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Palghat's photo
Tue 01/29/19 03:46 AM
Edited by Palghat on Tue 01/29/19 04:26 AM
t's been almost 5 month since my ex ran off and took our two children.

I like the way men think (including myself) that children belong to us. I also like the way we men say 'my ex'. A woman's point of view, if she has children and is not married to the father, let's get real - is hell. Having stated this let's look for solutions.

To OP,
I don't know your circumstances so I write generally (somebody may benefit from my experience).

1. Mindset
By Law you have no legal rights; unless you are living in a commune where children belong to the commune. Remember what Hillary said: 'It takes a village to bring up a Child'. I believe she was referring to native Americans.

2. The Trend:
Can the Law be changed? There is a rising trend, so it's a Yes and No.

All races seem to demonstrate a desire to get married roughly equally, says Wang, but the proportion of black Americans who never married is rising sharply. Among whites and Hispanics, the proportion of adults who never married is double what it was in 1960. Among blacks over 25, the figure has quadrupled (36 percent now v. 9 percent then).

Also notable: more blacks than whites say marriage is important for two people who want to spend their lives together
- Pews Survey

Pews Survey is incomplete in the sense it does not cover men who were married and now divorced or separated.

As I said earlier, all of these may not apply to any reader personally but while on this topic, the following also needs to be covered.

3. Financial Stability:
Number 1 reason most women having children 'run away': boy friend is undependable financially.

Note: If a person is unemployed for 2 months in a year, the woman's support group will label him as undependable. So your GF may adore you but the real problem is her 'WSG'. (I lost my job twice, from the same employer(!) during the period of separation)

Sorry, the WSG is right, what's wrong is our mindset.

4. The Law: Going uphill to the Law may not be in long term interests of both parties. The Law demands 1) Proof of Paternity (covered). Visiting your child under supervision is worse than no visit. (A man may lose his self respect, no problem but not in front of his child; it devastates ..)

5. Survival: On Proof of Paternity the Law demands 2) Child Support (Liability).
Small businesses lay off people routinely. The man may be willing to pay during this say 2 month period; but in reality it leaves no cushion.

Re-evaluate present job / lifestyle over the next 20 years (till the kids are in college years). Join up a Group. Opens up new fronts.

(Have M2 start a society: fathers anonymous, why not?)

Meantime Give her space - she deserves it. The kids can manage till around 5 or so.

I got my second chance with my kid after I went to Saudi and paid for her college. I lost this second chance after I blamed my Ex for all the evil that ensued in my life.

I joined up with a management institute; opened my eyes. A new beginning

Needless to say, I wish every father living in 'suspended sentence' the very best.
If any thing I have said has hurt anybody, my apologies in advance. Sometimes there is no other way than saying as is.

I trust Mr. T has no problem with my post.

Palghat's photo
Sat 01/26/19 02:29 AM

Chinese Cotton sprouting on the moon.

It has been reported that the small plants were unable to survive the cold lunar night.

The plant's may not interest us as much as the cradle in which the seeds sprouted.

For a bit more on the cradle:

The Chinese have always maintained that they have a 100 Year Plan; and they probably rework it every 10 years. Probably more interesting farm experiments in future?

Palghat's photo
Thu 01/24/19 07:53 AM
Edited by Palghat on Thu 01/24/19 08:00 AM

Why do you think I get MY news from Aljazeera and not CNN or the Washington Post?

AlJazeera was among the first channels to cover 9/11 live!!
(Saw it in Saudi Arabia; thought it was some comic strip)

Ok, they seem to be neutral on both parties: Reps and Dems.
On world news, they do have some of their own agendas.

According to Reuters,
Pelosi delays State of Union address
(A much awaited event the world over)
Trump threatens, then accepts.

“Again, I look forward to welcoming you to the House on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened,” Pelosi said to Trump in a letter.

U.S. President Donald Trump said in a late night Tweet on Wednesday that he would delay a State of the Union address until the government shutdown was over, responding to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's move to obstruct his plans for the speech.

The way I see it, the President (in his own way) agrees with Speaker Pelosi

Palghat's photo
Thu 01/24/19 07:17 AM
Just following up in the interest of young Mingle Ladies because I find that most women don't maintain a clear head or per-maturely confront the stalker thereby escalating danger. Cops generally step in after an incident (true the world over). The immediate objective is to know who you are dealing with and doesn't cost much. Here is the routine.

1. Write down locations, time and number of people in gang; as exact as you can get and include their comments

2. Inform people you trust; even if they are neighbors, ladies; or even over phone. If nothing else, this clears your head.

3. Carefully plan counter-surveillance over stalkers. Get two friends, preferably one who drives a truck (or even ladies, undercover) to take at least two videos from across the street; or in a mall. Do not even look or nod in their direction and put your friends at risk.

