctions citing diamond conflicts between the tribes!! But the bloody clash for diamonds has been ongoing since the French left the country in 1960

Oh yeah, diamonds are a girl's best friends.

Palghat's photo
Sun 12/23/18 07:43 PM
Edited by Palghat on Sun 12/23/18 07:52 PM

...The immigration process does NOT take the most in need or the poor.

The immigration process REQUIRES a sponsor, either of employers who are looking for specially skilled labor or family and friends who can show they are financially able to support the immigrant.

So, 'doing it legally' is not such an option for those who are truly desperate to try to improve their lot in life.

The basic point is if not legally, then the flood.

Let's say the gate is open for Hondurans in 2019. Estimated inflow of refugees (from South America): 1 million in 2019

Also sets precedent for the 2 billion below poverty line people: Africans (mainly); Asians, (Syrians, Chinese, Indians and so on); to find passage through S. America. (Immigrants have been already doing this through Canada's borders. Ask Elton Musk)

So the point is if the Gate is open to S. Americans it must be left open for rest-of-world; including those in Angela Merkel's Europe.

Yes, it is a complex issue which makes the point in having a wall go beyond illegal everything: drugs, contract crime in-ways and getaways and so on.

It goes to, if America has to be a benefactor to the world, can it do it by infecting itself or by staying economically healthy?

Palghat's photo
Sun 12/23/18 07:00 PM
Edited by Palghat on Sun 12/23/18 07:07 PM

Immigrants are fine. Do it legally. Sneaking in, only tells me you're hiding something. People gripe about the wall. Trump HAS been saying there will be gates in it. Why hasn't anyone asked what would happen after the wall is built? Has it occured to anyone that he just might streamline the process after it's up?

Jeez. Most of you take him for a complete idiot. He isn't, by a long shot. The man plans. He's looking down the road to our future. He knows that we need menial labor. Much to your dismay, one must start at the bottom and work their way up.

Just suppose, for a minute, that you came to this country and legally got in. You get a job, low on the ladder to get started. You stick with it, and advance. You don't worry about being found, arrested and deported. You get to concentrate on getting ahead. Gee, WHAT a novel idea!

Sneek in. Not only are you trying to get work, but you're also looking over your shoulder for anyone that may turn you in. If your boss knows this, (And doesn't fire you) he has power over you. You work for cheap. He knows you can't just quit and go get another job. He's got you between a rock and a hard place. I doubt any of you want to live a life on the run.

Try thinking past the end of your nose. There just might be some benefits to the wall. Give into the wall, you give him a chance to work on things that could greatly improve our country. More in, more working legally, more tax dollars to spend. How hard is it to figure out that one?

I must say this is a very coherent, non partisan view of the issue.

In fact you are being super good by not repeating on the basic benefit from the wall: stopping illegal everything: drugs, in-ways and getaways for contract crime, money laundering and so on.

The big question now, how would Mexico pay for the Wall; or a small portion of it - even for symbolic reasons.

Palghat's photo
Sun 12/23/18 03:48 AM
Edited by Palghat on Sun 12/23/18 03:51 AM
The view from outside the Box is:

For a very long time the Chinese and the Pakistanis had used Americans as their cash cow

In 2016, the Chinese had a $366 billion trade surplus and had taken away 5 million manufacturing jobs.

During the election campaign Trump had promised penal tariffs on Chinese goods

Promises Kept:
1) In 2017, 2 million jobs were added and some famous Chinese electronics begged to be let off as that would cost China a million jobs. Of course, in the absence of cheap raw goods, there will be some withdrawal pains.

2) In 2018 tariff applied on 200 billion Chinese goods.


Promises to keep: Border Wall - that I'm informed is for 2019

Palghat's photo
Tue 12/18/18 08:03 PM
Bamboo Homes in Vietnam, hmm

Bamboo roofs and bamboo walls

Except for the creaking sounds at night.

Palghat's photo
Tue 12/18/18 04:08 AM
I'm assuming both gentlemen in the picture are elected MPs from Netherlands and from your link: that Geert Wilders was arrested and on trial for protesting that the Country has rejected asylum for a Christian woman from Pakistan - Asia - while allowing in thousands of Muslims.

In my opinion the real defenders of democracy are in Pakistan where there is none. It being a controlled by a shadow government of the Military and Muslim religious bodies.

Pakistan's Dawn report: Asia bibi stated she had a quarrel with Mafia and Asma on June 14, 2009, over their refusal to drink water bought for them by Asia bibi because she was Christian.

Background Story:
The women had a fight and traded remarks over Christianity and Islam. Asia was beaten up by mobs on 2 occasions and then arrested by P Police and in custody since then.

November 2010, a trail court sentenced Asia to death under Pakistan's Penal Code.

In 2011, Punjab Governor Taseer voiced his support for Asia and spoke against the blasphemy law. He was then assassinated by his Guard for his comments.

Then, Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistan’s Minister for Minorities, was also killed in 2011, after seeking justice for Asia.

In October 2014, Lahore High court upheld the verdict of death penalty by the trail court.

In October 2018, the Supreme Court overturned the verdicts.

Now the SC judge is under death threat while the Pakistan Government is not allowing her to leave the Country.

So the defenders of democracy are these few and they are in Pakistan; unless of course one cannot be a defender if one is dead.

Palghat's photo
Thu 12/13/18 04:11 AM



Palghat's photo
Thu 12/13/18 01:14 AM

Second World War engulfed a third of the world and though the theater of the war was distant the people of Madras suffered in many ways.
But the greatest tragedy to the fabric of Madras happened when corporators started worrying about what would happen if the bombs fell on the zoo and the lions and tigers got out. So the entire collection of carnivorous animals were shot dead by a platoon of the Malabar police.
--- --- from an article in The Hindu by Historian V Rama Krishnan

Anybody know what happened to the Zoos in Europe during WWII ?

Palghat's photo
Mon 12/10/18 05:52 AM
Edited by Palghat on Mon 12/10/18 06:00 AM

In South Africa, apartment complexes from recycled containers have a market.

Not architectural? I'm pushing it in the Instant category! smile2

Palghat's photo
Sun 12/09/18 09:51 PM
Read about it being part of the gear supply to British troops

keeps the dust from getting into gun muzzles.

Palghat's photo
Sun 12/09/18 09:24 PM
Edited by Palghat on Sun 12/09/18 09:25 PM

Elephants shouldn't be tamed ...
What do people think about this....

Couldn't agree more.

Captive elephants are not allowed to mate... for obvious reasons
It's a fine slave trade.

Maybe it's the internet, cause two of the temples (in the State where the pictures are from) have banned elephant processions this year.

Palghat's photo
Sun 12/09/18 09:11 PM

Mark Gungor reveals the tiny secret place in men's brain

Palghat's photo
Sun 12/09/18 09:37 AM
I understand

We may say this comes under the 'Options' category
One may laugh or not ..
the Joker is laughing.

Palghat's photo
Sun 12/09/18 09:19 AM

Elephants are cool.

Although African elephants have their freedom (issue: ivory poachers) Indian elephants live differently; I think nearly 10% are in captivity.

Fortunately banned since last year; after decades old court battles.

We still have the temple elephants; all well behaved - this is what the Public sees.

But the Taming Process - is another story, being going on for centuries.

See the blue shirt holding up the spike (threatening the female). He wouldn't try it on the bulls. Then how(?) is a long story.