4. From the video, identify the alpha males, or gang leaders (generally 2)

5. Have a private detective agency contact you (preferably run by an ex-cop). Give them a copy of the videos and have them locate the name and address of the leaders. The agency can also provide records if any. The agency should gather sufficient material to file a complaint. May cost around $500. (Scan their report including receipt and save it in your Email account)

Now don't get confident. Take somebody with you (not your boyfriend) if you are going to the station. Cops generally resent filing a complaint much less an FIR. They may grill you instead, as if you are the troublemaker.

In my limited experience gangs involved in pedaling drugs, etc., don't stalk women. The agency report is therefore important.

Palghat's photo
Wed 01/23/19 07:18 AM

What have your experiences been as a

targeted individual?

The pattern in gang stalking is similar to pack hunting.

1. Day Gangs: Teenagers having one car
Target: Women living alone in quiet neighborhoods - the teens don't live in same area but hangout / cruise through
Target appears hot: For instance a Florida woman who's moved into Virginia would stand out by her casual attire.
Daytime casing - A teen knocks, the gang flows into the house.
Police Response: Woman is at fault since they cannot arrest the neighborhood lot of juveniles

2. Night Gangs: Men in twenties, normally 2 cars, gang size 6 to 8
Target: Woman with car breakdown, or stranded, say at a gas station
Target is worn down waiting for help that may be delayed
Category: hunting, quick (not exactly stalking)

3. Targeted Stalking:
Gang: Local or in extended neighborhood
Target: Local
Target cannot complain to police since gang members are sons of neighbors, or
Target's profession does not evoke empathy from neighbors.
Multiple forced entries till eventually target shifts out of neighborhood

Note: Normally, stalkers avoid carrying guns although sometimes a fool has a weapon hidden somewhere. Gang stalking is all about wearing down the target.

Advise: As Tom says: Relocate immediately and silently.

Palghat's photo
Fri 01/18/19 08:01 AM
NATO nations increased their expenditure by 22 billion in 2017 - date of chart
by 46 billion in 2018
and expected to further increase in 2019

All since Trump asked NATO leaders to meet the 2% GDP quota - since Day One.

If one looks at the earlier chart, Germany with her leading economy was contributing 1.2%. Merkel will now meet her share.

Palghat's photo
Wed 01/16/19 06:20 PM
Edited by Palghat on Wed 01/16/19 06:21 PM
Hi Neelamz,
I understood what you were saying,
and i began to know more as it made me think on and off (for two days):
how difficult it is for guys in their teens and twenties
to break out of self love and expand to loving another.

What has changed after decades? I asked. Nothing much except sugar-coating'
As you know most blokes are poor in poetry. What they say and mean are different things. At best after sugar coating it would amount to this:

You are Beautiful,
You are kind,
You are also lucky, you know
to get me!

Hello! what lemonade is this? Shucks.

But as I said, your write up made me think for a day or two and by chance, I listened to W. D. Ehrhart on Youtube talking about his Vietnam days. He says he was 19 when he left for Vietnam and left behind his girl. Her picture kept him going, became an icon in his mind. So when he returned it was important for him to trace her (rest of story i don't know, it may be in his book)

which brings me to my random thought:
I see a picture by random in Mingle or by Google
In this case was moved by J Riorden's smile
found, she had died,

what is this, this law of attraction, this foolishness
the girl has moved on
the ache does not leave, so easily
as you may have guessed,
Riorden's smile reminded me of someone else


So while a few members may strongly advise, 'stay away from him'
I have some reservations. Give the bloke a second chance
for being honest;
difficult to get along but the day he submits he loves you
you can be sure. right?

If i write more, Rosie will definitely throw me out.

Palghat's photo
Wed 01/16/19 03:38 AM
Edited by Palghat on Wed 01/16/19 03:40 AM

Me: Then you should be kept in a zoo for your safety or else you will become extinct!

Ouch, sounds like my mother.

I looked for Holly Riordan
and Google showed me Jennifer Riordan's picture
she died ..,


Palghat's photo
Mon 01/14/19 11:27 PM
Edited by Palghat on Mon 01/14/19 11:28 PM
Hundreds of non humans milling about during the war

Stray dogs, horses, foxes, you name it.
Everybody wanted a pet.
You've no mother, father, sisters, you're all alone, you might die..,
so of course you find something to love ...
I remember a bloke who had a ferret, and used to have it under his khaki shirt
and the head would appear.
says Krysttyna Ivell, 83 year old Polish refugee

It's the story of Corporal Wajtek in the Polish Army that deserves attention;
(the army which got hit from all sides, first the Germans then the Russians)

When the men were struggling, he would come over, grab a metal crate (artillery)
and carry it to the truck; or stack the crates so the men didn't have to lift off
the ground. He used to do the heavy work, recalls the company NCO.

The problem came when the company had to move from Egypt to Italy. A 1944 journal entry says: the port authority is being difficult about the bear and monkey.

Yes, Corporal Wajtek was a Syrian bear who traveled to Palestine, Egypt & Italy
and yes, there was a monkey enlisted (rank unknown)

Palghat's photo
Sat 01/12/19 08:31 AM
Edited by Palghat on Sat 01/12/19 08:35 AM
If I waited long enough,
My darling would appear,
Moment she sees these rhymes
She may quite disappear

Should I write or should I not
Young Neelamz fate I share
O Hercules, Kick off this pen
The weight of earth I shall bear

Palghat's photo
Sat 01/12/19 08:12 AM
where have all the poets gone
they seem to vanish when i enter this room

ok, here's my If for today

If this old heart's strings somebody played
What great music would eschew?
Maybe like the old steam train
Chuck-a-cough; chuck-a-shoe

Palghat's photo
Sat 01/12/19 07:51 AM

Thanks guys! That's what I've been told. The problem is where do I go. I'm not the type to pick-up men. I used to work in a building with 3,000 people. I was out there everyday. No luck...what

Hi Spotted_One,
Break the rules. Dress up your CV, scout for a job outside of your health industry, even if you have wrong qualifications, have money and don't need one. Small businesses for part time work. This routine works in select places.

In my experience, one meets right people in unexpected places, I was never ready!!

Palghat's photo
Sat 01/12/19 07:12 AM

Sun is slightly off, a bit South.
Moon seems ok,
Australians in trouble?

Palghat's photo
Sat 01/12/19 07:05 AM
Edited by Palghat on Sat 01/12/19 07:30 AM

Good morning, fifty-somethings, plus!

Turned 50, four days ago. Some kind of milestone. So far, feels like a millstone. Ha ha ha ha.

Anyway, I have lived alone for so long at this point, I don't know if I really want anything other than an activity partner - that's NON-sexual for you folks scoring at home. Someone mellow, earthy and kind. Looks aren't a huge deal for me, but they're at least a little important. Would be nice to have someone to catch a movie with, share a meal, wander the occasional antique shop, spend time in the yard watching/making things grow. Hit the classic car shows, take in an occasional classical music concert, play the slots in the casinos, see the sights. Huge plus if she has her own golf clubs. Would rather she have no children - grown or otherwise, but would be okay with it if they are well and truly out on their own. Trying to find someone that can tick at least half of the boxes has proven difficult (if not impossible) on the conventional dating sites. So here I am. Let the discourse commence.

The only reason we have the 50+forum is, make's life easier for our Mods.

Fifty, not 40, not 45; not even 49; is when life begins. (free from games & all that). One does not have to shave, heck, no need for a shirt to enter Wendy's, a cap will suffice.

The specs seem wrong. A woman having her own golf clubs? Yeah, at West Point. Alternate to a woman with a paintbrush, nice view.

Palghat's photo
Thu 01/10/19 06:59 AM
Edited by Palghat on Thu 01/10/19 07:15 AM

If a moment is seized
like a rusty old bolt,
the clocks tock can be teased
with a tick tickling jolt.

Hi Techno,
I need your name, to legally steal this poem, for the kids,

Palghat's photo
Wed 01/09/19 07:18 PM

If my dog, reincarnated as human
Then how would he learn arithmetic
Bow is one and Wow is 2
Bow Wow Wow is two times two

If you are wondering where this came from, I met this elderly lady during this morning walk (It's 9 am now) and at a distance, she moved her hand slightly; so then we waved to each other. As we neared, she moved her hand slightly but in a different way. No words were exchanged and we crossed amiably. So if humans can play dumb and get along, why can't chimps pumped with some hormones in their brains, speak and dogs count?

Palghat's photo
Wed 01/09/19 02:25 AM

Or Inversely proportional

:smile: May be true.

Palghat's photo
Tue 01/08/19 10:48 AM

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And stay mysterious about the loss;
- Kipling's poem 'If'

Kipling as you may know was an English man who spent much of his life in British India when at that time, a young Englishmen could become rich virtually overnight. So the poem is of sorts on character building

In today's world, (after decades of character, that has not worked for me)
my If poem is..

If I had the knowledge I now have,
some thirty years ago
I would have married the girl who loved me,
although my pockets were empty

Still not so bad, there's abundance love here
To enjoy them as proxy

Palghat's photo
Tue 01/08/19 09:01 AM

and sleepless

And sleepless
Listening to the crickets
messages blocked by age bar
dropped my profile age from 80 to 60
"conscious" wont allow me any far
dreamless ...

Palghat's photo
Tue 01/08/19 08:42 AM
All right Daisy (if you are around)

you lost your winnings,
you can make a new beginning

first two lines of this stanza
I've abbreviated it so Google will not help